Everything posted by xchangmanx
Fake Epon Af-301's?
I agree w/T, not that many peeps know about epon; 90% of peeps I know don't know epon and they've been "lifers" I've taken my epons every where I've golfed and only a handfew of peeps actually come up to me and ask, where did you get those irons? Grabbing at the notion that they have some jdm insight, I am more than pleased to make conversion about TSGs equip. Most proshops managers, clubfitters, amatuers and pros don't know Epon I think because Epon doesn't want to be known. (I think T mentioned it before on another thread, i forget) Nonetheless they are indeed IMO prolly the most high end premium forgings in the world. The only thing you can get that is better i believe is some custom set hand made, or from golds or something that has collectors value. But were talking technology and performance here... I think ENDO outshines... Sorry last para was kinda thread bump....
Fake Epon Af-301's?
I don't think epon places serial numbers on thier irons or wedges. Driver and woods got um though.
AF Tours
I believe so. I think all epons accept .355
AF Tours
Indeed the 301s at eyeball looks smaller heal to toe... but I didn't measure it... Forgivness-From when I hit them... the 301s were a tad more forgiving and has less feedback but just felt more solid than the tour... and still ranks up there as the best iron I've ever hit. I suspect its the heavy thick mass of the 301's weight distribution plus the sole width that made it more forgiving. Plus the cavity... I think the Tour's sole width is perfect for shapin' shots because the face is so easy to control coming in to impact then going through the ground, very bladeish, I found it very easy to take a smooth divot w/the Tours... Feel-Biggest difference is sound at impact, 301 sounds like a CB, and the tour has more of a cracking sound when hit solid. But the 301s feel IMO is kinda the same when you hit the sweet spot, its just that the sweet spot is larger on the 301 and its more of a click/thud w/the 301s. Other than that the miss hits are felt more w/the Tour. Like my bro said, distance control is excellent on pured shots... When I first played the tour, the initial impression I had was great distance control, even when I "caught it just right" it has that really soft epon feel... I though I over shot the distance, but ended up at the correct yardage... when I get my irons back I'll post a full review.
AF Tours
Yeah bro strikes the ball, I was a late bloomer starting in middle school... bro started elemetary years. Father taught us who plays to a +1 w/persimmon honmas still. Those persmimmons out drives both bro and me. I'm the only one who endulges in JDM equipment as I need the next gen technology for the help. T
AF Tours
Just sharing... my brothers review on the tours> "for the record" my brother has officially taken my AFTours and does not plan on returning them until he can buy a set lol My bro was playing OnOff 247s wpx6.5s. Now he has over 12 rounds already w/the AFtours since stealing them from me, I asked him what he thought about the irons performance.(brother has played almost every usdm blade and most of my clubs including the af301s and his own set of 301s and miura 247s) He says the Tours are very workable, very soft soft... he says they are softer than his tourstage xblades from 3 years ago and especially helpful at distance prediction. So far he says it is one of the most pleasing blades to look at, the feel is just perfect on impact, it takes just the right amount of turf...(commenting on the blunt leading edge for about 5 mins straight he couldn't get off the subject and was talking like a monkey on how he loves the grind as it is way better than the sole of the af301) Pulling him back on subject I asked how forgiving compared to his other sets... He says they are very forgiving despite it being in the blade class. He says a mid-capper looking to improve could play these. He would place these up there w/his 247s and will prolly be king of his bag for awhile. Bro normally uses xstiff shafts and heavy E weighted clubs... the cut shafts are perfect as we are the same height, he is just a better golfer who can slow down w/the R300s. He says the look at address and feel at impact well make up for the flexier shaft... He is saving up for a full set, he says he'll return it when he can afford 3-PW... He wanted to know if epon makes AFtour in a 2 iron? anyone? Though my bro has not had the luxury of hitting the newest JDM forgings that include the yamaha tour forge, or the TS901 blade which I think are the competition... So he cannot compare to those. Tim
TaylorMade R7 Forged 3-PW PX 6.0
doh.. I just bought a brandnew set on ebay... If only it had been a day earlier...
TS 901 Wedge limited set
I've played the Maru versions w/the 99.9%FE carbon finish. Those are one of my favorites of all time, super spin and great head shape w/low bounce.
- wtb r7 forged 07 model
TS 901 Wedge limited set
New Nowon grips for 2009!
Not as good as the results I get from diamana white on vector. I don't like the feel of aldila's anymore... I used to play the Green NV in my 983k and it was solid. But I've since switched to Fuji Rombax and haven't looked back. W/regards to the low spin low launch of the voodoo, it does just that. Feels tighter than the proto blue and launches lower but still.... not as smooth the diamana white. I got friends loving it in the Woods. IMO-honestly the stock yamaha shafts, and stock tourstage shafts feel better than the voodoo.
Good shaft, the ball goes lower than the green NV and is rolls alot. I tested it in the 909D3 and D2.
PRGR New Models for April
Wow I like um all already... does the egg fw have that topline that looks like an utility?
