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Everything posted by dparks

  1. I found a Gran Z in the weeds last week. I played 18 holes with it today. All 18, with plenty of chances to lose it. Thus, I liked it very much. I didn't notice the lack of spin others mention. Even looking back on the round, the only thing that stood out is a 5-iron that bit hard and only rolled 10 feet. I drove it great and made all my short putts. It has a good feel. Not as soft as Pro-V, nor as hard as the NXT. It's a good inbetweener. I like to play a pretty healthy hook and I was able to work it just fine. It didn't overspin, nor did it go straight all the time. If I had a chance to play them all the time, I probably would...especially if they were free! I'm curious to know if they are the high end Pro-V price or the discount So~Lo. I bet they are inbetween.