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  1. My friend made a 33 on his ACT and can't decide whether to be a financial mangager or account -- or -- a veterinarian. What should I tell him?
  2. Frank Thomas says to putt your best you need a face - balanced putter. But Tiger and Ernie and a bunch of others who use Camerons (plumbers neck) are usually toe down. So does it really matter that much?
  3. freaknasty posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I putted with a putter that had a huge grip on it in a store recently, and I really liked it. I saw this grip at golfpride.com called the Jumbo Crown Putter Grip and it said it weighed 142 grams. If I put that on my Cameron, would it mess up the balance b/c it is so heavy? [/url]
  4. So is C9 bad? I mean I always thought they were a little heavy and wouldn't mind having them lighter, but will it mess up the balance?
  5. freaknasty posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    How can the 690 CBs and the MP32s (for example) both be a D2 swingweight when the MPs feel a ton lighter?
  6. freaknasty posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I just got my dad's 690 C.B. irons and he ordered them +1/2 inch length. I want to cut them down to standard and I wondered how much that will affect the weight of the clubs.