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Everything posted by phillypete

  1. Hey Guys!! thanks for the email Mike! school has got me pinned to the wall, i haven't had time to think about golf lately. I'm still with my girl in GA. I'll try to get in the habit of checking back here more often... now I am going to go see what I have been missing out on...
  2. You guys will never believe what I did yesterday... I PLAYED GOLF!!!!! After our last Final a bunch of us grabbed some beer and hit the course. Ah what a great time! I love golf :love: the best thing was despite the huge amount of time I took off my game wasn't that bad... well the front nine was good, the back nine was a little drunk. The hardest part was judging distance, the course had really sparse markings... this combined with not being sure how far I hit my irons made for some interesting shots. I flew several greens. My driving was excellent. I only missed two fairways on the front. One I hit into a bunker and the other I tried to fade into a short dogleg but went straight and came to rest just beyond the fairway. My game from 100yrds in was terrible though but considering this I still managed 17 putts on the front nine. Two three putts, which I felt lucky to only take three, and I had a string of 3 1 putts which felt real nice. The hole where I hit into the bunker was real fun. my ball wasn't actually in the sand but on the front slope. I had about 120yrds to the green so I pulled a 5 iron figuring the slope would add loft to the club and landed it on the back of the green. It always feels real nice when things work out the way your planned. Like I said my short game was hurting. I only hit 3 greens on the front. and cause of that I shot 13 over. My score card as lots of doubles on 2 putts and bogeys on 1 putts. I had a triple b/c I sailed the green by 40yrds. We won't even get into the drunk mess on the back nine but it was a lot of fun. It feels good to be back. I got 3 weeks off so hopefully I'll get out again. the money is a litttle low though.
  3. I think the olymics needs to take note from the X-Games... the more scientific they try to make these sports like gymnastics the more trouble they get into. Its so boring to watch gymnastics, there is so little personality and expression to what they do. I think they need to loosen the reigns a little on these atheletes. I'd like to see freestyle gymnastics purely subjective scoring no requirements... and each athlete gets 3 tries and they keep the best score. And here is the bonus... as gymnasts push the limits since they get three tries brutal crashes will become a regular occurance... and everyone knows people love to watch other people beat the crap out of themselves.
  4. It seems things aren't so crystal clear... http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/olym...y.ap/index.html
  5. you are so far wrong on that buddy... haven't you ever heard of tequilla? When I read this I thought it smelled like some sort of pr stunt set-up by the Rainier people.
  6. Just find a forum for something ungolf related... your best bet is a video game forum or something else inhabited by teens with too much time on their hands... then just pillage. Sure we could talk about ethics but to that I say welcome to the internet... btw... I found my buddy Cheech on paintball forum.
  7. see I like scarry movies for the exact opposite reason... After watching them my life seems so much easier... So you think I should take my putter to see this movie... or should I just go straight for the holy water bath?
  8. Hi all... long time... i am just procrastinating during a break from this killer project. Uh this sucks I haven't been golfing in over 9 weeks. I am not sure I'd remember which end to hold. I hate school. Heck even if I had the time to golf I couldn't afford it here in the land of $40 muni's!
  9. I am freaking out... haven't played golf in 8 weeks! (we are talking not even gone to the range or practiced putting) and worse than that I haven't posted on tourspec in a long ass time! the reason... I have decided to change career plans. Out goes engineering and here comes photography. I have always been in love with cameras, and have some talent with one in my hand. I wanted to become an engineer because it paid well and I am good at math. I also was drawn to engineering because I saw a glimmer of creativity. I am by nature a creative person (part of the reason I like golf), I to feel like I am being creative in order to be happy. Well I have witnessed that glimmer of creativity squashed by corperate america. As many of you witnessed my last co-op consisted of being paied to post on Tourspec for about 6.5hrs a day. Good fun you might think. Yeah its cool for a little while, but after a while an overall sense of worthlessness sets in. And then to make matters worse I saw how truely worthless engineers are thought to be by large companies. As I sat in my cubical the department around me was disassembled. Great engineers who saved that company millions of dollars a year were fired to be replaced by a contracted engineering firm who had no experience in this business's field. I can't work thinking that no matter how good I am at what I do I can be replaced without the blink of an eye. Where is the reward? Is it to much to ask to have a job where my talents are appreciated? Where I might achieve something more than being an expense. So now I am setting off to become a photographer. I would like to work in documentary photojournalism, but I am not limiting myself. As long as my creativity can be used I'll be happy. So anyhow I have been busting my butt trying to get a foot in the door of the photography world. I have been reading and making contacts on the internet, I started working for the college news paper and am working on getting some freelance work. And guess what they have messageboards that make our golf ones look silly... check out this... www.sportsshooter.com You have to pay to post and they have a waiting list... and in order to get on the waiting list you have to be backed by a current member! The reason why is that the best of the best are on there day to day... could you imagine if Tourspec had Tiger and Phil dropping by to talk gear!
