Everything posted by xchangmanx
Leaderboard results
I've been trying to spend alot of time on the launch monitor... trying to get the spin below 2400rpm, thats what give me that roll. So far I've found that 13-14* launch angle w/my ss is perfect. I injured my back 4 months ago and have been swingin slower ever since, prolly 6-9mph slower. Matrix xcon 5 is a great high launch low spin shaft for me right now... For my smooth tempo I get a good 14* launch from the 9.5* head @106 mph for a carry of 250avg and if its soft I get stuck at 250; but if its firm and rolling, I get a solid 30-40yrds roll. I truly believe its the shaft. Having tried a number of different shaft/head combos spending the time on the launch monitor paid off On that note... not many other shafts produced this low rpm w/high launch for me. One shaft to mention was the Diamana white 73stiff. I was getting away w/11* launch and 2200rpm, but I was having a little difficulty w/the making solid contact. Easiest to hit was Rombax from the tour burner TP Hardest to hit was the Diamana white.
GD P9003, GD TV7X, Diamana Kaili 80X or Fubuki
Saw 3 guys at the long drive championships using GD MD7 shafts. 129 ss for a good 340+ I've personally used the MD7 shaft and its smooth and strong.
Leaderboard results
feedback/input on my swing appreciated. Help is always welcomed here....
Leaderboard results
Proof that I have increased my accuracy w/the driver due to leaderboard; I've posted this video of me hitting the driver which I carried about 250 and rolled to an additional 40 some yards to a good 290 almost 300. No proof of yrdage... but if you compare this to my video of me hitting the EMB driver 6 months ago, you'll be able to see the obvious difference in power and balance. Driver is a 9.5 tour burner stock tp matrix shaft. Hole is 18th at TurtleBay Palmer course. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mynDB57WTKs
Image Leak of the New Black AF101 Ion Driver
Is this a custom TSG work option or a Epon factory option?
TS 701s
Forgot to mention Tad Fujikawa.... Saw him at turtle bay last weekend practice round. I think he is using prototype yonex irons.
TS 701s
Maybe you're right! I couldn't tell at first... I looked at it and it defiantly was not the 901 or 701s. Smooth all silver/satin sole and black top/crown. Shallow face looks like a GR... also looked like he was using an axiv shaft, but I couldn't really make it out. I'll gotta take snapshots on my next visit. Marus wedge spin He had a couple 30 yrd pitchs which landed close to the pin.... showing super spin, guy even short pitches from the rough>> the ball spun hard as it changed angles once it hit the green due to spin. (Dam its stormy here now, expected 40+ mph gusts up to 60+ over the next couple days. News says almost all preschools and private schools are closed all over the island. Many Red Cross shelters have been put in place for our leeward residents on the island. Some locations are experiencing power outages.) I saw some putts today break alittle due to the wind, It'll be awesome golfing in 50+mph. So if I do return to the tourny, it'll be to see some pros shoot scores like mine. LoL Back on his bag. I could see his 701s as the looked very appealing. I only wish these tournys came w/JDM Tour equipment Vans.
TS 701s
Saw Shigeki Maruyama playing the 701 CBs today at Waialae!! Solid irons, solid iron play..... and man was he working it low in the 40+mph... TS701s FTW
Custom clubs direct from the big brands
Customized gear from JDM manufactures what more could we ask for..... =))
JDM Tourstage MR 23 graphite Chikara proto Cally jdm bag PRICE DROPS
Recieved the yamaha wood on saturday!! Thanks Stevo!! Awesome club!!
