Everything posted by xchangmanx
WITB changman
Thanks Jack! When I first received the wedge, I was a little disappointed, because the mill was only half done on the face. I PMd Chris and T about it, and learned later that the seida which I received is actually a third revision. The original (which is what I though I ordered) has heavy illegal mills on the face. In anycase, I spoke to Chris and T, and immediately the problem was resolved. I decided to keep the 56 seida as it was, and have played two rounds since. After the first round w/the seida, I immediately ordered the 60 w/custom mill from Chris. It is truly a players wedge, gotta hit it square. Kinda harsh on the toe, but softer than my mizuno w/unbelievable spin. Half shots, from the rough, 30 yards w/no green, the seida is right on the money w/superb feel, way more feel than my spin milled, clevelands, and mizunos. The seida is just precise. After the second round, I love the seida, my new found fav club. Fantastic feel w/the Seida
WITB changman
Thought I'd share. 983k Aldila pured 906F4 GD pured Adams 7w Cobra 4 utility R7 forged w/Ns950 Miura 51 bent BG 2 flat Seida 56 BG 2 flat Titleist spin mill 60 BG 2 flat Calli-f 32" 3* L Yamaha wedges Yamaha wedge Second bag is what I was using and switch of from time to time. Superquad 9.5 Aldila NV65 X pured (just changed) 902 13* ustv2 pured s bent to 11.5 ( use this to drive most of the time, I really don't like big drivers, but everyone has to have one in the bag ) Taylor draw 19* utility for the rough Miz 4-p Mp60 3 iron mp 57 all bent 2 flat .50 shorter w/dg s300 (though i usually leave the 3 and 4 at home) Titleist spin mill 56 2 flat cleveland cg12 60 2 flat 43"taylor corza Just recieved these from a TSG member +) thanks L!! SuperQuad PRXs Epon 301 7 Iron at Address R7 Forged Seida 56 My Miura Approach W bent to 51* Added this 2 pics of my custom seida w/full face mill from TSG. Drivers: Hope you enjoyed. changman
Favorite Wedge?
I've never tried graphite in a wedge, but you have made me pretty curious. You swing down and digg, or smooth?
A peek at Japan Tour Vans
Interesting, I see alot of stuff on Ebay marked "custom made in tour van" selling for extremely high dollar amounts. In actuality sometimes the finished club w/the non-cosmetic finish does indeed appeal to my eyes, but I do agree w/XXIO custom made clubs in the hands of the experienced maker is what we all really want. ;)
Favorite Wedge?
Just picked up the Seida Tour 56. Though not what I was expecting visually, on the course the feel changed my mind. For the record I ordered the 56 and told myself after looking at it, this is one club is enough as I was still planning on using my Miura 61. After I hit the club, it was another story. I ordered the 60 custom w/specs from Chris. Appreciate you going the extra mile for the 60 Chris. My vote is the Yururi Tour Seida wedge, the 1014 double pressed is the softest I've ever experienced. changman
Canadian Taxes piss me off
xchangmanx replied to gocchin's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearWow thought us guys here in hawaii were getting ripped off on shipping. After hearing your story I don't really feel that bad, in fact, I feel pretty fortunate now. Peace!
2008 CB iron HELP!!!
I've played USDM clubs from ping, callaway, and some forged clubs from titleist like the 680 custom, then I moved to Mizuno w/the Mp-60, and Most recently R7 forged from Tourspecgolf.(supposed to be for the brother but oh well) At 700 bux who can argue. To me the R7 forged clubs are damed solid. Even though I normally use a heavier SW clubs, the lighter NS shafts are pretty easy to work with. I occasionally toe it, and where my PX5.5 Mp60 and 695 would feel harsh, the R7 forged is pretty smooth. (prolly cause of the shaft) But I must say, I had no idea Talyormade was this soft. I have purchased the epon 301 w/the 1150GH shafts but haven't touched them yet. I plan on using those after around summer next year. All my sets are 5-pw and I use utilities for 4 and 3 irons. If I would chose right now, the Mizuno brings great control and the softest mushy clean feel I've ever experienced, but the R7 forged w/the "wrong shafts" for me wins my bag over. Can't wait to get the Px shafts in them. So my vote is R7 forged cause its a great club, and its a limited edition and its CHEAP!! "Like Jelly"
Back to my first love
Yeah thanks for the info on the driver! I was gonna play yesterday morning, but decided to just head down to bayview for a view buckets. Seems like everywhere on the windward side is still damp from the recent rains. Aloha changman
FS: TourStage X-Drive 430 Tour Issue head 9.5
Still looking to get rid of the driver head?
Hello I'm kinda new here, so pardon the ignorance.... Are Mizuno USDM Products from the same "Chuo" plant as JDM products? I've seen video clips on the Mizuno irons, and they state that all mizuno irons are forged from the same plant. Is this true? If so why aren't the US marketing teams placing irons such as the MP 30 or MP 27 on the shelves here in America? Just been on my mind since I've recently joined... Thanks
New wedges for 2008
the MTI is nice, if not for the colors.
R7 TP (US) Irons vs R7 Forge Irons (Japan)
Hi, I'm a newbie to the forum and recently made my first purchases from Tourspec; one of them were the r7 forged irons. (I wanted to return them because I was planning on giving them to my bro but he is stubbornly set on his x-forged, and I had already ordered Epons for myself. When I found out the clubs were already shipped, I decided that I'll probably end up playing the clubs. Low and behold I opened the box and dropped to my knees and said "WOW SCHUEEEEET!") so anyway on w/the story> I just received my R7 forged set from Tourspec today. Took of of work early to play 9 at the nearest gc. I have the R7 TP irons and they are great clubs, but I always seemed to go back to Mizunos. Well after 9 holes w/the r7 Fs, I can honestly say that the TP and Forged are very different. Not the same as softness as mizunos, but omg soft solid! Perfect distances, w/sharp solid soft feedback. Love the sound... I tend to toe it slightly when I miss, however forgiveness is amazing. I notice that the sharp turn over on the toes when I miss even go the distance. 136 par 3 soft 9iron got me 3 feet birdieeeee! Accuracy is right on par w/fantastic forgiveness, only/few adjustments made from my distances w/my Mizunos. I don't even really want to compare the TP to the forged, the TP is a great club, but if feel is what you want the Forged club is the way to go. Keep in mind that I only have the stock Taylor NS shafts on the R7 forged and on the TPs i have Px5.5. Two completely different shafts. I'll have to change the shafts on the forged to get a better judgment, but i dunno love um already maybe i don't need to change shafts. IMO the forged club is better. I will not return these clubs!! changman
My SS303
Simply Stunning Putter! I am in AWE!
Custom Black Copper AF301's - New
Absolutely magnificent!!! Very nice B!