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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. wow i will try that move, i am almost off my injury(i think i am) and will be attempting to hit some of the range in a couple of months. i get the concept of that Lorena move youve described. i too had my share of egg toppers but also always attributed it to the light m40 shaft. i have the heavier OZIK f6m2 which i havent hit yet. hopefully it will solve my earlier problem
  2. what are you gaming now? if your gaming a sub 100g shaft the 105wv will be right up your alley
  3. well you have your answer. the hybrid and driver were on the heavy side but your swing has adapted to it now it works. now the EGG was just alright now its light due to your recent swing adaption for your driver/hybrid. for starters, you can get the sw of your driver and hybrid and compare it to your EGG. do note that many customers have commented that the eggs are always on the lighter side, this is common knowledge and they always get them tweaked by a clubfitter.
  4. i gamed 115 and wv 125. they are nice and heavy but are not as stout as their american counterparts. imho they actually feel like they conform to your swing. swing slow they feel nice and springy, swing hard they stiffen up. hard to explain but they have that characteristic NSpro buttery feel. i like them
  5. those pride wedges were good for their time. had really nice spin but now they seem mediocre with all the jspec offerings
  6. you were fine with the club, now not anymore. something must have changed, are you aware of anything? swing change, equipment etc etc? what are the specs of your EGG and sw? there is a culprit in this story and the sooner you identify it the better:)
  7. can you post a link? id like to see these shafts as well
  8. they look very nice. they remind me of the George spirits irons. i would try them at least, these will play similar to the 302s, even the lofts are almost the same. ive tried this in a 7iron and they are similar to the 302s, a tad more crisp.
  9. i just use wd40, but i prefer baby oil and clean with steel wool. i used to be OC about oiling my wedges afer every use etc but now i just leave them be. for coke i use it for cleaning my old copper, manganese bronze ping putters.
  10. well said. something about the nspros that make em friendlier and well engineered. by march/april there will be more models for the better players. one of the nspro protos will make it into production
  11. it is very good, i only carry one club now the 17*. when i was still playing the 202 it was a toss up with both in 15* . but with the 17 option its a no brainer
  12. golf pride NDMC is my gold standard, recently shafted a set of GP 2gs and love them. feel good and tacky and are real cheap at 3$ a pop
  13. browns will be higher launching since the kickpoint is low. these will launch higher than even the ns950
  14. i have tried them all twice over , maybe more. do remember that certain shafts fit certain types of people and swing profiles. ones favorite can be another ones worst! do note that i love the nspros for their feel. has that friendly slingshot feel, while others will complain about the ball flight i have no problem with mine. the super peenings have different types of kickpoints. so for those complaining about the excessive height i invite you to try the super peening blues which is a butt kick shaft. Kbs i found harsh, dgs even harsher. my favorite non japanese shafts are PX flighted which others find harsh:) different strokes for different folks.
  15. i actually had that in my putter. i complained bec i thought the putter maker may have accidentally gotten some glue on the grip but apparently not. thats how tacky it was. felt as there was an invisible layer of glue. that sticky. not for me:)
  16. i live in manila so no leather gloves for me . i actually only use those fit39 gloves.
  17. you can save them for sure, but heat will eventually get them deformed. ive done 3 saves but its a pita!
  18. i havent gamed my 2g yet. just held them with my hands. i have heard they do not perform so well in cold weather climate.
  19. the carbon ones honestly were a club builders nightmare, you have know idea how many requests i got to save those precious ferrules:)
  20. how can the cost base be the same? anyway i guess the move would to lower manufacturing costs? fwiw i currently just installed GP 2g white grips in all my sticks. they are by far the most tacky feeling grips i have ever felt. more than iomic stickies. nothing wrong with thailand, lotsa JP manufacturing plants have moved there.
  21. if i cannot sell my stinger will just stuff it in the 151. have been using the 102 with great success. but i think i will need all the forgiveness i need post recovery golf.
  22. i actually prefer the black with silver line. cleaner
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