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Everything posted by johnnypro

  1. Selling a 9* J340 which was refinished PERFECTLY by Carolina Golf. If you can tell this head was refinished, you're a better man than I am. Gorgeous and very solid. Has NVS65, stiff, plays to 45" I know the value of these babies has slipped a little bit so make me an offer (a reasonable offer). Will trade + some $$$ ONLY for r7 TP, 10.5*
  2. SOLD! :smile2:
  3. Selling a Ping Craz-E putter, Length 35", Orange dot (2* flat) Blue Winn/Ping putter grip Magnetic Ping headcover Condition: easy 9/10 $80 shipped & paypal'd
  4. Club is SOLD!!
  5. Plays at 45", D2-3. Not 100% sure but based on where the graphics are, I'd say it hasn't been tipped.
  6. Sorry, no camera. Are there any specific questions about the club?
  7. Selling a MINT 10.5* TM 580XD TP. Has Fuji Speeder 661 stiff in TP graphics. Best offer OVER $290 (shipped) in 48hrs or it's off to ebay. Trade ONLY for 10.5* 905S with a decent shaft. NO 9.5*'s or lower, no 905T's, puh-leez!!
  8. Looking to buy Sonartec 19* and/or 21* Md ONLY with original I-ROD stiff shafts.
  9. Selling a MINT Cleveland Comp 10.5* with ProLaunch 65, stiff. $310 - shipped, paypal Trade (+cash) ONLY FOR r7 TP 10.5* with Fuji Six, stiff. No exceptions...don't waste your time and mine.
  10. Selling a 10.5* 983K (no s/n) with Fuji Speeder 661, stiff. All original. Titleist cord grip, headcover. Solid 8/10 condition. $150 shipped (paypal)
  11. Sorry for any confusion but my earlier post listed the ldi as 18* - IT IS THE 21*, DGS300SL. $60 shipped
  12. Looking to trade my Cleveland Comp (10.5*, ProLaunch 65, s) for 580XD TP or 905S - both 10.5* ONLY. Shaft not important, head only OK. Will add some $ for the right deal.
  13. Help me out, guys! My 18 year old son plays a 10.5* K with a Speeder 661, stiff. Hits it well but ball flight could be higher. At the range on Sunday, he hit my 10.5* Comp with ProLaunch 65, stiff, and was hitting it much higher (but not too high). Looks-wise he loves the 905T. So the question is...if I ordered the 905T in 10.5* with the ProLaunch 65, would the bore-through design severely weaken the "soft-tip" of the ProLaunch and launch the ball much lower than it does in the Comp??? How would the ProLaunch in the 905 compare to the YS6+? He loves the 905 but will consider a Comp or a 460 Ignite if the 905 won't give him a significantly higher ball flight. Any comments greatly appreciated, as always!!!
  14. PM replied to
  15. Selling a 10.5* 983K (no S/N) with Fuji Speeder (not Tour Spec) 661, stiff. 45", original grip & headcover. Rate it 8/10. Make me a reasonable offer, guys. Will trade + cash :money: ONLY for NEW 10.5* 905T / YS-6, stiff
  16. Love my Comp 460 but it does seem to sit a tad closed. I get afraid of pulling everything. Can these heads be bent open a bit?
  17. Umm....I don't think the caddies are trying to propel the ball 300+ yards off the tee or hitting shots from uphill, downhill, or side-hill lies. You can get away with sneakers and running shoes when all you have to do is walk, tend the pin, rake the bunker, and say "I like that club." When you actually have to play (especially in rain or early in the AM) golf shoes do come in handy. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  18. Selling a custom set of irons: 3-7 are i3+; 8-SW are i3+ blades. Will throw in G2 HL 3-iron, M/B 54* TOUR wedge ("T" stamp on toe), and M/B 60* wedge. All are CS lite, stiff. All are BROWN dot, except LW which is ORANGE. Beautiful conditon, 8.75/10. $475 / OBO. Will trade for Cleveland TA3 FF, or CG2 with lite-wgt shafts. The flatter the better!
  19. I don't see anything in that notice to get anyone's palms sweating. Do we want the USGA to NOT investigate / research the new clubs and balls that are being produced? I don't think so. The 460cc limit is a good one. So are the COR, club length and initial ball speed limits. They merely said they were doing research on spin and MOI. They may even expand the rules on movable clubhead parts. Technology has its place but I personally find it ludicrous that, at 55 years old and 20+ pounds overweight, I can hit it as far or farther than I did 20 years ago. Have I gotten stronger or more athletic? I doubt it. Personally, I think the USGA does a pretty damn good job in all phases of the game. And I do think the pros should play with a standard "tour" ball that is rolled back about 5%. It's ridiculous to see these guys hitting 9 iron into 18 at Riviera when 25 years ago the guys were hitting 3 or 4. What's next - 550 yard par 4's? Where would the game be without limits or rules? As my wife's aunt used to say "Enough is enough and that's enough!"
  20. Looking for 10.5* Comp with ProLaunch 65 or 75 in stiff. Original. New or MINT, only. Also consider head only or shafted with something not too tip firm, e.g., NVS-65. Anybody???
  21. Selling a 10* Ping G2 with Fuji Z-COM TW64, stiff. Plays at 45", lead tape added in toe area to SW around D1-2. Will throw in original NV-65 (s), .350 tip, mint at 45" with ~1.5" prepped and original Ping grip. $399/OBO. Will trade ONLY for a mint 10.5* Cleveland Comp with a shaft I won't have to replace - no NV's!
  22. Just had my Ping G2 reshafted with a Fuji ZCOM TW64 at 45". Swingweight is now C7!! How much 1/2"-wide lead tape would I need to get swingweight up to D3-D4? Thanks!
  23. Anyone who owns and likes his "K" and then plunks down $500+ :money: for a 905T is, IMHO, a jerk. It's the same damn club, just a little bigger. This is what we all waited for?????? And don't give me this "workability" nonsense. First of all, the new balls limit workability all by themselves; second, the name of the game today is hit it far. TW, VJ, PM don't seem to give the workability factor too much creedance. That s**t died with Hogan. Wake up, Titleist!
  24. .610"joe :cool: Thanks, Joe. I knew you'd have the answer! :smile2: