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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. never heard of these but i am getting the honma 5 star vibe here. price anything this high and their are people with deep pockets willing to spend for the hell of it and for the exclusivity value.
  2. have seen some of their wedges and putters in ebay. think the seller is japan pro shop.
  3. still have the older pics? i am looking for an ala 006 head with a slighly heavier than 350g head. 370g to be exact.
  4. Hey C, i remember these from a while back. can you get these putters? have there been updates on the pics you posted back in 07? thanks
  5. please let me know if you have any. preferrably something similar to the look of a gfield. thanks
  6. Spoon

    Irons 5-PW

    the 502s are not available yet.
  7. one of the wedge shafts i had are flaking really bad. like how chrome flakes that sort of thing. will post pics soon.
  8. that is good to know. for $50 cdn it would make a nice paperweight
  9. have been meaning to try their wedges out. irons look interesting. jeff, youve had the kbs black nickels in several irons already, you noticing some flaking in your finish?
  10. C, why dont you open a shop and storefront ? it would be an alternative for you since you have the equipment and the capabilties? you do not have to just have epon but the other brands you represent as well. you can use your site for marketing Epon and conduct telephone fitting in your shop the way Joe kwok does it.
  11. all the similarities in the pics look like the beetles horns on the sides. the sole looks slightly different
  12. T, thanks for clearing that up. i agree with you 100% that Epon will lose big on TSG. Its good marketing exposure. i was in the same boat as Chris and Tsg as i am sure you know. will Tsg open a shop or retailer storefront? C has the capabilities and equipment to open a storefront imho.
  13. last i heard the 502s/302s will be released end of october. roughly a month from now.
  14. i hope the waffle cavity have some function as it looks awful imho. driver is very nice though reminds me of another driver but i cannot remember
  15. i wish i could read that. nice i hope there are headweight options
  16. i assure you this one will be good.
  17. it was never released officially but there were a few floating around. hoping the new ones will be kick azz forged masterpieces. nothing to fancy. a simple anserish blade would do:)
  18. that is correct. i myself have the af901 22/25 shafted with steel nspro 750 and i play the same club length w the iron it replaces. in my case 4/5 irons
  19. yes they will generally replace the 3/4/5 irons but keep in mind the playing length of the club is longer than the 3/4/5 irons it replaces due to the longer graphite shaft. so generally it will play a tad stronger.
  20. i just use a main bag and a spare bag i leave my idle clubs at home, so i have two total.
  21. saw the tours on the bay, i knew these would sell quick. thats almost 50% new. congrats
  22. for me its really more force of habit than superstition. i always keep my golf balls on my right pocket and my tees in my back right pocket of my pants. if anyone of that is where it should not be i feel i cannot swing:)
  23. im no expert but from the looks of things it will be several seasons before they even think of replacing the blades. epon does not churn out model after model , the af501s/301s are being replaced by the 302/502 and that is after 3 years. so exect the aftours to be current for several more years.
  24. thanks will check it out now. yup gs had something similar. no longer in proshop though
  25. nice, finally took the plunge. is that the cold star finish? let us know when you actualy try the putter. congrats again
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