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Everything posted by danvillemac

  1. I was fitted for the clubs. 3* upright and 1.5" over. I think my arms are pretty much hanging straight down. I have been addressing the ball towards the toe of the club as a temporary fix, but I would like to get to the point that I don't have to manipulate my address position. The driver and long irons don't seem to be much of a problem, but my pitching wedge has a real tight wear pattern right on the heel!! Any suggestions would be aprreciated.
  2. I am consistently making contact towards the heel of the club. I have tried standing farther away from the ball, etc but nothing helps. This is getting very frustrating. fyi I'm 6'4" and a 6 hdcp. Suggestions Please!!!!
  3. I have dynamic gold lite s300 shafts 1.5" over. I tend to leave the irons out to the right. Would I be better off with a regular shaft? Where would I go to get them reshafted, spined, and fm'd?? I'm in the SF bay area. thanks for your help