Over 20 years at 2 to 3 packs a day. Wife and kids harped and harped for me to quit. 1985 was having some problems with feet going to sleep. Doctor I saw asked a bunch of questions, then told me I could go ahead and leave. When I asked if he knew why my feet were going to sleep, he said it was due to the smoking hurting my circulatory system. Asked what he could do? He told me he could do nothing... He then asked what years my kids would graduate from high school. I had to think a bit and came up with the approximate years. He said to get a good visionary picture in my mind of my girls in their caps and gowns because, if I continued smoking, I would not be there in person to see them graduate. Said it was totally up to me and he couldn't do any more and I could leave. Went out to the car... tossed what was left of a pack in the trash and have never smoked again. Clean for 20 years.
I've often said, however, that when the doctor gives me 6 months to live... One of the first things I will do is go out and buy a pack and take up smoking again. I have never lost the craving after all these years. (Of course, we could still buy cartons at less than $3.00 when I quit. Don't know if I could bring myself to spend that per pack today!)