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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. Ok well guys I didn't want to have to do this but... well I think its for the good of the group. Monday night my gym was closed, its a municiple gym, so after complaining on the phone to CarolinaBell she challanged me to do her kickboxing workout with her. So after doing all that I could with some dumbells I have at home and then ran for a little I went to her house to do the tape. It was a pretty good workout. It would probably make it better, as she pointed out, if I learned the workout since half my energy was spent on trying to follow the instructions. So if your lacking something to do I highly recommend one of them.
  2. I do not know how old you guys are - but I would advise you not to gain weight - it will come eventually - just get strong and stay strong. Pete - 20 pounds is allot - I hope you take mine I could afford to loose it. You speak the truth , the whole truth and nothing but the truth there AK . Christ at pete's age I was 6'2" 185 and not a once of fat . Now over 20 years later I'm still 6'2" but a lot heavier . I could loose 20 lb's and still be heavier then pete wants to be . :) But at least I hold it well :lol: yeah its all about how you carry it... I think my dads family is part bulldog... my dad and all his brothers are rather on the short side and stocky... my dad is 5'9" and about 230lb but no one would accuse him of being fat... maybe looking like a gorrilla but not fat.
  3. we always go out to buffets for lunch... talk about a test of will power. At a buffet I always feel like I'm getting ripped off if I don't get at least two plates...
  4. I do not know how old you guys are - but I would advise you not to gain weight - it will come eventually - just get strong and stay strong. Pete - 20 pounds is allot - I hope you take mine I could afford to loose it. very true... the twenty lbs is going to be over thge course of a year...
  5. thats a good idea... I have 2 of those cock covers around here!!! The aikens diet sounds like torture to me... I love my Pasta!!! 6'2" 190... that sounds lean to me... heck I'm 5'10" 190 trying to get to 210
  6. Its all about living the dream for the guys who use them... now there are other people who b/s/t them and make money off them. People collect a lot weirder things...
  7. dude!!! do the pilates!!! the track that I run on goes around the top of the gym and you can look down into all the exercise rooms. All those jazzercise, yoga, pilates classes are filled with hot chicks in spandex!!!! Sounds like the perfect way to play into a threesome if you ask me... something about exercise gets girls all horned up... I am telling you I see the way they look at me like piece of meat as I jog while they are taking a rest!
  8. No I am still here :P Thats funny Ak!!! I don't get why these people feel they need to come over here and spill there crap all over our little ole site... what is it jelousy... does Mr. 6000+ members feel threatened by our strong but few... or does he feel his monoply being challanged.... :wink:
  9. yep thats me in the bikini... :oops: I mean thats my girlfriend in my bikini.
  10. it could be a good thing... muscle more dense than fat!! I am trying to gain about 15lbs. No, no ... jeans are getting tight -not a good thing. I need to drop 30 by Memorial Day. The start of Bikini season. The hardest part of losing weight getting in shape ect. is the beginning. After you have instilled health habits and exercise routines its all down hill. I suggest taking a suppliment to help you get over the starting hump. It will show you results quickly which will give you positive reinforcement for your hard work. here is a good one for fat loss. http://bodybuilding.com/store/mt/hydroxyef.html http://bodybuilding.com/store/mt/hydroxyef.html
  11. it could be a good thing... muscle more dense than fat!! I am trying to gain about 15lbs.
  12. Even if you were to buy them from hippie chicks pete. ;rofl I all most fell out of my chair when I read that one :lol: :lol: well now we are talking hippie chicks again!! damn them and there hemp necklaces... they are like parasites I tell ya... but dangerous in that they seem cute and harmless but then boom one day you wake up and realize... I smell like pachouli! ;Eyecrazy
  13. ahhhh!!! although brand new this thread feels like an old lazyboy!!! I liked Sears for tools, except for power tools. Craftsman power tools suck!!
  14. phillypete replied to FAQ's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    what is it about this board that attracts people who vote for the 3rd one!! hehehehe :twisted:
  15. Well there are a few more factors figure into distance than weight and speed. First off you have a human control factor so you might as well throw out the physics and pick up the statistics book. like he said the weight of the club is a null factor in distance when compared with the magnitude of the other forces. Weight both dead and swing effect feel and thats it. By getting weights that fit your swing you will then maximize distance.
  16. Oh I'm not going to switch.. you of all people know how hard it is to find good clubs for south paws.
  17. what the!!!!! F*#**$#)#*)#$* this sucks I give up... people if you can figure out this pole software please post something like this...!!!!!!! GGRRRRR!! I swear I was able to post one pole right see the new and improved age polll!!!
  18. Who is most likely to Hijack your thread? (please base your votes per post)
  19. Gee thanks pete , go away for a few days and I get slammed with no way to defend myself till it is too late :lol: Boy and I thought you were a friend . :wink: hey I thought I put myself on there!!!! DAMN THIS POLL ENTERING THING!!!!!! :fire Sorry guys I'll try to fix it... :oops:
  20. the longer and weaker the shaft the more noticable small differences will become.
  21. four points you should be able to tell... thats almost a whole letter. but one or two... hardly distingushable.
  22. most people cannot detect the difference between a D2 and a D4 but they'll tell you when they are in a slump that it is because thier 5i is a half a swingweight light! :lol: total weight is more important in my opinion.
  23. phillypete replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Yep... if you hit fat mats will help you out. I have hit off mats so much this past month or so that I can tell really easily if I am hitting fat. If you are not sure take some wate put it on the mat where you will be placing your ball. On most mats this will allow you to see what your divot would look like. I know it works on those "Pro-Swing" mats. Also the mats with the tall "grass" will give you a pretty good idea if you are hitting fat.