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Guerin Rife Aussie


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This is a 34" Guerin Rife Aussie (anser-style) in great shape, but it isn't working for me as well as my GR Mallet, so it's available. 34"/D3, with a Cameron Baby-T grip and two headcovers. The fellow I got it from - a very reliable dude - had been told it was Tour-Issue, but I can't speak to that myself. It does not have a serial number which suggests Tour. 45° hang, crisper feel than other GR putters I've tried. 34" top to toe, 33.5" Gripcap to ground in playing position. The covers show some wear but the putter is unmarked except for light brushmarks on the sole.

SOLD, thanks.

My ebay Id is Stepsargent - 100% positive.




Edited by awalkspoiled
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