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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. do you actually leave the house with that outside?
  2. If I bring a half gallon of JD can I sleep on the floor ? if you bring half a gallon of JD I don't think anyone is going to be too concerned with where they are sleeping!
  3. I hate to do this... but I think I'll take monday off too! http://www.weather.com/weather/detail/29841?dayNum=4 sorry guys don't slit your wrists or anything...
  4. I have a few of the clip ones... they don't actually clip to your belt but the inside of your pocket... I like it plus you don't have it jingling around in your pocket... its right at your finger tips.
  5. I would really like to see Phil win it... how great would it be for him to hop right back to #2.
  6. Pal - I hope your O.K. - when you have a chance re-read your post from an outsiders view-plus imagine Cheech Marin(sp) in tight pants. I was laughing my ass off until I got to the blood part. I'll live but the pants are freaking tight! well compared to the relaxed look I normally sport. Am extremely glad the hear that pete . As I said above sorry for laughing about it . I know for a fact that it's not funny . Have been stuck a few time's myself . I only shared it in hopes you guys would get a laugh out of it b/c I know the guys I was with sure did!
  7. Pal - I hope your O.K. - when you have a chance re-read your post from an outsiders view-plus imagine Cheech Marin(sp) in tight pants. I was laughing my ass off until I got to the blood part. I'll live but the pants are freaking tight! well compared to the relaxed look I normally sport.
  8. warning do not carry SC divot tool in tight pants!!! I have been using a SC divot tool as a key chain for some time now, but just five minutes ago I ran intoa problem. At work I wear uniform pants which aren't exactly fitted in a modern fashion... read tight fitting. well I had my keys in my front pocket and went to step up onto a 3' ledge. As I did this the tightness of the pants forced the properly alined divot tool into my leg. Producing a woman like scream from me and a trickle of blood! Man it hurts!!
  9. while you are talking to geo you should get him to come over here and pimp his ware's! We don't really have a putter refinisher over here since Joe doesn't do it anymore... :cry: although he loves to tease us with some taste treates from time to time.
  10. Here is the link to CCC http://www.customclubcoatings.com/ I do not have the pics of the futura here - Pete you may be right as the pics on their site, ehile not clear, kind of look funky. I may stick to my original plan and instead of going black do like a tour satin. Here is the link to geo www.geoputters.com Just finished looking at both site's . If it was me I'd be sending it to geoputters . The finish looks much better . Also I would get a few extra's on the putter :wink: yeah some stampings would be hot!! It is at the engravers right now ! well I guess your one step ahead... I wrote an email to scotty about my putter... they forwarded it on tow Acushent... so time will tell.
  11. Here is the link to CCC http://www.customclubcoatings.com/ I do not have the pics of the futura here - Pete you may be right as the pics on their site, ehile not clear, kind of look funky. I may stick to my original plan and instead of going black do like a tour satin. Here is the link to geo www.geoputters.com Just finished looking at both site's . If it was me I'd be sending it to geoputters . The finish looks much better . Also I would get a few extra's on the putter :wink: yeah some stampings would be hot!!
  12. Here is the link to CCC http://www.customclubcoatings.com/ I do not have the pics of the futura here - Pete you may be right as the pics on their site, ehile not clear, kind of look funky. I may stick to my original plan and instead of going black do like a tour satin. Here is the link to geo www.geoputters.com tour satin sounds interesting... but once you go to a black putter you can never go back.
  13. Trust me I am tempted to order up two scratch wedges but for $350 - ouch - plus I tried Vokey's last year and went back to my Clevelands, I had theses babies for like 6 years - I may jut send them to the iron factory for a tour satin chrome finish and regrove and some spinner shafts. Or if I get a new job with some upfront $$ hello scratch - grind them like a Cleveland in Satin Chrome with just my initials on them with An S and a L on the sole's if possible- Man I be stylin. Putters - I use two a White hot # 1 and I am refinishing my Scotty - speaking of.... Help me out here boys : The guy at GEO putters keeps pushing - he is expensivfe though - Not sure if I should go for plating $60-$80 or powder coat paint for $25 from CCC. I saw some pics of CCC's work that was done on a Futura and man did it look good in black. powder coating looks strange on putters if you ask me.
  14. since I have been on this site I have changed 12 out of 14 clubs in my bag!! 11 out of 12 for me you only carry 12 clubs? btw I installed those Stinger Spikes in my shoes... after the wear out I'll give a full review.
  15. since I have been on this site I have changed 12 out of 14 clubs in my bag!!
  16. thats pretty good... but I still want my freaking Tour bag!! Whats up pete !!!!! Maybe it will be one of the prize's in the new contest . :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry pete for some reason I can't stop laughing about that ad :lol: :lol: Almost had myself under control but one look at that laughing smiliy sets me off again I caught that b/4 but did not want to bring it up after my Contest thread - Pete is that the club your originally wanted ? Man - I have an urge for a tour bag - maybe just a 9.5" AK , git the hot's for a Tour bag EH :!: Does it have to be a certain brand or can it just be any brand :?: Might have a line on a Mizuno if you were interested . Don't know what he would want for it , but do you want me to find out :?: TGW has TM' for like $120 and Clevelands for $150 - I am not too crazy about the Mizuno bag - if I can't dail in my 200 I may want a M-001 3 wood :lol: :lol: Okaly Dokaly . For that price I would go for one of them , this guy has never used it and I wouldn't have a clue on what he would want for it . Not to bis not too small http://www.tgw.com/customer/category/produ...ATEGORY_ID=3554 not too bad.. I got to wait for a birthday or other gift giving day then I am asking the rents to get me a staff bag... either TM or Titleist... not sure which one. Since I suck I was thinking about getting the name or initials on it... if you are good and you do it you lose your amature status!!! TALK ABOUT A LAME RULE!! I only found out b/c I have my initials in my bag and an old friend emailed me and told me he heard it is against the rules... well I had to do some research... its only against the rules if you are "a golfer of skill or reputation"!
  17. thats pretty good... but I still want my freaking Tour bag!! Whats up pete !!!!! Maybe it will be one of the prize's in the new contest . :lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry pete for some reason I can't stop laughing about that ad :lol: :lol: Almost had myself under control but one look at that laughing smiliy sets me off again I caught that b/4 but did not want to bring it up after my Contest thread - Pete is that the club your originally wanted ? Man - I have an urge for a tour bag - maybe just a 9.5" I was just hot of a players cb... needed to get off the Callaway train!!
  18. thats pretty good... but I still want my freaking Tour bag!!
  19. I am still waiting for Chris to get back to me on my Tourspecgolf Tour bag... I wonder whats taking him so long? Come on I am willing to give up my amature status to help this site!! thats a huge sacrafice!! And Chris gets all that publicity... and its not like I am a country club type guy, if I play the same course twice in one month it must be the closest one to my house. Think of the exposure... (come on guys you help me out here and you will be rewarded!!)
  20. any hotties at the new place? Saw a couple, did not have too much time to hang out as I haad to get back to the office. nice... the eye candy always reminds me why I am working out...
  21. any hotties at the new place?
  22. $43 dollars a year might as well be free... thats about 11 cents a day. I lose more than that in the seat of my car.
  23. the gym here sucks bigtime... no free weights!!! but they have an indoor track and lots of lonely housewives in spandex and its only $43 a year for residents.
  24. yeah I don't have a VCR or I would have stole it. I am sure they have the on dvd... oh yeah forgot the bonus... you get to stare at women in spandex without the old lady yelling at you!