March 8, 200421 yr Up here it is 84.9 cents a liter . So when you do the conversion to a US gallon which is 3.8 liters that is almost 2.50 a gallon and for a Imperial gallon which is 4.56 liters thats like 3.35 US a gallon. 8O Man, I'd be rockin' a Geo Metro or depending on the city size a scooter. The whole gas shortage thing is a big conspiracy anyway. There is no shortage . We up here produce more than enough for our own use , it's just that we ship most of it south of the border :) Plus of that 84.9 cents at least 50 cents is tax . We are one of the highest taxed people on the face of the earth in Canada and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better in the future either . :(
March 8, 200421 yr We are one of the highest taxed people on the face of the earth in Canada and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better in the future either . That ain't cool at all :!: It's always tough to see hard earned money go right back to Big Brother. Hopefully, though you guys have some decent state sponsored programs going. Enough about politics. Looks like I'm headed back to snow land this weekend. At least it'll be warmer this weekend.
March 8, 200421 yr We are one of the highest taxed people on the face of the earth in Canada and it doesn't look like it's going to get any better in the future either . That ain't cool at all :!: It's always tough to see hard earned money go right back to Big Brother. Hopefully, though you guys have some decent state sponsored programs going. Enough about politics. Looks like I'm headed back to snow land this weekend. At least it'll be warmer this weekend. Yeah your right it's enough to drive my batty :lol: Back to the snow once again eh :!: Here I am wishing I had your weather and you wanting my weather . Maybe a trade can be worked out :lol:
March 8, 200421 yr screw you guys my weather is perfect... am I just weird or does anyone else enjoy golf more when thier is wind?
March 8, 200421 yr am I just weird or does anyone else enjoy golf more when thier is wind? How much wind are we talking about?? When it's really hot it's kinda nice. Plus, I love hitting little knockdown puches which aren't really called for when it's not windy. 10-15 not bad anything over 15 you're crazy. Growing up in Texas will cause you to love the days it's not windy.
March 8, 200421 yr I honestly play better when there is a little wind 10-15mph max or a little drizzle.I seem to concentrate more than I do when it is beautiful outside. I just find it harder to keep my concentration when it is beautiful outside. This does not happen every time I play when it is beautiful but occasionally I will be out there and don't play worth a s**t and my mind is everywhere but the golf course.
March 9, 200421 yr Al you aren't the only one that happens to . My course is right at a air field do you know it is going to be windy 95% of the time . Sat they said we had winds in the 40 knot region . It's not to much fun playing in that . I either play lights out or like on Sat play like a bum :)
March 9, 200421 yr Calm and warm for me - thanks.Let's see Friday is suppose to be like 46*. Well if it gets that high AK , go for it :D
March 9, 200421 yr Author Calm and warm for me - thanks.Let's see Friday is suppose to be like 46*. Well if it gets that high AK , go for it :D Hopefully the snow misses us - only one inch tonight - but need to go regardless.
March 9, 200421 yr Here I am wishing I had your weather and you wanting my weather . Yeah WTF am I thinking. It's supposed to be 75 on Sat. and 73 on Sun. and here I am going to the freakin' mountain and I don't even ski. I guess I'll take a wiffle ball dye it orange and hit it around the neighborhood. I seem to recall somebody doing something like that before :wink: .
March 9, 200421 yr Here I am wishing I had your weather and you wanting my weather . Yeah WTF am I thinking. It's supposed to be 75 on Sat. and 73 on Sun. and here I am going to the freakin' mountain and I don't even ski. I guess I'll take a wiffle ball dye it orange and hit it around the neighborhood. I seem to recall somebody doing something like that before :wink: . I was going to ask you about that chainsaw :) WTF :lol: Yeah I think it was DuffVader you tried something like that . btw: thanks for explaining what I was trying to say in that post , sometimes my fingers move a lot faster than my brain . :roll:
March 9, 200421 yr Boy it's been pretty quiet down here in the basement today . Nothing new has been posted since early this morning . Hmm , don't tell me that people are stating to ignore this great place :!:
March 9, 200421 yr just got to do some work before I am done here... so not so much time for posting... Between that and the lack of time after work for posting may leave Mike sitting in the big chair before we expected.
March 9, 200421 yr just got to do some work before I am done here... so not so much time for posting... Between that and the lack of time after work for posting may leave Mike sitting in the big chair before we expected. Naw can't see that happeneing pete . Got to remember that next Thursday I'm off for points south and don't expect to get back before the 1st of April . :D
March 10, 200421 yr Wow I am in such a smartass mood tonight. Must use caution when posting. I have even made a reference to Beavis and Butthead tonight. I think I will have to edit that one out because the post was trying to be serious.
March 10, 200421 yr Wow I am in such a smartass mood tonight. Must use caution when posting. I have even made a reference to Beavis and Butthead tonight.
March 10, 200421 yr Author Wow I am in such a smartass mood tonight. Must use caution when posting. I have even made a reference to Beavis and Butthead tonight. Yeah - and now you just posted twice. You crack me up. Did you modify your clubs yet ?
March 10, 200421 yr Damnit...I need to step away from the keyboard for my own saftey. I am going to shorten them tomorrow. Just a question since I have not done this b/4...all I need to do is measure them and put a mark on the shaft a half inch down and cut. I am using a new metal blade on a compound mitre saw so I shouldn't have any problems right? Thanks for the help
March 10, 200421 yr Author Damnit...I need to step away from the keyboard for my own saftey. I am going to shorten them tomorrow. Just a question since I have not done this b/4...all I need to do is measure them and put a mark on the shaft a half inch down and cut. I am using a new metal blade on a compound mitre saw so I shouldn't have any problems right? Thanks for the help Copper pipe cutter works also - keep in mind that the swing weight will come down. Saw should work - if it is your first time you may want to practice on a piece of scrap shaft or copper pipe.
March 10, 200421 yr Thanks AK...looks like I may have to get some lead tape out. I am going to practice on some old beater irons first. How much swingweight change would I be looking at?
March 10, 200421 yr Author Thanks AK...looks like I may have to get some lead tape out. I am going to practice on some old beater irons first. If you have a swing weight scale or if you can borrow one that would be great - you will loose like one swing point - so if you do not have a scale - do not go throwing on a ton of lead tape - also you can cut the shaft, then bring them to your local guru and tell him you want them swingweighted to a D4 or whatever - and he should be able to do the works for a small fee using lead powder and corks down the shaft. Lastly - keep in mind you are also changing the flex of the shaft - slightly - you can read novels on this crap = but essentially - weaker for Rifle and stiffer for Dynamic Gold. Have fun with it - you could always re-shaft with PX's :D I am off to bed.
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