Everything posted by xchangmanx
Ishikawa Ryo signs 5 year deal with Yonex
That Solid Contracts Driver looks NICE!! Where can I find more info on this brand?? I've searched the web.... but only English versions and can't come up w/anything.
Fourteen Limited Edition MT28 TS SPEC 3 wedge set
I think we are looking at paying 750-850 for the set, maybe more.
Iron comparable to the Gauge Design NC-1
I think there was another thread here somewhere comparing these two. If I remember correctly, the NC1s were more favored.
Fourteen Limited Edition MT28 TS SPEC 3 wedge set
I must say, that is a very nice set. :tsg_smiley_heart:
Ishikawa Ryo signs 5 year deal with Yonex
Once again Yay! for the JDM
My "mis**ts" w/the xdrive have been on the sweet spot, but I do notice more spin. I don't know if tis due to the grooves, or the shaft. (I have the GR xdrive w/roddio 6ba, used to have a 7x07, and I can't really tell if the grooves add more spin, cuz that GR just goes straigt for me) I swing the 445 at 107-110mph. On my mis**ts> I notice alot of low trajectory knockdown shots, which I end up loosing a good deal of yardage on. Other than that No balloons, no blocked shoots, quite easy to release compared to the rombax shaft. When I hit it right, the 445 goes med-high piercing w/low spin. I think its more forgiving than the epon, but then again they both have different shafts. Workability is right up there w/my 983k. Overall, the epon driver and 445 are great w/good ball strikers, contrast I let my friend who just started golf, hit my epon, and he hits is burner better. I think if you can whack the ball decently, the 445 is a great choice! I hope this answers your question. T
I just picked up the epon a couple of weeks ago and have used it for about 5 rounds. Last week after getting results from the launch montior w/the Xdrive GR w/rombax 7xo7 stiff; I opted to go and get a Xdrive 445. Both great drivers, re: the epon and 445.> I hit the 445 farther, but the epon has alittle more of the trajectory I want, and it feels alittle bit smoother for me. Got the 445 down to about 282 avg drive, and hit acouple 315 320 drives. My Epon is about 5 - 10 yards shorter average. However, I was more than pleased w/my purchase of the 445.
Iron comparable to the Gauge Design NC-1
Agree> if I had 2gs Id go for the 247s. Since I don't have the money, I play 301s w/1150s> I can't complain
WTB PRGR 220i driving iron 20*
Anyone have the 20* FS?
WTB: Titleist 695MB Set
808_divotmaster has a brandnew set never used. of 4-p 695 MBs w/projectx 6.0s. Msg him.
Pics of the New Epon AF101 Driver!
Replacing the Epon 460? When will it be available ?
Pick a shaft - any shaft
I'm gonna put a Matrix Atlus on my Epon 460. The Rombax 7x07 feels sweet, but I wanna play around more. =)
Yamaha 2008 Inpres X V Forged and Tour Limited
Cheers!! Can't wait to hear how they perform.
r7 forged users, do you still have them in your bag?
Its kinda hard to say, because they are both VERY forgiving. The 301s are way more forgiving than the Mp-60s, and I still can work the ball just as much. The R7 forged is a great club, I'd def. buy it over again if I didn't have it.
r7 forged users, do you still have them in your bag?
I've used the R7 forged/ns950s for about 6 months last year, every week about 3-5 times a week. Great clubs! 2x better than R7 TP in the Feel and Cosmetic dept. Since then, I have the Epon AF301s w/NS1150ghts in my bag now and they will be there for quite awhile.
What do you think is the best ball out there in japan or ?
ProVx and the Nike one platinum are great for me.
2008 Epon 208KGX Wedge w/PICS!
Just ordered my set 52 58 in gold. Can't wait!!!
2008 Epon 208KGX Wedge w/PICS!
My 301s w/1150ghs are soft and solid. The 301s are inarguably my favs over all my sets. Epon has taken over my bag. Just can't wait till this wedge hits the shelves.
Build your 3rd Car garage into a Hobbyist Clubmaking Room w/PICS!
Very Nice work area. I only wish I could learn to do clubfitting.
ONOFF Driver Plus w/PICS!
The all black appearance is truly pleasing to the eyes. I hope more manufactures make that move.
2008 Callaway JDM X Wedge PM
Sorry I can't translate... ヘッド形状、ソール形状が進化した ロジャー・クリーブランド設計 最新軟鉄鍛造ウェッジ。 軟鉄鍛造(S20C)でソフトなフィーリング 軟鉄の中でも非常にソフトなフィーリングをもたらすS20Cを採用。ソフトフィーリ ングは、グリーンまわりでの繊細なタッチ、微妙な距離感を生み出します。新しい 仕上げ(ミルキークローム、ニュービンテージ仕上げ)を採用しています。 ニュー・ヘッドシェイプで操作性が向上 従来のX TOURウェッジと比べて、ややリーディングエッジに丸みを持たせてい ます。この丸みは、ライが悪いときに、ボールを拾いやすく、また、フェースを開い たときに、ホーゼルの左サイドのラインとリーディングエッジの丸みがスムーズに ラインとして、つながるので、違和感なくアドレスすることができます。 Mack Daddyグルーブ(溝) 抜群「のスピン性能を生み出すMack Daddyグルーブ。56度、58度、60度、 62度、64度に採用。 C-Grindソール ソールのトゥ・ヒール側のトレーディングエッジを大きく削り落としたソール形状。 ツアープロが好んで使用するソール形状で、ソールを大きく開いてロブショット するときにでも、リーディングエッジが地面に近い場所にあるため、どんなライ からでもボールを拾いやすくなります。 X FORGED WEDGE XFORGED X-FORGED ミルキークロム ミルキークローム ミルキクローム ミルキクロム 2008新製品キャロウェイ日本正規品Xフォージドウェッジニュービンテージ仕上げスチールシャフト I don't know what the difference will be from JDM to USDM
2008 Epon 208KGX Wedge w/PICS!
Will the gold finish rust like the copper?
JDM Irons
Put perfectly by Blader-x.
Fourteen on the PGA Tour 2008
Yay for the JDM!! Is it me or is the filling on the wedges green?
2008 Epon AF-Forged Wedge Pics!
I dunno but the KGX wedge looks like dynamite!! They removed weight from the bottom to make it lower traj. Kinda like the yamaha xwedge endo forged. (at least thats what i think the cavities do)