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Everything posted by xchangmanx

  1. OK so I actually measured them. And yes the grooves are 1mm tighter than all my other wedges. There you go folks. Fourteen Grooves are tighter and offer 1 more groove. (I'm sure this makes HUGE DIFFERENCE in spin.... I obviously notice it, especially on the greenside chips, I'm talking 10-15yrd fringe chips that spin back 2 feet)
  2. I too am a Mizzy fan... Would you say they are more CB like or MP blade-like at address? I Love the 32s at addy too. I don't like the hosel offset on the MX line. And Mid traj that does not balloon w/NS950s.. wow!
  3. Hi Jack, re: the first question, is that your driver ball speed or swing speed? 135 sound alot like a 92 mph clubhead speed driver. If you swinging 135 ss thats pretty damed fast you should be seeing 195+ballspeed. re: your vid, I'll try to post some videos tomorrow of the exercises I do. re: your sway and balance. I have this problem too, what works for me is to go back to Ben hogans stance instructions. Place your right foot, hips and shoulders= 90* to your target line, no matter what your left foot looks like make sure your right foot is 90* to target. During your whole swing you should maintain that right leg posture never letting it break or release your right hip. If you coil against your right leg...(what leaderboard teaches) you will stop swaying and start turning. hope this helps, Tim
  4. Before you read on> my quick answer is this> Bottom line> If I didn't have the leaderboard, I do not believe I would have made these gains quite as fast... let alone made these gains at all. The following details out what leaderboard has done for my power game, and ball striking game... "Every golfer is an aspiring golfer and constantly trying to improve his/her game.... no matter the handicap." from ben hogan. I've taken lessons from friends... etc.. over With that said, I was plateauing out w/every training aid out there. Stuck at a 13. for a good 3 years... w/average/minimal ball striking skills, and avg distance of the tee around 260 w/the driver. but I played w/blades and endured the mis**ts.. Started doing Bretts drills since the videos came out... (appreciated very much from a forum member.. as they really helped me out, also Brett was nice enough to help me out w/some wind issues and hitting it low) So all that good stuff: videos, help from the forum, and friends, got me to around 116 SS and finally into the 300 club. but still I wanted to strike that ball w/the irons!! I then watched Bretts leaderboard vid and decided that was the perfect training aid for me. I've been using it for about 9 months now... and it has drastically improved my ball striking and "stacked" position over the ball, and the move you need to fire your hips through w/out moving your right leg (power) I'd say the leaderboard was what really improved my iron play. my distances before leaderboard as follows w/epon 301s 1150 stiff 2*flat 1*weak vector 5 = 195 6 = 180 7 = 160 8 = 150 9 = 138 p = 125 Distances 9 months on leaderboard 5 = 210 6 = 195 7 = 177 8 = 165 9 = 145 p 48* = 135 HOW DOES LEADERBOARD ACTIVELY MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN DISTANCE PASSIVELY DURING THE SWING? -I noticed it by flexing my right leg (quad muscles) just the same as placing four bands on LB and keeping it in the fully stretched position; I could easily hit it further w/out changing a single thing on my swing. for example, flex the right leg more and the ball goes 5 yrds further, flex even more and it goes 5 yrds more. - take 175 yrdage, I'd take a 7 iron, but if I wanted to I could take an 8 iron and image that I just placed 2 more bands on the LB device and make that swing. This would cause me to flex or "load" my right leg more which would create a faster hip turn from the top and faster hands w/more lag through impact... the key from from the top, just focus on making the same swing through the ball. Something for you all to think about... my findings, I can't attest for others, as I have used LB almost every other night for about 9 months now... so this is my results> -I have never had a training aid like it(LB)... LB makes your RIGHT FOOT STAY DOWN until impact... if you do this and stack your power w/a firm right leg... YOU MUST FIRE YOUR RIGHT HIP THROUGH in order to hit the ball solid... IMHO "if you take your leaderboard swing out onto the course, you will discover untapped, effortless power" My driver is a testament to this. I swing 8 mph slower after leaderboard, and I achieve the same distance That is what has lead me to believe LB contributed to the ball striking. 9 months ago my friends were all driving it way past me... now I hit my irons shots so solid I don't even really care about the driver.(but we all know it is the king of the tee box) Once a week I play a whole 18 w/my Epon 5-p and putter lol. Friends are now envious of my newfound ball striking. They constantly ask what training I do? I still have not told them about my leaderboard and don't plan on too. LOL the greenies are now mine!!! They are now thinking its the all the JDM technology and equipment I use... I always tell them yes, its all about JDM!!!! They are all about trade all their stuff in for JDM equipment. Lets hope they never find out about this post/Leaderboard!!
