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Everything posted by PGAPro

  1. that looks beautiful, nice looking iron and I'm sure you will have some orders on those
  2. PGAPro replied to PGAPro's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    haha, thanks bro I don't have that and I wouldn't want to try it myself, I'm much too impatient and would rather pay someone else to do it
  3. PGAPro posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I hate chrome for some reason and want to give some irons a satin finish, I will pay someone good money to do this and make my irons look nice does anyone know who I can send them to? please help thanks
  4. think it is a 4 wood, not positive though, it doesn't specify that on the head
  5. yes, I can do that, I have a 14 degree and 17 degree, that may take me a few days to get posted up I'm very impressed with all of this stuff, I have always played US companies/US Market companies (you know what I mean), but Akira is out performing all of my other stuff I have (and I have always got nothing but tour issued gear- I work at a course that hosts a tour event every year), this Akira stuff is just simply better than the equipment I have played in the past decade or so
  6. some of the best feeling woods I have ever hit, the shapes are very good and clean as well, I'm extremely impressed with the Akira equipment thus far and I have a bag full of it (irons, wedges, fw's)
  7. PGAPro replied to JMCMB's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    the MB's look great and while I may be in the minority here, I love the feel of 8620, I prefer that crisp feel over the feel of most forged irons, I currently game the KS-201's and love them, every iron in the set looks great and the sole grinds are perfect, I love the Akira stuff
  8. like the looks of both Epon & Fourteen from what I have seen the 302 from Epon and maybe that 910 or 710 from Fourteen, any feedback at all would be certainly appreciated, I know we have some guys here that know equipment I suspect both Chris and Gocchin will have an opinion and I will listen to them, both great guys to deal with thanks
  9. have tried Miuras and wasn't the biggest fan but their new 501 might fit my needs, I will check into the Yamaha as you suggested, thanks
  10. guys, been a member for a while now and bought some JDM stuff here and there but never a set of irons, here is what I'm looking for in an iron, I would like the help of those who are "in the know" about the equipment price is not an issue, just tell me what you think I would like best, here is what I'm looking for A player's cavity back profile that is relatively soft feeling needs to have some offset (not a lot but none isn't good either) would prefer a thinnish topline (as long as it isn't thick) I'm sort of a low ball hitter with lower spin so the higher the launch the better for me (usually like thinner soles as well but open to suggestions) my set will consist of only 4-PW and will most likely be shafted with an s200 shaft or something similar 5 iron will be 37.75 inches or 38 inches MUST have conforming grooves for my tournaments please give suggestions based on looks, feel, experience, quality, whatever.....I know very little about Japanese irons so I need your help thanks, PGAPro
  11. PGAPro replied to PGAPro's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    thanks for all the comments gentlemenI think I'm ready to begin designing my new putter, I will need the form Gocchin, thanks my friend
  12. PGAPro posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    I am in the market for a Gold's Putter and will be placing an order soon with Chris I'm sort of torn between Beads Boron and Teflon Black finish what do you guys like, which will hold up better for the long term, will the beads boron glare in the sun here in Texas? I will not be getting a line on the putter, I will be just a blank Gold's No. 1 with no sight line please help a brotha out with your opinions between these two finsihes as they are the only two I'm interested in, thanks
  13. PGAPro replied to drew030303's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    you can find that shaft half of the old price these days, the TP line doesn't play very stiff, I used an SX flex in all of the Matrix lineup but had to go with an SX tipped or an X in the TP-7, that was just my experience, that shaft loads unlike any other on the market and if you get it in the driver then you will have to get it in your 3 wood as well, otherwise you will have trouble adjusting in my opinion, there are so many good shafts on the market that I don't think this one qualifies as one of the top 3 shafts, it is overpriced and overhyped like most of the items that were first made available on BSG, it is also a high-torque shaft, both of the ones I had were like 4.1 torque I would personally recommend buying something else and not spending so much money on that shaft, you wanted opinions and I gave you mine, good luck in whatever you decide I have had better experiences with the Mach Line Tour and Roddio, both are longer and perform more consistent than the TP line of Matrix please be advised I'm not telling you to purchase a different flex or to tip your shaft should you buy one, I am only giving you my experience with that particular shaft, I guess what I'm trying to say is they might not all be the exact same, you can also get the CPM's of each shaft on the sticker at the top of the butt, that is one of the good things about the Matrix lineup, once again, good luck
  14. PGAPro replied to Spoon's post in a topic in Want To Buy
    PM sent
  15. is there a website to read about them?
