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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. Spoon

    epon 302s

    dude 502s and 302s very different from each other. pick one and decide
  2. Well my C is a 59 and 56K. was supposed to get a 51y but ended up with the kamui
  3. OH NO! i actually am having it shafted this week.
  4. Oh why oh why were was this when I was looking for wedges. I just picked up some miuras!
  5. I have one coming next week. Bought a gap wedge in HK In person these look stunning
  6. Steal, I got one as wel from tae! Can't wait to get mine
  7. i just heard that they started my putter yesterday. i am real excited. this will be my first golds putter , well not really a full blooded Golds but a worked on by golds putter thats sus303! cant wait.
  8. What auction did you see that in? ebay?
  9. very very stiff. not even gandalf can flex it
  10. http://www.bubbastik.com/stiks_org.cfm you can choose the shaft as well:)
  11. I actually have 4 bespoke canes from my injury several years back. Not JDM but BDM
  12. i want to try the kamui woods. they look frighteningly deep though. anyone have one?
  13. GOT TIRED of spinners and will use them on my lob only. i hit my gap like an iron so need it to be less sloppy.
  14. i found some miuras i wanted the toyoshimas but plenty of coin for me at the moment.
  15. yummy choco covered coppers love em! these? enjoy em my friend
  16. i got my wedges and irons locally. some guy saw them and made an offer i could not refuse so im happy.
  17. very nice. i have the highest respect for sasaya san. i had the priviledge of owning his blades and limited GOLD wedge. very nice but sold it bec i got a very good offer locally. would love his custom wedges. T, did you see my putter there?
  18. not notieceable. the regulars are easier to load but flight the same.
  19. Ok I know someone whose hit these! They are......................
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