  5. xchangmanx posted a post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Anyone tried them? so cheap
  6. Ok that makes sense. Glad they forged them; however, even if they weren't forged, I'd still buy them. They are great wedges
  7. Thanks for the help guys. Here is my vector progress before and after leaderboard for my 56* sand wedge going on 8 months now. before vector=56* SW full shot=75-80yrds avg After vector=56* SW full shot=100-105yrds avg Pure contact and more clubhead speed is what LB helped me create. Misses are prob less now, but still I miss a good deal too, but they do not come up nearly as short as before leaderboard.
  8. Fourteen V4 silver finish. I counted them they have 16 grooves apposed to most wedges 15. I was trying to figure out why they spin so much.... lol Another side note>they say forged but they are cast.... lol At address the shape and slightly reflective surface gives a sharper feel. Taper blade reminds me of the yamaha 08 wedge. The V4 had almost same traj as the yamaha. Same uber spin. As you can see the grooves are dam huge, they sliced up my brigdestones. Super Spinners. First impressions: DG shaft -Beautiful wedge at address. -Great feel, very spongy soft, very grabby, but not soft like epon soft/solid. -Easy to hit full, pitch, chips low. -Tight lie and fairway shots are just darts to the flag that stop on a dime. Significant differences: just my opinion -I noticed I slightly skulled a few balls trying to chip w/this guy...(less forgiving) never happens w/kgx. -I noticed an increase of 5-10 yrds on sweet spot shots than any of my other wedges.(vector) My normal 56* only goes about 100 yrds, but w/the V4 I found it easy to get to 110 and crank it up further too. -Sand and rough shots are difficult> they do not feel as easy to hit as kgx wedge and vokey wedges. Also Sand and rough shots do not sound and feel the same as good as vokey and kgx... Vokey and kgx are more consistent in the scrambling. as the grooves wear I will report in...
  9. Currently using 4 wedges V4 48*= 135 V4 52*= 120ish V4 56*=110 V4 60*=95 but I'm a converter from 58*sw I went to 56 and 60.
  10. Thanks guys, much appreciated.
  11. I don't see it in the proshop... how did you order it? and how much does the finish cost?
  12. I know fourteen makes FW woods that are flatter which helps out w/the fade, but do you guys know any FW woods that come stock w/open face? I believe the Talyor R9s will be adjustable... lie and face angle... but I wanted to know if there are any JDM FW woods w/open faces... Geotech is the only one I noticed, but I've been trying to find some...
  13. I luckily had received 2 TS 701G drivers for xmas. I sold and kept one for play... I have played this shaft in the 701g on and off for 4 weeks now(backup driver). EV6-Stiff It kicks strongly in the impact area. I can transition from the top of my back swing down much more aggressively w/this shaft. mated w/the 701G square face/for the normal drawer, this guy will hook more often, prob add +5 yrds more to the draw at that. In recent launch monitor sessions I found that the aggressive transition instead of a smooth one produced a sweeter kick and improved ball speed w/this shaft. Aggressive transition ball speed= 157.78 club head speed=106 Smooth transition ball speed= 154.18 club head speed=105 I have gone up to 113mph ss and have gotten 167 ball speed w/good carry and this shaft is just as stable as the MD7 w/less spin for me an a little higher ball flight. but my MD7 felt much more stiffer because it was an xstiff, so it brought my flight spin rate up. on course avg drive for 5 rounds= 288yrds very windy. Added yrdage because of the 10+yrds draw the head was producing. If your bad shot is a hook Id go w/the 901(which I'm testing out as we speak w/EV7) or something w/an open face. But if you hit it straight, or you just want mad distance, ev-6 is a good choice. Aim right and pound this shaft way outside and it will come back in w/huge carry.