  16. you have I have done plenty of business in the past, all you have to do is ask and you shall receive my friend
  17. I know what you mean, I am actually about to be in the market for a JDM driver, I'm trying to find a "flatter lie" with a 1 degree open face, I'm considering maybe the new PRGR Silver Tour or possibly the Yamaha 425 I have been reading about, I don't know enough about them yet to make a purchase so I'm trying to read as much as possible, I have no idea what I will end up getting but I'm hoping to discover something that will perform similar to my current setup but feel and sound different, besides I can get as many Clevelands as I want at any time and we always want what we don't have right?......ha ha, it is fun just to look in the pro shop area though
  18. a few years ago before I was aware of everything that the Japanese offer to the golf industry I might not have liked this move, now I love it, I'm not exactly sure how this will affect my staff agreement yet, but I'm assuming since I have a great relationship with our local Srixon rep that I will be in good hands either way Gocchin, your 100% correct about the feel of the Hibore XL not being as nice as a Burner, the XL has a very firm feel, not exactly pure, the club does well for me because it is very low spinning and has a 2 degree open face with a flat lie(the one in my bag) and it takes the left side out of play, on top of the fact that mine is shafted with a Roddio 7WA which is better than any combo available in the states in my opinion, I just hit bombs with this combo and I couldn't be happier with the performance of the Roddio/Hibore combination, it is ideal spin and anti-left, I literally never miss fairways with my driver because I have such an ideal combo now and I owe alot of thanks to Chris and TSG who took alot of time and effort to get me in the perfect combo that meets my needs, I'm a hard person to please when it comes to equipment, I think Chris found that out over the last year or so, but he has achieved what many in the past have failed to do and for that reason alone I will always spread the word about TSG and their premium service
  19. thanks Gocchin, I hope anyone has some feedback on the PRGR drivers, that would be very helpful
  20. has anyone hit this new driver that is available in the pro shop, I am in the market for a JDM Driver and I want one from 415-445 CC that has a 57.5 to 58.5 lie angle and a square to slightly open face, this one fits my criteria along with the new TourStage 445 I don't think I can stand TS look on top with all the red, so it looks like this PRGR is my best choice has anyone hit this driver? do the PRGR drivers look and sound good? are they good quality? are they competitive in distance? any advice would be greatly appreciated
  21. yes, that is all I hit, Cleveland XL Tour , each shaft from TSG has been installed in the same exact head as a matter of fact making my review that much more accurate
  22. I should also note that I don't own the Mach Line or the Axiv any longer, I purchased those shaft for testing purposes and then sold them both right here on TSG, even if I didn't like the Roddio it would be my current gamer because it is the only shaft I have at this very moment, I guess it is a good thing I like it I purchased the Roddio with testing purposes in mind as well, but I'm starting to like it so much that I will more than likely keep it, I hope my responses have cleared things up for you, cheers my friend
  23. bro, I don't miss fairways with any of them, driving the golf ball is the best part of my game, unfortunately some of the rest of my game is lacking (that is why I'm working in the golf business instead of playing for a living), imagine playing from the middle of the fairway all the time and still only shooting a couple under par to even on average (frustating at times........ha ha).................. my review does add up though, I was doing my best to give an accurate rating because some of the users in this thread suggested I give one, I rated the Axiv #1 in terms of consistency because it took off at the same exact trajectory almost every time I hit it (too high for me), the Axiv has great feel but it was not the right shaft for me in terms of distance, I'm not willing to sacrifice 10 or 15 yards of distance because something feels good
