Everything posted by Spoon
Black NS Pro Heavy Putter Shaft
Haha sorry. Did not even know u had one. Was using my ff shaft as well but got tired of it. Back to my g field leap!
Black NS Pro Heavy Putter Shaft
Let me guess u picked up the tiger putter?
Quadra Fire Express Prototype? SR Flex
they recently came out with the sr model. great for those who want a slightly softer shaft.
Quadra Fire Express Prototype? SR Flex
i have both, i beg to differ on the stoutness though the proto is definetely livelier. this could be attributed to the snap of the shaft. they have a 65sr proto for your info.
Black NS Pro Heavy Putter Shaft
i have the latest heavy putter shafts xxp01 but they are chrome. 140+ grams
WTB: TOUR AD DI 7S, tour ad di hybrid 85s or 95s
let me know chaps
The skinny on tipping a shaft and...
yup 1/2 is fine. , nope profile will be the same, you will hardly notice a different in flight etc. try not to over analyze the small stuff, youl be fine. good luck
Iron shafts
do you reckon the 2011 tours will launch lower than the aftours, if yes then this is the recipe for a wicked mix the 214s for the epon af tours and the 215s for the yammy 2011s for your info: 2F15 - 124g-125g, Counter Balanced, similar to 1150GH Tour, higher spin and higher launch of the 4 models. 2S14 - 136g-138g, like super peening blues, super heavy, full flex stiffer than X100 in tip, 2times stiffer in butt section but way smoother.
Iron shafts
put the 2s15 in a lower launching head and the 2s14 in a mid to higher launching head. remember the 2s14 are the protos of the SP BLUES but way way smoother. btw, when did you get the yamaha 2011s? or are you planning on just getting them
Investing in Wedges...help me
Excellent post! couldnt have been explained better.
Variable weight iron shafts
imho no. we are all playing some sort of ascending weight system without realizing it. think about it your drivers are in the 65 range your probably gaming your hybrids and woods in the 75 and 85 range. your irons even heavier. heaviest would be your wedge shafts. never ever heard of the reverse. you headweights of your irons are also progressively weighted. lighter on the long irons and heavier on the short. thats just the way it is, would make sense to have the shafts the same way.
The skinny on tipping a shaft and...
be careful on how much to tip. you will rarely get a flex higher than what you have half a flex at most and that is already pushing it. you will also change the flex and flight profile of the shaft but not by much. expect your cpms to increase by only 3-4 max half inch. you can obviously cut more but there will be point of diminishing return. i suggest cutting it a half inch then playing it. now if that doesnt work then cut it another half inch but not more. imho a 1" tip trim will still be softer than a full flex up.
Variable weight iron shafts
Launch on the longer irons and control on the mid to short irons
Bettinardi BB8 Proto (Mod Fit Face and Sound Slot)
The sound slot is suppose to make you feel the impact more. Feel is subjective but we can tell when you hit a pure shot and Differentiate with a mis**t putt. The soundslot is suppose to amplify That, at least to me that is.
Investing in Wedges...help me
I'm gaming the kenmochi in 52 and 58 although my real set up is 51/57 no problem. Grind on the 58 pretty versatile and I think they will do just fine on tight turf.
208kgx 52 copper epon wedge
bill that could be the ticket! with all these wedges coming out of the woodwork im going back to basics! sure i would appreciate the 52 and 56! thanks mate
baldo wedges........,
haha! that comment made my day!
RYOMA fitting tip.........,
in my experience with tip weight you have to get them done properly. ive seen lazy club builders just dropping the weights inside the shaft and plugging them. this is actually counter productive as the weight is not exactly at the bottom of the shaft ( inside the hosel of the club) do note that when the shaft is assembled, there is some glue that oozes inside the shaft, sometimes extending 1/4 an inch passed the hosel line. so by adding tip weight you are actually placing approx 1.5" above the tip of the shaft. and that will affect playability and feel by a lot. what should be done is to use a special rod with a drill bit in the end and drill that excess glue out until the metal part of the hosel in conjuction with the tip of the shaft, only then can you successfully employ weighted plugs. this is a time consuming approach. now i use lead tape a lot of the time since its easy, convenient and if you have the patience i tend to cut and weigh my tape and place them strategically in the channels of the sole of the club. sometimes you wont even know its there. some say it will affect the original weighting and CG of the club but if you arent a tour pro then it wont matter. now to the effect on the club, expect your CPMs to drop by 3-4 per swingweight added give or take a few.
Investing in Wedges...help me
the dg spinners can either launch low or high. depends on what you are trying to achieve. they are no different than any other wedge shaft w the exception of the added spin. as for the weight i think they are just right, then again i game nspro 1050 which is 110g. if your worried about weight get the nspro wv 105. now thats an awesome wedge shaft.
baldo wedges........,
they are nice the way they are. did not even know baldo made anything aside from drivers and Driving spoons.
you referring to the sky blue one? that skyblue dog bag is unique! i regret not picking one up in 06!
Investing in Wedges...help me
well if your a sweeper and if the course conditions are not so tight then you can get something with mid bounce with a narrowish sole similar to your miuras. now you are right there are many many wedges at the moment. a lot of the wedges have pretty versatile grinds so you can pretty much open them up with ease. but with your statement on ball flight the yamahas and RC non protos come to mind as i think they will produce a slightly lower ball flight. also check the blog a lot of reviews on most of the wedges, they even have a miura wedge reviewed. i was in the same boat as you but for opposite reasons, i am a digger and needed something with a higher bounce, not to mention its monsoon season in asia and all the fairways will be damp and soggy. take a look at the FS section here, many members selling their wedges for good prices. hopefully there is something there you like. good luck
RYOMA fitting tip.........,
D0 is way to light for you stew. also the length you play it could have contributed to the lighter weight. i dont know but i think for those who play em with shorter shafts can order them in a heavier head say 196-204grams. i personally play my drivers at 45.25 @ d3-d4 and it makes a world of difference. love to feel the head.
OnOff 2011 Forged Irons
nice review Bdog!i was a bit surprised that you got em considering your gamers are playeresque clubs. i should follow your rationale and game more forgiving clubs as well. nothing worse than gaming players clubs on a bad day! those are probably the best onoff irons i have seen after the onoff+.
Iron shafts
the oras were my favorite. doesnt make sense keeping em long, they shall improve cutting em down to jspec standard. trust me they will indeed