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Everything posted by AKFLY

  1. Is a 983K going to replace the 500 ? What about the 3wood ? I hear you regarding the irons. My last round just sucked -period- :tired: I may reshaft the TM 300's - just not sure with what shaft - TFR's, DG, or ? Any suggestions.
  2. Feeling pretty good now , just a little lacking in energy ( any wisecracks about that and :punch: :-) ) . But I am feeling stronger everyday now so maybe next week will be back to normal :laugh: Al have been to New Orleans . Aug 98 , f**k was it ever hot but that made the beer all that much better . You hate dial up , now you know what I put up with when I am at home trying to do some stuff . I have to use it all the time and boy does it ever suck :mad: Mike, Good to hear that you are feeling better. :smile1: Just checked in for a bit. I do not start my new job until the 26th. So propably will not be around for a few more days.
  3. Al - have a great time. I just resigned from my job gave two weeks notice and got cut loose early - So I have a couple of weeks off. Off to Michigan, I also will not have access. Time to play.
  4. Chain...with the recent switch to the Fuji 6 I would expect that it would be hard to hit a fade period with that shaft considering you switched from a shaft that was 20+grams heavier and with 2° less torque. Have fun with the TS Which Scratch did you get ?
  5. Mike, They could always be bent back - never hurts to try. I am going to give them on more week before I have them bent down (lie) but since I reshafted I am not hooking them as much as I was with the s300's. True , can always bend them back . The Z's do come with a flatter lie than the 300 ( I think ) . If you are hooking them to much or even a pull hook then yes your lie's are to upright . One thing about the Z's they are real easy to bend . Work is now over :tired: Am going home to take a break from the computer . Am still having the lock up problems from my home computer so will be back on tomorrow , I just hope that tomorrow is a little slower than today . Later Mike ... Just an FYI the TS are 2° upright in comparison to the TM's. This new system is much slower - must be the link to the catalog.
  6. Mike, They could always be bent back - never hurts to try. I am going to give them on more week before I have them bent down (lie) but since I reshafted I am not hooking them as much as I was with the s300's.
  7. Mike ... I have been clubing a little more by about 5 yds depends on the hole. At the range my distance was about the same as the TM300's. The 3 iron flight may be my own doing - yes I know I suck :smile1: Mike thanks for the Pro V's - is the price right at $17.95 a sleeve Canadian ? Clubing by 5 yards ?? You mean longer or shorter than the 300 . You will have to be patiant with me as it has been an extremly long day here at work . :tired: You mean I forgot to take the tags off :whistle: :laugh: Yes that is the right price . But for me at least they are the best ball for the money spent . Have tried many different balls but none ever seem to last as long as the Pro V , so I figure I will spend about the same amount over the whole year wheather I buy Pro V's or some other ball . Pro V will give me at least 54 holes . I just started to go 5 yards shorter than the 300's - maybe that is why my putting is falling apart - too many long downhill putts - just kidding. I am trying to manage the course better - paying attention to where I am going to leave the ball. However when I am in between I still find myself hitting the shorter club - harder - especially on smaller greens.
  8. Mike ... I have been clubing a little more by about 5 yds depends on the hole. At the range my distance was about the same as the TM300's. The 3 iron flight may be my own doing - yes I know I suck :smile1: Mike thanks for the Pro V's - is the price right at $17.95 a sleeve Canadian ?
  9. Al - the z101's are great. I did put the PX shafts in them, except for the PW shaft that I need to get. The Z's are softer than the TM300's, and they are forgiving. I do like them better as the head size is much more compact than the 300's. I need to get back to a range and hit the long irons. I am not getting the trajectory with the 3 irons that I was with the TM300. I guess I really need to get a good routine for practicing my putting. Both on Friday and Sunday I just did not take any time prior to my rounds to work on it. I noticed the same with my driver lately. Since I do not play on a consistent basis I just need to have an all around practice at the range. Since I got my new irons that is all I wanted to hit.
  10. White hot is wet and cold in the bottom of a pond on 18. Sorry for the outburst - I do feel bad about it. :surprize: I just spent an 1 hour putting inside as I am doing a work related project. let the truth be known - time to practice............. ( yeah period) Chain - nice to see you back. Shoe and evreyone ------ please feel freee to provide advice and drills
  11. Putter :wah: :wah: :wah: :wah: I just had my personal worst putting experience. 9 -3 putts. :D :) For the first time in my life a putter left my bag with no return :money: Helps me out with some basic thoughts - I need to forget this experience that started late in my round Friday and killed me on Sunday.
