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Selling a 2 time pull new graphics Crazy CB46 shaft in 6.2 or Regular flex. This has been tip trimmed 1/2 inch and the length is 43 3/4 inches long. This is a driver length shaft.

Crazy describes this as giving the distance of the TJ46 and control of the CB50. This is a very smooth feeling shaft.


Graphics are in great condition and I have left the 3 gram lead tip weight in there. The stuff you see about the hosel mark is the residue from a Japanese ferrule which does a mission impossible dissolve thing when heated. Your ferrule will easily cover this and your fitter should know how to remove the residue. No impact on performance if course. This has the Crazy sticker of authenticity.

Because I have tipped it 1/2 inch to make it play stiffer, I have lowered my normal asking price for a good condition crazy shaft.


Thanks for looking.





Edited by wmclarenf1
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