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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. ryoma f3 right-----------yamaha iff inpres 4 left note how pancake-y the ryoma is vs the yamaha ryoma f3 right-----------yamaha iff inpres 4 left note the deeper face of the yamaha yamaha right-----------ryoma left note the compact size of yamaha vs the ryoma the yamaha is nice and compact reminds me of the RCs of old. i want my new wood to be similar.
  2. oh cmon mau! seriously the 901 is so easy, how are the distances, is it a case of just overclubbing 1x?
  3. i am wondering if your looking for any trades? always wanted to try that club. let me know. who knows i may have just what your looking for.
  4. the tipping point would be the naked lady tees. but since they are JUST brush tees i would have to politely decline.
  5. and there will be guys moving from GI to blades when they should stick to GI. just variety i guess. our local #1 ranked pro is a Honma Staffer.
  6. i find a TM bubble burner R flex shaft trade + cash for a set of stinger not cool define lowball? i define it as something unreasonably low to the point of being insulting. ex: 1000$ driver 900$ ideal selling price 800$ will mull it over 700$ threshold 700$ -600$ no thanks anything below that is a lowball you gotta be dreaming. blatant lowball half or more of value asked . now if budget is in question or fear of a lowballing someone i will offer some merchandise + cash. the merchandise intended for trade will take care of the funds i dont have. offer what you want to be offered. its two way here guys
  7. depends on what type of celebrity you are talking about. i think a made for manny pacquiao driver or steve macqueen putter will command more than a ron jeremy spoon or say a peter north soiled headcover. or is it vice versa?
  8. this is your first witb pics? oh my you will have some tough shoes to fill with your latest weaponry. if there was a tequila shot icon i would use it right here. props brutha love cant get any better than this. so i take it your done for awhile? looks solid! only thing you need to do know is pimp that horrendous standbag you are using. !
  9. nice ones! nice ones. one of the great JDM cult irons. glws
  10. ugghhh. i 10* with a bb7s is what im thinking. on a side not has anyone tried the latest B TI woods from jbeam and crazy? they have new models and wondering if their FW metals can stack against their drivers. i take it they are for the better player? i want an all crazy bag.
  11. Cmon dude with x flex c tapers a small percentage Of tsgers can hit that. And if theyr were the price would Certainly Keep them at bay. And you wont break combo? I think your making it beyond Reach and will end up keeping these. Think about it. Just some friendly advice from a fellow ho.
  12. Thanks bob for doing this and taking the time to spell it out clearly. Takes guts and a cool cool head to do so. Thanks for looking out For the gang
  13. dude seriously that fast? not going to comment on price. good luck with sale.
  14. hey doc, theyv never touched a ball. i did accidentally make a ball kiss the face of the 7 iron while taking a address pic. thats not considered cheating is it? thanks gian! i would appreciate that very much indeed. c
  15. i know you love em. may as well make money on me instead of causing clutter. as much as i love the pnt, id like to have a pure JDM bag.
  16. well ive tried MOST of the jdm stuff and none has been able to kick out my adams pnt2 ute. its so easy to hit , mine shafted with an aerotech i95s hoping the eggs can kick it out
  17. never tried these before.
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