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Everything posted by RichardLong

  1. Well I can't resist. I am a career lurker but a few thoughts... "Do you have any comments on Ishihara Forged? Open Model Use? Mr. Ishihara of MOZ is still alive? Softest Metal in Golf? " Out of the above, the Open Model Question and specific material of the product causes the greatest concern. These questions seem legitimate and it's strange that they are avoided by Ari at every turn. I would also say that there are several people out there, including myself, who have spent large sums of money on these wedges. If these were bought assuming the material was different or less rare than advertised, it's shameful. I think this is why you are running into so much bashing, it's easier to attack you then to believe you have been deceived by Ari after dropping 200-300 for a wedge forged by a Japanese master. I will also go on record to predict your results will verify your claim, then 1-3 days later Ari will publish something vague claiming that they are in fact 1018. I don't see closure for this coming soon. I appreciate you bringing these questions up. I don't want to believe it, but with each action by Scratch it's becoming more apparent some level of deception was present, now it's just a question of how far it goes.