  24. 1st day review with Roddio 7wa Driving the golf ball is generally the most consistent part of my game, I have always hit the ball very straight with a slight draw, but I like having an open setup to know that I can go at the ball and never bring left into play, hence the reason for playing an open faced driver, that is also the reason I chose the 7wa instead of the 7ba (might get the BA version as well), my handicap is anywhere from a +2 to a +4 as I generally shoot a couple under par to even Feel the Roddio has a nice kick to it with a very solid feel, I would rate the Roddio as the 2nd best feeling shaft I have put in a driver (just ahead of the Mach Line Tour), nothing I have ever hit was quite as smooth as the Axiv 7072, but the Roddio is a better shaft in my opinion than the Axiv though Performance the Roddio claims to have a mid-kick while the Axiv 7072 claims to have a Mid/high kick, however I hit the Roddio on a much more ideal trajectory (more piercing than the Axiv), I thought I hit the Axiv too high which would always limit the roll I got, the Roddio is longer for me by a solid 10 yards or more because of the better trajectory the one thing that has me baffled about this Roddio is the fact that I have hit alot of slight fades with it in my first round, I only missed 1 fairway and it was on the right side in the short cut of rough, the reason the slight fade has me baffled is because I have never in my life hit a fade unless I was trying to, my natural shot is always a slight draw with any driver combination that I have ever hit Looks nothing I have owned looks as cool as the Roddio, the two tone shaft is great, but looking down at a white shaft at address if very pleasing, everyone wants to know what it is and where I got it, which is sort of cool, I have alot of PGA professionals that love golf equipment here in the states and none of them have a Roddio, I am the only one at this point, but I think that will soon change Summary I will play at least 5 rounds with this shaft before making it my official gamer, but right now it is looking good, it has great feel, it is long and it looks great, that is a tough combination to beat *If you have a problem hitting the golf left and you want to eliminate that then the 7wa is the shaft for you, if you hit this shaft left then you need to get a lesson...........ha ha, I'm telling you I haven't come close to hitting this shaft left, no matter how hard I went at it Shafts I have tried from Chris and TSG and how they compare in each category Overall Length/Distance 1. Mach Line Tour (s)......slightly ahead of the Roddio (5 yards) 2. Roddio 7WA (s).......about 10 yards longer than the Axiv 3. Axiv 7072 Feel 1. Axiv 7072 2. Roddio 7WA (s) 3. Mach Line Tour (s) Consistency 1. Axiv 7072 2. Roddio 7WA (s) 3. Mach Line Tour (s) Looks 1. Roddio 7WA (s).....not even close 2. Axiv 7072 3. Mach Line Tour (s) I will continue to give updates and reviews each time I try the Roddio and for those of you wondering why I'm hitting a Roddio right now here is why: -the Mach Line Tour is still the longest shaft I have tried, great trajectory and just flat out long but it lacks in terms of feel and consistency from the two others, they advertise as a low kick point shaft, but I didn't hit it extremely high, it had a great trajectory with alot of roll, but for some reason I couldn't get the shaft to kick the same everytime, something about the location of the kickpoint wasn't right for me in terms of consistency - the Axiv 7072 was the best feeling of any shaft I have tried from TSG to this day, I also never missed a fairway with it, it is extremely consistent, but it has a tendency to balloon in the wind and the shaft didn't promote any roll for me at all, it was on average probably 15 yards shorter than the Mach Line and for now I would say about 10 yards shorter on average than the Roddio more upadates coming.........
  25. this thing looks sick in person, XL Tour 10.5 degree with Roddio 7WA in Stiff flex I told Chris I wanted it 257-258 CPM, I got it today and it was exactly 257 CPM, I couldn't be happier with the tremendous service and the perfect club work, whoever he had reshaft this thing did a great job, I am hard to please when it comes to club work and equipment and this thing is exactly how I wanted it, GREAT job TSG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm alot better golfer than photographer so please don't laugh at these pics, but I did my best for today