  14. Yeah I havn't been able to access the vid section for about a month now.
  15. xchangmanx posted a post in a topic in Want To Buy
    Close please thanks
  16. Before leaderboard, I was swinging hard to get big yardage. Id have to swing 115+ SS to get to 300yds. I've been using leaderboard for 8 months now and have decreased my SS from 115 to 107avg. I use the same drivers and I now carry less yrdage but gain more roll. Before leaderboard w/TS 9.5* 08 445 stock diamana shaft. Vector Height: high Spin: 2850 @ 12.4* SS: 116 ballspeed: 167avg carry:281 total: 293 roll 8 Months of leaderboard w/same driver Height:mid Spin: 2050 @ 13.6* SS: 108 ballspeed: 154avg carry:251 total: 289 roll All my shots Draw about 5-10 yrds, the old swing before LB would start low then rise high(I believe because of the spin) w/my altered LB swing, ball striking is much more solid ball is a much more boring traj that is med height. Center shots are very consistent and the ball rolls aton. Key for me is to get low ball spin
  17. Congrats J, you will not be disappointed. If you've never played epon irons, specifically the 301/type Js, I think you are missing out on one of the purest irons ever. IMO> the 301 is the most pleasing irons to hit next to none!! Well, there are some brands which I have not hit yet... and a few really good brands which have faired too expensive for me(but I have hit them). In the end, high end JDM equipment Epon irons are #1 for ME. As far as shaft selection. I recommend KB tour and 1150 for the 301s. If you like graphite Tour AD pro series is super for feel and dispersion. (absolutely no shock)
  18. I've owned the R7 TPs forged 07 model. (the one Mike Weir uses) Epon 301s smoked my TM in every category.
  19. So... has the date been delayed? or can we put in orders?
  20. Couldn't agree more w/the last two posts. I sold my 301s about bout a month ago... >>I then became very sad. Life went black and white... I played my hogan apexs, 695s, mp62s, and the good ol R7s all during the past 3 weeks... only to come to the conclusion that I should have never sold my 301s. I have since found a mint set, and the happiness and color has returned to my life once again. Cheers to 301s!!
  21. All are great choices... I'd suggest Machline, I'm also a smooth tempo swinger... NGS shafts have always felt really great to me... No problem w/the kick as it is very smooth and strong. Dispersion is very good and it does not distract your eye. MD 5 will produce mid spin mid flight. I don't know about the other shafts.... hope this helps.
  22. Alright I'll give this a try, I think it'll be a good training aid. I'll report back in couple months after I've worked this into my routine. Thanks J, its always good to hear from guys who have the same problems. Am I the only one out there experiencing gains w/the Leaderboard? or is it just that I'm the only one that bought a leaderboard? lol
  23. Pics at impact... coming into the ball and ball leaving face: LB has helped me make solid contact. this is w/a 7 iron.
  24. I agree, but I love the look of the tour sieda wedges. Wish they brought them back.
  25. Hey Thanks for the input J... GREAT OBSERVATION! I was waiting for someone to p/u on the point that I have a hard time hitting it right. Tario knows this already.... I was looking for a shaft that wouldn't go left... I chose the Md7 w/af101, and it was positive results. Tight dispersion mid to high launch... I had it pured by Goodsie and it was like going from a .50 cal to a sniper rifle. (but still NO ball that starts left and works right) So, yes my natural swing is a into out swing... I've been trying over the past 3 years to cup the wrist and move out to in on the downswing... and even laying the club head off alot, But I've had little success. On those left to right holes I either die trying or layup at the dog leg. Hitting straight shots have only come recently w/the leader board and still I manage to draw the ball over 5 yrds when not intended to. :( for this reason... I've been aiming and where from 5-10 yrds right to accommodate for my miss. the tour burner suits me nicely cuz it has a 2* open face, just a little more confidence. Hitting that fade has never been my "go to" shot, I'd like to learn how to move it left to right w/contol, as my induced attempts at fading the ball have resulted in mostly slices that end up only 220 yrds, 40 yrds short of a decent carry. I also miss w/pushes that are blocked out of this world. So to round up I get a good fade ball 1 out of every 5 shots. (I really wish to improve this) All the proshop guys tell me to hit down at the ball which works for irons, not the driver. Also I do not wish to explore a more vertical swing plane.... It's a ongoing process for me on this one, this is the 4th year now... lol LB has helped out alot. Ideas?