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how are u looking to buy these now? :-)

:-) you JGalls u are the whiner on here who hassles over price and then tries to d**k people over when u sell ur junk man......a R7 shallow tour for 775 my ass u can get the heads new in the wrapper anywhere.....niko is a very good seller and buyer with a higher rep than u can dream of.....all u do is haggle over 5 dollars when its time to buy but when someone ask for a 5 dollar discount u cry and act like a titty baby so do what u just did in private or go back to BSG with Todd :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

:-) you JGalls u are the whiner on here who hassles over price and then tries to d**k people over when u sell ur junk man......a R7 shallow tour for 775 my ass u can get the heads new in the wrapper anywhere.....niko is a very good seller and buyer with a higher rep than u can dream of.....all u do is haggle over 5 dollars when its time to buy but when someone ask for a 5 dollar discount u cry and act like a titty baby so do what u just did in private or go back to BSG with Todd :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)


the only hassle was that some says they have a deal and then turns it around the next day (after u turned other people away)

my word I guess is worth more.

Sorry if my prices are a bit high...I guess I don't get as good of deals as everyone else.

we had a deal for significantly lower then what I listed it for back then...dirt cheap with brand new weight set and headcover...oh yeah mind u own business.

whatever man im not gonna throw some peoples business otu in public like a child like u just did save the whining for other sites if a deal went bad and u cant wait then dont flaunt it all out in public is what i am saying GROW UP......and by the way i have all of the prick u want.....HACK :-)

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Would have easily sent a few hundred in good faith money untill my pay pal e-check cleared to pay the balance in a few days,.but then you posted that, before e-mailing me, or talking to me first. I always pay when i say i will, sorry you couldn't wait for a e-check to clear.

niko..you never mentioned that....u said that the deal can't be done. because you didn't have the money... when I hadn't gotten a response and then saw ur knew listing I was pissed and I apologized. You didn't have to sick ur pal gator on me. I have cancelled the shipment of ur clubs.

My apologies for trying to get them to you fast.

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j.gall, i never said i wouldn't pay, i told you in a pm that i had 1500 in pay pal that was sent to me in a form of a e-check, but it would take a few days to clear, and that i couldn't do the deal today, problem is before we discussed anything you posted what you posted. And i am a man, not a boy, who needs to sick anyone on anyone, xman just knows i am stand up, and always pay, and like and good friend, stood up for what he felt was wrong. He is right by saying ,to handle issues through pm's or e-mail, and not in public post. it's all good, water under the bridge. lets just get on to what we do, wheel and deal.

emotions got the best of me and I apologize, then got really mad when gator got involved.

ADMINS PLEASE DELETE THESE POSTS...emotions got the best of me and perhaps these guys as well.

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