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I need some information on Max who caused so much trouble on BST. Please back channel basic info or if you have questions as to why. I prefer to keep this discussion private until I know more about him and whether he may have surfaced again (there is a possibility that he has). I actually hope he hasn't and that my concerns are for naught.


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I appreciate the information sent to me back channel. The bottom line is a transaction I was about to enter into was not feeling right. I chose to not go through with it, because there were too many things that made me uncomfortable. Perhaps the person was totally legit and if my reputation on the board takes a hit for backing out of a transaction agreed to last weekend then that is a risk I have to take.

Bottom line when I'm dealing with someone on here I don't expect to be told that sending them a check is safer then Paypal - it's not. Even more disconcerting was instructions to make the check payable to a third party. Sorry not going to do that. I may have lost out on a great club that I sorely need, but after losing everything in the burglary last fall I can't risk this transaction.

I hope everyone can understand my backing out, especially the seller if indeed he is legit. But he is brand new here and all of this was just too much.

Have a great weekend everybody.

A check is safer than paypal ???? I thought I had heard it all.......I think there needs to be a way to monitor members, there just seems to be some people who keep signing up under new names to hide their identity and there's no way to protect ourselves ?? Is it poss to block an IP address ??

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I received a very polite email from the seller stating he understands my concerns. Based on some additional information he provided and a willingness to now do a C.O.D. it appears he may indeed be legit. I am still debating whether to go through with the sale though the COD would protect me to some degree. Sadly you can't inspect the contents of a package before paying for the COD.

If he's willing to do C.O.D., ask him to send it to you and when you receive it you will paypal or send him m.o., would at least be an opportunity to show others he legit.

Isn't there a way you can do COD and inspect the items upon arrival before payment? i thought I read this somehwere. I might be worng though.

Personally i would probably steer clear as I still could not get over the check is safer than payapl thing.

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