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what are your misses? i had a problem being too flat on the way back, you seem to have the same problem, backswing is off plane even though you still attack from the inside, i had problems hitting a lot of pushes and pull hooks and with no consistency, good luck and good start, but i'm no expert

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I dont really have one big miss, but as i am only 5 foot 7 my coach has always stressed the importance of not being steep, if anything he prefers me to swing slightly flatter ala ian woosnam rather than being too steep. This video is about a month and a half old and i havent had a lesson since then. Anyone think i should try and change my plane?


hmm, i dunno much about teaching and stuff, but maybe I can give a few tips.

Overall, nice smooth tempo, you're probably bringing the club a little too flat. What are your usual misses and stuff? I would probably assume that you tend to play a draw or hook on misses. Other than that, I think your swing looks pretty good, nice freddy couples-like finish too ;) :laugh: :cool:


Well i noticed only one thing that may help you alot more than you think. your posture is slightly hunched at adress, try to work on getting your back a little more straight than a little arched over like it is. It will get you standing a little more upright and you'll have less of and inside plane. I know that posture was one of the things that i've improved last year and it's carried over to success this year. The plane of my swing is quite good and i've developed a very straight ball flight. This lead me to working on shaping it. I've found that now, after all of this, i'm able to hit both a draw and fade with a bunch of control. I think you may find a fade to be a little easier if you work on you posture.

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Well i noticed only one thing that may help you alot more than you think. your posture is slightly hunched at adress,

I have been worried about this for some time but dont really want to change the posture until the end of the season- it would just be too big a change for me to play well with in the short term.

Having said that i have a month and a weeks holiday soon in Singapore during which i can start changing things




Firstly - you have a GREAT swing. :smile1: Looks wonderful to me! Here' a couple of items I noticed:

* Your legs seem as if you're standing TOO upright. I would think a more athletic stance, with a little bend would be more balanced.

* At the TOP - your hands/elbows seem very far BEHIND you - almost like a "ben hogan"-like swing. I would think if you brought your hands UP more (where the elbows are level to each other), it would lead to a nicer downswing.

* Downswing and follow-thru looks wonderful. On-plane, and nice transfer of weight.

Overall - you have a great swing for a long, long golfing life. Good job there.

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Thanks for the advice. It looks like there are a few things i need to work on based on your suggestions:

* My swing seems to be a little flat so i should work on letting the club go back on a more upright plane.

*Secondly my stance and posture just appear to be awfull, getting this sorted while on holiday will take priority.

Thanks for the ideas


  • 2 months later...

My opinion is posture isnt bad but you need to work on moving your weight forward off your heels and towards the balls of your feet, as this happens your knees will flex a touch more and your back will straighten. I can see you have worked hard on creating width in your backswing but what you are missing is arm lift and rotation. Try to feel taht as your shoulders begin to turn and you start to set the club that your arms are lifting not just going backwards. A great training aid for you would be the impact ball from fireball sports if you worked with that your elbows would get much closer together as your arms lift and rotate.

Good luck


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