  10. Just had to post to make sure I remembered how to do this. I have been so busy... haven't play golf in 3 weeks!
  11. Oh geeze! :sad: You mean she is being considered by the Green party to run with that other guy who isn't Nader? Please for the love of all things good say the Democrats aren't really concidering her... National Heathcare... I like the idea, but haven't really looked into it. Right now health insurance is more unethical then loan sharking. HMO's are good for no one. The rules to some of these plans are rediculous and actually put people at risk of not recieving proper treatment even though they are fully covered. I think it might work out well to make health care professionals civil servants. That way any person can simply walk into a hospital and recieve the treatment they need. I have not really researched the topic, but I'd be really interested to hear from our Canadian brothers.
  12. If it comes from a Rocky movie it must be good!
  13. Here's my opinion... Get the Laguna off ebay... try it out for a few rounds... if you don't love... sell it on ebay... if you work it right you may even be able to turn a profit... then get the dfx.
  14. ok I am going to respond to myself.. I just realized why we have the choices we have in this current election... What kind of person actually deserving of the title of President of the United States would want to get involved in this mess we have here? Not I! This up coming term is a doomed term no matter who gets elected they will not be well liked. There is no clean and simple solution to our current situations, no matter what is done it is going to be messy and unpopular. I what I see happening is no matter which party gets elected in the next Presidential will be punished and there will be a huge swing to a very partisan Federal government. Which scares the sh1t out of me!
  15. Wow guys we are definitely hitting all new depths for golf message boards! You guys bring up some amazingly insiteful points. Mike what you are talking about in Canada is happening in America, but for different reasons. I see the youth of America, well all of America, becoming extremely disenfranchised with the Democratic process. I talk to a lot of people who feel that it really doesn't matter who they vote for. They feel like no matter who is in office they will do whatever the please, not represent their constituants. I think the proof is in the fact that in the last Presidential was decided by the Supreme Court and only a small minority were up in arms... Ok sure, the people who voted for the victor aren't going to raise their voice, but if you remember the majorty of America voted for a guy who is unemployed right now. So shouldn't the majorty be up in arms? but they are not... Why? Well from what I have observed people just don't care because either canidated was any better or worse than the others. When you ask people who they will be voting for in the coming election and then ask them why, they overwhelming reason given for their choice no matter who the choose is that they are the lesser of the two evils... Is this the way we should choose the leader of the "free" world? The lesser of two evils?
  16. I think a lot of people feel this way... and I think its ashame. Was this country built on the idea of people getting together and talking about the relavant issues. How are we as people supposed to enlighten oursevles to new ideas if everyone is scared of political discussion. Maybe because today it is so rare to find someone willing to admitt that they may be wrong. Everyone has these phanatic ties to parties that tell them how to think on every issue. They fall in rank and file behind their party to make them feel secure in their idea. Strength in numbers or comfort though conformity? The problem with this country is people are affraid to speak their mind, whatever thier stance may be, because its not the proper thing to do. For as long as I remember my parents told me not to discuss politics or religon with people. But aren't these the two subjects that should be discussed the most. Why are people so phantical that they cannot engage in a reasonable conversation without breaking into slander? Mike are things different ion Cananda? are people more willing to discuss politics and religon? Because its my theory that this is built into the US culture to keep the people nice and passive, easily to manipulate.
  17. I just wrote a huge response with some great humor about the political climate of the US but I decided not to get to close to any lines... I wonder if we could do a mature political thread. It only seems like a fun exercise of Democracy, and I could sure use some debate b/c I'm not sure which clown to vote for! I guess I should ask Chris...
  18. Whats up guys!! just got back from Augusta yesterday... what a relaxing trip! I didn't play as much golf as I would have liked, but sleeping in was a nice change. I played 18 holes one day... walked it in the 100+ heat and almost pasted out. Then I drank to much water while sitting waiting on a 2 hole back-up and felt really sick for the rest of the round. After my uncomfortable 18, I played 9 the next time I went out and had a blast. I hate Philly, I need to get out of this place! 4 more terms!
  19. Enjoy the vacation...can I get a job where I only work 8-1?.. she's a gymnastics instructor! :cool:
  20. well guys tomorrow after my last final I'll be driving to Augusta. I'll be there till the 20th and probably won't get around to posting... the woman doesn't have an internet connect... not that I won't be busy anyway :laugh: ! don't worry though I'll get plenty of time for golfing while I am down there... She works from 8-1. So I am going to try to play everyday! Although I might have to take a few days off for sleeping in. then June 21st hell starts all over again... ugh all this for a degree that I probably will never use.
  21. I put my quarters in the fingers of a surgical glove... it cost $1.25 per cylce... go skill to have if you ever find ourself down and out.
  22. I was really hoping he would hit the building... :sad:
  23. How about a life time expemtion on the Gutter Gang Tour... ya gotta love that! You have to win a major on that other tour to get a mere 5 years.
  24. yeah there pay service is called Itunes, it is integrated into thier music jukebox software of the same name. With Itunes you can see everyone's music collection on your network that uses Itunes. You can even stream it, however you can't download it. Well that is you can't unless you get yourself a handy program called getTunes that will download songs from others collections at network speed. Its nice b/c you know exactly what you are getting format and sample rate wise. Its also fast as lighting. I downloaded about 3 gigs during a lab once!
  25. Guess how many times Pete will click on the wrong TSG link in his browser before trashing the old one. I must have done it eight or ten times today... I even entered the new one, but I didn't get around to deleting the old one. The prize: nothing (What....I'm in college I have to rig the washer to save me a $1.00 when I wash something...)