Leaderboard results
Hey J- I can't directly say how it corrected my swing path as there were several things that made me feel like I'm swinging a better swing. LB gave me the feeling of swinging "on plane" I guess you would say.... to begin w/... About 5-6 moths into LB... I could clearly feel my entire golf swing never go above my neck... at least thats what it feels like. (a feeling I've never really felt in all my years of golf, as this time I think my entire swing changed) Prior to this I never really payed attention to bringing the clubhead from behind me, to directly inside the ball on the downswing... I used to think and constantly try to "swing on plane" which for me is wrong. If I kept on swingin what felt like "on plane" I'd still be hitting directly behind the ball for a straight shot or pull/hook also that messed up slice that starts out like a pull but ends up fading and lands about 100 yrds short of your avg drive. I used to miss it more frequently with these shots than I do now. I've been doing my 2 LB exercises every other night like I said, so its a work in progress.(there have been times when I take a week off but its really so easy, its a good workout also) LB swing>Now it feels like the whole clubhead and shaft are only powered by my body and right leg... and its more of a wiping motion pulling my hands directly down instead of trying to be on plane.... I pull my hands directly down to my pockets, and that brings me on the correct plane which feels like I'm pulling it through from behind my back instead of directly down to the ball. (which is flatter than my previous swing, although I was much flatter on my takeaway than my downswing before I started using LB.) I guess LB makes you do a full turn to get a "nice feeling" or leverage if you will, all the way from your right hand down your entire right side once you set at the top of your swing Also LB's "right leg strengthening" made it much more comfortable for me, to correctly feel (if you will) taking my hands directly back keeping the clubhead outside of hands more, instead of pulling the head way inside, which I used to do severely on my takeaways. I noticed that in my videos that prior to leaderboard, my right leg looked like crap, my right knee would move and sometimes remain fully bent on awkward shots. My right leg is key to hitting it further and pushing the ball low. I believe all of these things attributed to a completely different Leverage on hitting the ball. I think if I continue to work on it, my basic fundamentals will become more consistant.. lol hopefully. Just gotta keep at it,... T
Leaderboard results
OK so there is a clear visible difference is my swing from before and after leaderboard. Here you can see in these two vids the difference. Both are of my full swing. The first video is my 5 wood about 10 months ago SS w/driver was around 105 this was before I started using leaderboard. Second video is of my 5 wood now same ss but much quicker tempo and and much more solid ball striking from lower body "awareness" thanks to leaderboard. I now it a low penetrating 10-20 yard draw that rolls aton. The big difference again is the tempo and angle of attack which as created that draw w/roll. (I could never feel the correct "in-to-out" path through the ball to start it right and bring it back in left. I could only hook the ball or pull it.) LB has changed that swing path for me automatically and I gained 30 yards w/that shaft change and angle of imact from directly behind the ball to the left corner of the ball. The Club I'm using is a Tourstage Viq 08 19* model. First vid is of the stock shaft stiff flex, I snapped the shaft after 2 months, and replaced it w/a NGS FW75 which allowed me to take the tempo up alittle. I also added 3 more vids 5 iron swing, full lob wedge swing, and the FADE shot I've been always trying to hit. vid1: old swing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buKGQ_qc8cw...feature=related vid2: leader board swing 10 months same ss but quicker tempo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-6i3ssuGuU other videos added: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B2MVNljXf4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXmJ3WzTpnw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GBMdKSgo2rE sorry changed the last vid
Miura small blade shaft recommendation.
Let us know how the shafts work out for you. I'm a low ball player also; I like um low of the bat w/the penetrating flight. So far DG for me, is the only one that I can start low and work high enough to stop the long irons. I don't think I transition fast enough for the Project x or kbs to work um high cuz they just bore and roll. gook luck w/um!! let us know...
Miura small blade shaft recommendation.
just my findings: I'm a blade player also, and I've tried KBS. I loved the dispersion. Hands down no other shaft goes straighter, they are pretty much lasers. As far as sound and feel(IMO) DG has that wonderful sound at impact that NS shafts and KBS don't produce w/blades. Plus I couldn't work the ball to the right. I did not like it. I went back to DG in all my blades and couldn't be happier. I play x100 s400 r300 in all different heads and they all are very workable. I play also Project X6.0 in 695s and they are very smooth but in the long irons, dead shots are harder to hit than DG. DG 6-4iron puts way more spin on the ball than all other shafts for me, which I want opposed to distance. I hit my 6 iron w/: KBS=carry 187 roll 195 PX=carry is 180 roll 189 NS1150=carry 185 roll 198 DG=carry 184 roll 185 So you see, that DG is much easier to control for my swing type. I'm always willing to try new things to better my golf. New shaft technology makes it so much easier for us to score better... Many "better players" swear by KBS, but I think I grew up playing DG and its why I prefer the feel and sound. What I did do: before I bought my Epon AFtours I tested on vector all the shafts I played before... I also consulted Tario and Chris.... I was told that if I did not like KBS feel I should not go w/KBS. So test drive your shafts before you buy um... its worth it
Thinnest blade top line
new nike blades are pretty thin on the top. Other than that my first set, MP14s 2-p were just knives.
shorter shaft length and distance
5'6 5 iron is 37.00" PW is 34.25" .5 flat I cannot play std length, I'm always too shallow.
Fourteen V4 Wedge Review
I've played V3s last year and V4s for the past 2 months. No questions V4, way more accurate.
New X-Drive 701R Driver
Miura's best
I agree the MB5003 is the one I'd pick, its very forgiving for a blade also.
My First Gold's Factory Putter. What do you think!?
Indeed, congrats on that beautiful flat stick.
Japan Model Taylormade R9 Driver
Hey T, My real question is will you guys sell the Shafts alone? Say I wanted to buy the GD shaft the speeder shaft and the diamana, would we be able to do that? T