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Everything posted by theswingfixer

  1. The easiest golf swing is one that is void of compensation. Why would anyone tell you to 'reach out' and practice from a bad position???? Your problem is your spine angle. It is changing during the course of your swing. Establish good posture and stay there during your back and forward swings. Your spine is the "axis" that your body rotates around during the backswing and the forward swing. By the way.....It is NOT called a "downswing!" A drill that will allow the feeling of maintaining the 'axis' would be for you to assume your posture with your tail bone (your ass) up against a wall. Take tiny swings and allow the club to bottom out while your ass remains against the wall. Note: prove it to yourself.......while taking these tiny swings, pull your tail bone away from the wall and you'll notice that the club no longer bottoms out. g-luck. jpw
  2. It's NOt the equipment It's Not the equipment Please don't advise a player to bend the club upright or flat !!!
  3. You are a 20 hdcp. player and you're worried about 1 degree? You've got to be joking right?
  4. You should have photos of your set-up and at least 2 more of your backswing. 1 of which should be the top of your backswing. In looking at your forward swing........including impact, it is vividly clear (to me) that your arms are wayyyyy too far away from your body! I call this a disconnection. (arms working independent from the body) This disconnection is only a symptom. I believe that the "problem" lies in the above mentioned. Need pics. of set up end view and face on. jim