  12. Shoe... the shaft may be a bit too stiiff, I tried a 660 TR in a X and it was just O.K. but then went to a stiff and picked up 10 yards. The 660 and the CBX are similiar in spec. My SS is 104 on avg. The conditions for a U.S. open seemed just a little too tough around the greens. I feel sorry for the members as they probably will not have a course for the rest of the year.
  13. I had a similar debate when I switched from S300’s to PX. Fist off I was fortunate to have a Flighted Rifle in a TM 300 6 iron to compare to the S300’s. The TFR did not give me the flight I wanted as I do hit it pretty high. The S300’s felt whippy and I had a tendency to hook when I went after it. I went with the 6.0 PX to try it and I am happy with it. Today, I compared the flight of my new TS Z101’s with DG S300’s vs. my TM 300’s with PX6.0. The PX 6.0 flight tapers off and keeps going. I much prefer the flight of the 6.0 PX. The 6.0 PX is stiffer than the DG S300 that worked out great for me as I wanted a shaft between a “S” and an “X”. And yes they do bounce to a 6.2 fully assembled. My clubs are D4 and my 5 iron plays to 38”. If you do not plan to do the work yourself get fitted by a club-maker that has gone through the “Royal” training program or get in touch with Joe K.
  14. Well I joined the Z101 gang. I got my Z's off of E bay (same guy as Al) but it took a couple of weeks to get them. Anyway, I hit the range this morning before work. Very impressive to say the least. Mine have S300's in them and I may just stick with them. After a couple of rounds I will put a full review and comparison to TM 300's.
  15. Results differ from person to person. If you need a shaft that gets your long irons up then get the TFR. If you have the $$$$ and like DG and want something different then get the PX. When I switched to PX I did not get a big gain in distance like some people claim.
  16. Well you used the driver did you not. See change the club selection. If you play a standard 5 iron then do not change the length. That is what is throwing off your calculation.
  17. That's right. For a driver if your swing speed is 100 mph and you want a steel shat to frequency at 6.0 you would probbaly have to get a 5.0 shaft. Keep in mind that with Royal shafts the longer you make them the stiffer they get. I do not want to start the debate on that- but if you do your homework reading Royal's Q and A that's what they state.
  18. Did yopu set your "desired FCM Level" to match how far you drive the ball or hit a 5 iron ? At 4.5 it would mean that you drive the ball 202 yards and hit a 5 iron 158 yards.
  19. You can change all the variables in the calculator. + or - length Swingweight, etc.
  20. The U.S. is the same
  21. I have always been a big fan of DGS300's. I wanted to try something a bit stiffer and was debating between soft stepping X100 or going with a PX 6.0. Then the long debate as to wether the 6.0PX would be too stiff. I also have a TM 6 iron with a TFR in it so had some good comaprisons. Anyway keep in mind that a few factors will affect teh feel. Do you plan to stay with the same length and swing weight as present if so, the 6.0 PX may fell just a tad stiffer. Mine came out to a 6.2 and I am happy with the feel. My 5 iron is 38" and swing weight is D4. If you are not going to do the work then get in touch with Joe K. If you are going to do the work try a 6 iron first . Leaderboardgolf.com sells individual PX irons. Lastly keep in mind that the 5.5PX weighs about 10 grams less that the 6.0PX- so wight will play a factor. Also check this out http://www.royalprecision.com/RoyalTreatme...gCalculator.cfm
  22. AKFLY replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    http://www.zodia.biz/premium.htm Yes, yes, yes :love: :love: :love: Look forward to your response Chris. :surprize:
  23. AKFLY replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Thanks much for the response - i am still haveing a love a ffair with the 660. Maybe when the price of R7 TP's come down I may venture to try a GD W70.
  24. AKFLY posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I was at the local guru's shop and he brought out the Black Zodia wedges for me to check out. All I could say is wow. The black finish is unbeleivable. Just beautiful , Can anyone give some thorough feed back ? How do they compare to Scratch ? The only negative I saw was the price :money: :money: :money:
  25. AKFLY replied to AKFLY's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Hey Chris how about some feedback :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: :whistle: