Everything posted by Spoon
SOLD thanks TSG
Mke offers guys thanks
- Sold thanks TSG
Romaro at the 2013 Japan Golf Fair!
Thanks. I might get the 20 to muck around with. The a12 and royal collections look similar with their boxy toes. Hmm this will be my next project!
Romaro at the 2013 Japan Golf Fair!
That was what i was afraid off. I was referring to the adams I prefer the look of the peanut.. Domu have an ibrid? How is it say compared to the adams a12?
Sold thanks TSG
Pending sale..
Romaro at the 2013 Japan Golf Fair!
Id love to try one. Is the toe boxy? Cant stand boxy looking hybrids
Sold thanks tsg
Only difference between tp and retail is upgraded shaft change. Had for head Exactly the same
Would be well suited nice and high with feel
Re-introducing S-Yard – The Rebirth of a Premium Brand and the T.388 Driver
thinking a fex 55. he already has one.
Re-introducing S-Yard – The Rebirth of a Premium Brand and the T.388 Driver
my dad is 66 and has a ss of around 88-90mph. he is really eyeing this driver but nowadays plays 11-11.5* can they hand select him a head closer to 11?
Romaro at the 2013 Japan Golf Fair!
any plans for a driving iron?
- SOLD thanks TSG
- Sold
Sold thanks TSG
As this plays 5w length add an xtender for a monster 3w
Sold thanks TSG
My friend decided to sell the head. Sorry just helping post here.
Was thinking about it but the 3w i got came with a fw80:(
Toyo bending
Bemd the toyo to 54 and the yam to 50 The toyo will have the perfect amount of bounce if bent to 54.. It will be too low if bent to 50 imho
Too many drivers is an understatement. Nice group shot. Speechless
Sold thanks TSG
Head sold.. Shaft for sale 200 shipped
Sold thanks tsg
Guys wont breal upmthe combo.. Price is pretty decent.
- Sold thanks tsg
Sold thanks tsg
guys $100 shipped for this combo!
Sold thanks TSG
found an interested party for the head. shaft anyone for $200?
- Sold thanks tsg
- Withdrawn -S-YARD T.388 Forged driver - Great condition 10.5 SR