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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. i think i need to get myself one of those :)
  2. my basic yardages up to a 6 iron are pretty consistent although my 4/5 are debatable. im also at the stage wherein my 4/5 irons are so close together in terms of distance that id be better of using my hbrids to space the gaps more evenly. for those i use hybrids although as my swing improves and i gain the confidence to use my long irons i will stick to my hybrids. i also use a epon 15* 3 wood of the tee when my driver is not working out. i mainly use the 3 wood of the deck only depending on the course. on certain days i will leave the 3 wood behind and bring the gfield 4 wood instead. driver 10.5: around.... 250> 3 wood: off the deck...230-250 4 wood:.....................215-220 alternate: 18* gfield....200-210 20*.............190-200 22*............................185> 20*............................170> will use the hybrids when im not hitting longer irons so well. depends on my mood but i ahev been using them a lot lately as my confidence in them is an added incentive. mostly use them off the rough or in soft fairways. if the fairways are hardpacked i will use my longer irons 4 iron.........................185> 5 iro...........................175> 6 iron.........................165> 7 iron.........................155-165 8 iron.........................140> 9 iron.........................120> pw.............................100> 52..............................75> 57..............................less than 75 as you can see my distances are a mess and my problem is getting consistency in the 170 and above yardages. thats usually where my hybrids and long irons come in. with the shorter irons my problem is usually dialing in the exact distance but approximate yardages are there.
  3. you have a point, maybe the onoff are tour only but i know that there is another on/off 247 prototype with "prototype" stamped, this one is limited in numbers etc. etc. lets wait for someone with more info to chime in. im curious as well. wanted the 247s but its just way, way beyond my reach
  4. was actually opting for the tour seida but eventually succumbed to the chikaras. down the road if i cant learn to get along with my wedges.
  5. was wondering the same thing. im sure there is something we are not aware of like the onoff having specialy grounded soles on all of their irons etc etc.
  6. with so many wedges coming out it getting harder and harder to decide on one. im wondering why they opted to make it high quality cast when they could have just forged it. this a durability issue? thanks
  7. well ive had almost two weeks to test the 701 and all i can say is that these irons are pretty good. considering that this is a totally different model and should not be compared to the type x, epon came up with something special here. the overall headsize and profile is a tad larger than the type x maybe a bit large for some but fine for me. not intimidating at all and one of the most forgiving irons i have tried to date. with something this forgiving i can imagine it was intended as a game improvement set. frankly this could be the ulitimate game improvement set. one thing i noticed though that it was easier to use compared to the other models. when i say easier, i mean that on a multitude of lies it was easier to pick up the ball cleanly. also my mis**ts usually on the toe were only distance loses. thin hits were also low running distance loses. as much as i could discern only lost around 10 yards which is very impressive if you ask me. dispersion was another thing though it was not as tight as i would have liked but i attribute that to my swing rather than the irons. also noticed that although the lofts seem the same as the type x, i was hitting the ball 5 yards longer from 8-pw and around 10 yards more 6-7i. also felt that the longer irons were much much easier to hit. i consider my 4 and 5 iron my weakest links but these once seemed much more manegeable. becasue of this i feel more confident to use my long irons previously i would hit my hybrids. There is also a very noticeable feel when hitting the ball. it is much clickier than the type x. dont get me wrong this is not a bad thing imho just different. i guess i have gotten so used to the type x that i use this as a basis of comparison with everything. according to chris with regards to the 701 its not a forged face add that to the fact it is face is High C.O.R for max distance and an undercut would explain why it sounds clicky. what i am curious about are the tungsten inserts. i know this was inserted to lower cg but can someone please explain how this would benefit the average golfer? all in all epon has created a winner here. this model may appeal to golfers of all abilities but i see that most suitable and beneficial in the hands of someone looking for the best all around, good looking, useable game improvement irons available. if thats you then the 701 should certainly be at the top of your list by a mile
  8. great review, i have hit a the type j/af301 in many shafts inlcuding nspro 950, 1150 and bgs. the bgs seem to go hand in hand with this shaft and if your ball striking is consistent are rewarded with shots so soft its almost scary. considering they are players iron they are very forgiving and i see myself getting a set eventually down the road.
  9. never heard of this, thanks for the link will check it out
  10. wow those are a lot of irons in one season:) eagirly awaiting your inputs......
  11. guys let me say these look better in person. the color of the black copper and purple from certain angles is just stunning. epon has a winner here!
  12. aj i agree these are one of the prettiest clubs i have seen. almost looks like a set of precision surgical instruments. was going to get a set of these but decided on the epon type x. i hope i can find a set once my game eventually warrants player mb clubs. whenever that is.............
  13. shep, why not discuss the problem you encountered with your af501 and hardstepped bgs here
  14. hitting these babies were the hardest part but once you have a go it will get easier and easier:) i keep mine in neopprene headcovers and i always make sure to put a tad of baby oil on the entire wedge and hosel and wipe dry with some cotton swabs. these wedges will rust, an example is i plaid in the rain about two weeks ago and it was the only time i dint follow my religious routine on drying and oiling and was surpises to see some rust particles form on the sole areas where the black oxide has thinned out. i must have stored the wedges with the neoprene covers wet. no biggie though as the rust that formed was only pin tip in size. they will dissaperar from normal use. i do inted to still practice my routine of oiling and drying after every use.
  15. yours is actually the first ive seen with a studio in the back. but as chris said its most likely a marketing aid as everything is exactly the same as the regular mbs
  16. im looking forward to your comparisons. surprised that the mbs could be better than the af301
  17. my current driver shaft is the roddio w6ba sr at 67grams and 240 cpm. 3 wood is a epon but resgafting with axiv 8076 70ish grams 275cpm, hybrids 18/20 is the gd ysh-85r 85grams cpm 270, 20deg speeder 759 69 grams 265 cpm. will be experimenting with the ut85s soon but my concensus is the best feeling shaft in my arsenal has to be the speeder shaft in my 22, that is a different beast altohether,
  18. the 22 is actually my favorite. dont know if its the head, the speeder 759 shaft in it or the combo. i can hit this very consistently. . dont want to mess around with the 22 as the shaft/head combo is as close to golf nirvana as possible imho
  19. chris, i have a very steep angle of attack and i think the type d style pretty much describes my swing. aside from mti and scratch, are there any wedges that favor this style of swing? i always assumed that most wedges were for both types of swingers and the wedge would work for both. now with all this talk of approprate wedges for differing swing styles just opens up the possibilities. i goota get my hands on one of those for testing
  20. after todays game i can pretty much say that the 18*doesnt have much distance over the 20*. i would say the 18 only edges the 20 by 10 yards on average but the consistency is obviously with the 20. so the ut85s will go into that head.
  21. r, i gotta get myself some of those! i was just hoping that someone would come out with something like that. i know kasco too has their own version
  22. thats my plan, iwill do a little experiment and put the roddio in an ercIII head. i have had my best driving with that head regardless of the shaft.
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