It has some valid uses...but swinging as hard as you can isn't the answer to better golf. Plus, I agree with some of the above posts, that it is a little bit of hype via commercial with Vijay.
Here's an example of be stuck on swing speed.
I was looking for a new driver since mine was several years old and I was getting antsy :tsg_smiley_laughatyou:
I went into one of those hitting bays with the screen to show ball flight.
I start hacking away, swinging harder and harder. My swing speed got up to a supposed 138mph and the screen said my drives were going straight and over 340.
Now I know very well, there is no pressure when swinging like this. Put me on a golf course and it's a "different ball game' folks.
When you've got to keep it in play, I am almost sure that most players' swing speed is significantly less then when measured like mine was.
The morale of the story...swing speed has to be controlled enough to keep your ball in the short grass :tsg_smilie_smile: