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Everything posted by Spoon

  1. you can always try the pair i am selling:) 7.2 la bomba and a 6.9 TJ46 sr
  2. ok dad abandoned this putter in sheer frustration. i am xperimenting with it for now. swingweight a whopping F3. YES F3 not the ryoma F3 mind you. this is a double patty of beef. i am going to cut the shaft to 34 and see how it feels. if i can get it in the mid E's at 34 i think i could game this.
  3. if you hated the DPS these should suit you. they are grossly underpriced. if they are good enough for a high ball deep compressor like Sergio they should be............ never seen this here in tsg
  4. are they all spinners? there is spinner + in the bunch?
  5. il do for both shafts net shipped conus.
  6. TJ46 NOIR left. 43 13/16 inches long 1.5 inch tip prep sold the La bomba already. Sold
  7. id consider it a lowball but its from the seller:) lucky bloke who ever snags this
  8. Had mine for a week amd a half. As good as they were i preferred the blades I was gaming. If i could own a 3rd set these would be It.. 2nd would be the copper 302s To each his own
  9. A steal with that shaft. The DJs is the king of GD fw shafts. Its What i game in my 4w
  10. I saw it. Was in the japan blades thad golf show. I was interested in these But was gone.
  11. 3W sold locally. thanks to those that inquired(even the wormburners)
  12. make me offers on the combos guys. everyone so nuts on the crazies i would have thought them goneski.
  13. was that my 435II? me and petethepilot could not launch that sucker!
  14. uncle jeff i did not realize you had so many GF putters. nice! which do you prefer the premium zone insert of the premium zone new style milling?
  15. Well i guess i will never know:(
  16. If its still here in 5 days I'm sending it to krampus
  17. Hope your ok kokkee. Best iron set I've owned.
  18. Dude divots are good but only bec I'm a natural digger. Do you have bacon divots or pork chop divots? U can tell a person swing path by their divots. I'm also an early caster and don't want to do it mechanically I just want to hit swing and POWWWW minus the actual yelling. Been a battle for me. Do the tip of Matt above, don't worry about divots or fear of dirt. Just do your normal improvised swing and you might be surprised with the results. Superintendent of your course might complain bec there's are now divots so deep a small child can shelter in:)
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