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Yikes !!!!!! I think I'll stick with cars .

Al the link you provided did not work .

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I fixed it and added another one. I will scan the pic of my father at the time trials I referred to and try and post it in the near future. This is a pic of a Norris Craft at a slower speed


I would say this is going about 60 mph.

Nice pic's Al . Are you really sure they are going slow . Sure looks they are going at a good clip to me.

The first two are not but the one pic that is by it's self is. Look at where the spray is coming from the bottom of the boat. The first two are going quite a bit faster. I guess speed is in the eye of the beholder.

Qualifying is under way in Australia...guess who took pole in the first round of qualifying? (hint: he is not in a red car)

The first two are not but the one pic that is by it's self is. Look at where the spray is coming from the bottom of the boat. The first two are going quite a bit faster.

Okay , I see what you mean now . Only took me what 5 posts :lol:

I put that driver on my watch list to see if anybody bids. This guy selling it really has no idea that a lot of people over here already know about it and that we can get it for half the price .

True a lot of golfer have no clue about that , but come on $1400 US starting bid for a driver that is not even legal in NA . :roll:

The pic of the boat by itself has not got enough boat out of the water. The more boat out the water the faster it is going.

Well he will probably get some dumbass with more money than sense to buy it. I would love to email the buyer afterwards and show him what Chris is selling them for :twisted: . I would not do that...but it would be funny.

The pic of the boat by itself has not got enough boat out of the water. The more boat out the water the faster it is going.

Well he will probably get some dumbass with more money than sense to buy it. I would love to email the buyer afterwards and show him what Chris is selling them for :twisted: . I would not do that...but it would be funny.

Got it . Thanks :)

I agree would not email the buyer either , but I think maybe a email to the seller with the TSG web site url of Chris's thread might just end the auction early :twisted:

True , but can only hope he looks at the thread and makes a comment .

I'm sure he will...I wonder if he comes down to the gutter to trool around for a bit? :D I am just glad he opened up this part of the forum for those of us who need it.

Yes indeed :D

Am done , out of here for the night .

Later Al .

I am also done...time to watch F1 coverage on Speed...later Mike..and to all have a good weekend

Good morning Gutter Gang . Hope everybody had a Great Friday night .

Or at the very least a better one than I had . :lol: In bed real early and up real real early once again .

But at least tonight I don't have to get up in the wee hours of the morning or as we say in my line of work "Zero dark stupid" to catch the F1 race form down under :lol:

Looks like it is going to be a beauty day here on the west coast of Canada so am going golfing ( sorry AK if you see this ) .

Have a Great Saturday fellow Gang members and don't do anything I wouldn't do . :lol: :wink:

Well if Australia is any indication on what we are going to see this year in F1 then I can sleep in on Sunday mornings when they head to Europe. I am sick and tired of Ferrari winning but was glad to see Renault have a good showing and BAR a top 6...I just wish JPM would not have had such a horrible start. Off tomorrow to shorten the sticks a half inch and scan that picture I said I would if I can find it. Good thing my best friend just got a mitre saw...saving a few bucks.

Well if Australia is any indication on what we are going to see this year in F1 then I can sleep in on Sunday mornings when they head to Europe. I am sick and tired of Ferrari winning but was glad to see Renault have a good showing. Off tomorrow to shorten the sticks a half inch and scan that picture I said I would if I can find it. Good thing my best friend just got a mitre saw...saving a few bucks.

Yeah almost fell asleep during the freakin thing tonight . And I agree if it continues like this I'm sleeping in on Sundays also , considering I would have to get up at like 4:00 AM to watch .

If you can't get the pic tomorrow don't worry about it Al . It will be found when it wants to be found :)

btw: great new avatar man . Now where on earth did you find it :lol:


Someone else mentioned this site when they were talking about animated graphics and I saw mutley on there and had to use him. I had to update the occupation also on my info page. I would have to get up at 7:00am to watch the races...guess the east coast is better for those European stops. The pic is at my grandmothers next door so it is just a matter of going and getting it.

I'd say . you got it made for the European race's while I got it for the Asian race's . Plus you got the edge on the race's here , you can get out to the course and back home before they start .

Evil Sidekick :lol: 8)

Yeah I usually record the anyway because I keep the volume down and it is very easy to go to sleep with the volume low listening to those engines. Last year for both Canada and US I went and played golf b/4 the races so that is nice. I wonder what the Baharin track is like? I think I hear the range calling me sometime today.

Bahrain should be real interesting . Will be a real test of man and machine .

Have spent some time in the region but it was in the fall and you got to believe it was hot then . Just imagine what it's going to be like in a month or so . Over 120*F . Tires will not last nor engines and a few drivers will be out with heat exhaustion.

It will not be fun I can garuntee you that !!

Maybe the Tifosi will go out quickly so we can see some others shine. It will be fun for us to watch though.

Damn haven;t you people ever heard of a thing called golf... hehe!!!!

I played 36 Saturday and 27 today... I am tired!!!

I played great today!! discovered that if I swing hard through my irons instead of slowing down my swing I make a lot better contact... I am now hitting my lw 75yrds and I hit pin high on a 175yrd par 3 with a 6i!!! I would have been thinking 4i or rescue last week!

Maybe the Tifosi will go out quickly so we can see some others shine. It will be fun for us to watch though.

We can only hope that happens . I will say this though , will not be watching that race , unless I can't get to sleep . I think Bahrain is a good 12 hours ahead of me so race would start around 01:00 AM .

Damn haven;t you people ever heard of a thing called golf... hehe!!!!

I played 36 Saturday and 27 today... I am tired!!!

I played great today!! discovered that if I swing hard through my irons instead of slowing down my swing I make a lot better contact... I am now hitting my lw 75yrds and I hit pin high on a 175yrd par 3 with a 6i!!! I would have been thinking 4i or rescue last week!

pete thats why it's called a OB forum :lol:

And who ever gave you the idea to slow your swing down on iron shoys should be shot :!: Unless what he meant was slow your back swing down and then speed up through the ball and didn't explain it good enough .

btw: congrats on getting to play so much golf this weekend .

Come on now Pete...I seem to remember you speaking of some "peeler joints" earlier on this same thread. A little pot calling the kettle black :D . Glad you had some good rounds. I have been getting stuck behind the ball and swinging flat. I think I have that worked out but as we all know something else will pop up. I just have to tell myself high hands. I am so envious of Craig Parry right now. He has a sweet ride now thanks to that victory.


Thats right !! I forgot all about that . It is a nice ride , just to bad it's a FORD :lol: Just joking to all you ford lovers out there . Brother works for GM so am kind of partial .

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