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2004 Maru Spec Limited Edition Wedge set for sale. 53* and 59*. Slight wear, but 9/10, still clean perfect grooves.

$475 for the pair, or best offer

new price $400 shipped

Tempting to get a 2nd set. Someone get these before I do. I got used to the light swingweight, but they are easy to make heavy with a re-shaft and lead weight.

These are the most awesome wedges out there. Grooves are the perfect blend. You can come down hard on the ball for great spin, play it up with drop and stop, or let it run out. So easy.

I do not mean to be such a homer for someone else's sale, but I feel really strong about these wedges. $200 each is well worth it.

Thanks DM, I honestly am looking at the black x-wedges and thought i would sell these first.

Dont get me wrong this are a sweet set(I have more than one as well) just thought it would give the x-wedges a try.

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