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Thumb Blister


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That's a lot of friction between the thumb and grip for you to developed a "huge" blister. I don't have any answer as to the cause but according to WebMD, do not puncture a blister unless it is large, painful, or likely to be further irritated. The fluid filled blister keeps the underlying skin clean which prevents infection and promotes healing.

If you have to pop it:

* Use a sterilized needle or razor blade (to sterilize it, put the point or edge in a flame until it is red hot, or rinse it in alcohol).

* Wash the area thoroughly, then make a small hole and gently squeeze out the clear fluid.

* Apply a dab of an antibiotic ointment with polymixin B and/or bacitracin to help protect against infection. Use caution with ointments that have neomycin in them because they are more likely to cause an allergic reaction.

* If the fluid is white or yellow, the blister is infected and needs medical attention.

* Do not remove the skin over a broken blister. The new skin underneath needs this protective cover.

* Look for signs of infection to develop. These include pus drainage, red or warm skin surrounding the blister or red streaks leading away from the blister.

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