[WTB]high end wedges
msg sent
Please help me decide between Vokey TVD and Epon 208KGX wedges
Hey Mr D, My experience is based off of the regular spin milled vokey, not the TVD. Softer conditions the kgx's bounce is really good for me. Plus on miss hits, the kgx is able to consistently spin the ball more than the vokeys. From 50yrds in to the hole is where my game goes from swing to pitch w/no release. (I don't roll my wrists on my 52*wedge shot) This is a low boring 2 hop stop shot. this shot will hit exactly 50yrds w/my 52* when I move my left arm to 9 o'clock and accelerate straight through w/no release. I can add/subtract couple yrds by by by doing certain things w/my legs and ball position... precisely why I play 52 58 60, these lofts work w/my swing and my short game yardages. (maru wedges would actually be great, I love the odd lofts) I desire low trajectory on all shots even my wedge shots and pitch shots and the kgx w/the 1150s can be worked low. Spin and distance from 50yrds in w/that pitch shot is really consistent. 30 yrds and in the 58* pulls back w/that same swing about 2 feet on avg w/a lower traj than other wedges I've tried, only the yamaha 08 wedges were as spinny and low... To me Vokey wedges w/TT shafts have an all together different feel and sound at impact and when going though the ground. I'd say not as soft and satisfying as the Epons but it is a very good feel and sound. KGX plays softer and very consistent after the break in of the grooves... Vokeys spin the ball more even after the break in period. I always carry a 60* vokey spin milled. The Vokey wedge is my 70-80 yrd full shot cuz it spins the ball so much I can push it low and really rely on it sticking once it hits. KGX wins hands down around the greens. Kinda detailed but I love wedge game. Hope this helps... Aloha, Tim
Please help me decide between Vokey TVD and Epon 208KGX wedges
They are both great wedges. Softest for the kgx is the gold I believe... got mine shafted w/1150s and they spin a good deal. Winter time here in hawaii is perfect, its fluffy and wet; the kgx is a great club for 50 yrds and in. I'd buy Both lol
Golf Today 2009 Iron Forgiveness Test
Love this kind of stuff!! Thanks T!! Awesome!!
5 wood or 3 rescue ??
For me... the hybrid is more forgiving than the 5 wood. But I can work a 5 wood low, high, left and right... on the 5 wood: I currently use tourstage viq 07 5 wood which is very forgiving, mated w/a smooth ngs fairway shaft. This set up is perfect for me.... its a driver, fairway wood, rescue and even chipper. Still really workable even w/its forgiveness. Currently I'm trying out the MP62s... they defiantly feel more solid and blade like than the mushy, larger feel mp60s give me. Super workable... loving the long irons. I believe its a 21* 3 iron which I can work to about 210 and max out at about 230... then on its my 5 wood.... from about 235+ish... my 5 wood is currently 19* and then there is a 5.5* gap between the 5 and the 3 wood. I use a 13.5 degree epon 3 wood only for primary driver... then a 9.5 degree driver for the long holes... Marus 53 and 57 are perfect for me, but I end up playing titleist wedges standard lofts... and I always carry a 60. Current daily bag does not have a hybrid... but I do mess around w/them... especially the driving irons... loving the TS xdrive driving iron and the prgr zoom... I got one shafted w/S300 and the zoom is shafted w/a GD AD 85 graphite shaft... I swear that GD shaft is ohhh sooo smooth!!!!!!!!!
Pro Preference Model Golf Clubs ** PPM **
So is there an actual company or person that does the forging? or is Himeji the only info people are willing to leak....?
Merry Christmas
Merry xmas to all you crazy golf nuts!!!
Changman's bag
Mahalo for the kind words... On the clubs> Its always hard to decide o_O. Most of the time I play Munis, and I don't want to get the clubs dinged or rocked... I end up taking my R7s. The KB tours are like lasers(straight hard time fading the ball), but I like to work the ball more.... the 301s w/1150s are soft, solid and allow me to move the ball to those tucked pins. Note on the Tour Burner TP... IMO its pretty good. Bottom line: If money was on the line, Epon 301s and KGX wedges w/1150s are my best scorers. I prefer the JDM sets over so far over any of my domestic sets. My lowest scores have come this past season w/the 301s and kgxs in the bag. =) I'm interested to see what everyone else has will be using this upcoming season.
The new 2009 Mizuno MP Craft FW's 14.5 & 17.5
These look pretty good at address. Anyone hit them? I'm interested in any feedback on these Miz woods.
Changman's bag
I have alot of clubs/sets... This is what I plan on using for the next year; My twilight bag. Tour Burner 9.5 Stock Xcon5 cut to 44.75 Ben Hogan 18 S300 wood shaft R7 4-PW KB TOUR Vokey 54 60 spin mill oil can version TT Ping Karsten blade I've hit some long ones w/this guy and I have no arguments w/the workability. This one is the TP version w/the stock Matrix shaft. I don't carry a 3 wood w/this set. My 5 wood carry w/this guy is 210-230. Given to me by me father, (dad still believes in persimmons, he uses honma persimmons) this hogan 5 wood w/steel shaft very workable. I prefer this 5 wood over the new stuff. The only other wood heads that attract me are the smaller titleist heads. Irons and wedges: R7 4-PW KBTour stiff Titleist spinmill oil can 54* 60* (love the rusty look) JDM BAG AF 101 9.5 MD7 AF 201 13.5 NGS 75 TS VIQ 19 NGS 75 TS Xdrive UT 20.5 NS1150 AF 301 5-PW NS1150 TS MARU 53 59 X100 GF #2 NS putter shaft Woods Irons 301s still in my bag. Wedges and UT Additional stuff
Thanks Idrive and Goodsie and Tour Spec Golfer
Gary is top notch in taking care of your clubs; I went w/express shipping. Sent the clubs to G on a wednesday, I believe he got them on Friday.... I went on vacation for 8 days to vegas, by the time I got back I had my driver, irons, and wedges fitted to full specs, waiting at home ready to go... (I live in hawaii) Exceptional work, precise and accurate. Especially on the driver, my driver is damed straight now. *I agree a great club fitter/tech w/good customer service is hard to come by.... thanks to the forum... we have a network of so many great people who all share the same passion ... whacking that little ball....
Leaderboard results
RG- I practice at the driving range once a week and golf about once a week, I practice the leader board at night roughly 15 mins, and maybe even less. I only do one drill. Its my own made up drill. Basically I place all the bands on and I take my swing setup stance, I swing the club like I'm hitting the ball. I do this for 2 mins then take a quick break... then 2 mins again... I do this for around 15 mins. The Key for me is to never move my right leg during any point of the swing for the entire 2 mins... even during the follow through...As many swings as it may take, during the 2 mins I try not to let my right foot move.(the right foot slider on the LB) During this move, I found that to keep my foot in place I couldn't complete a full follow through. Repetition of this was key for me... Kinda makes you look like Moe Norman if you ask me.... but it worked for me. Besides I believe that you must try and experiment w/the device to get the right exercise out of it that will best suit the aspects of the game you are trying to improve. For example LB was the perfect device for me because I wanted to work on posture, lag, coil, balance and ball striking. This one exercise works for me on all those aspects. J-I think that if I were to dedicate more time(each session) and regime the training w/all the exercises, I might have seen improvements quicker. But really, how many of us buy training aids and really stick to them? I invested my money in this guy and used it minimally over the past half year. 45 mins a week during my local news telecast right after work. I think i'd say 75% of the four points I was trying to improve shown in the pics are attributed to directly to the leaderboard, I knew that if I could improve these 4 aspects of my game.... somewhere along the line, posture and ball striking will come back. (over the last 3 years... I was always trying to improve my takeaway, weight transfer, clubhead lag, and overall balance. After watching many videos, trying many drills and training aids, I'd say the leaderboard was the right training aid for me and it provided the most results.) The other 25% of the gain of course was taking that feeling w/those key moves out to the range and course every week and trying it out. Most importantly I believe for me the leaderboard really "magnified" the swing feeling of "Coil" or "torque." The loading of the right leg creates such a powerful release when done right, and the leaderboard really allowed me to strengthen that feel. I never said the leaderboard improved my scores, but it did improve my swing and my ball striking; and w/that came improved distance accuracy and consistency. TSG's video section, Brett does a really great job on how to use it... and it is clear that it takes practice to get to 4 bands and keep your right leg there.... For me, once I was comfortable w/4 bands the power and ball striking just fell right into place. Hope this helps... T
Brother Drivers Launch Monitor Test
Thanks T, the FTiq is kinda intriguing.
Titleist 585.H 19° Hybrid not for high hadicappers?
Hi Akira, I agree w/idrive and duffer, 5 wood is the way to go. I personally recommend tourstage viq line. I use the 5 wood and 7 wood instead of hybrids they are easier to hit than my fourteen woods and taylormade woods along w/being unbelievably forgiving.
Leaderboard results
Every other night for me its 15 mins of straight leaderboard. Both pics are at impact... 1st pic is about 7 months ago before the leaderboard... 2nd pic is recently(using the leaderboard). Pics don't show that much of a difference, but the feel is totally another story. Notice weight is a roll over of the right insole instead of the toe and right heal lifting(knees more together). This alone has changed my game tremendously. Second is my take away, instead of coming way inside, I've been working on keeping the head of the club outside my hands more until my arms are at least past 8oclock. Again before and after. Pics of club head lag I have increased. before and after Last wider more power full base for better balance. I find myself inbalance on every shot since I've been using the leader board, From Day 1 avge yrd gain is 5 yrds on every club, but the major difference is the amount of effort I put into the swing now as opposed to before using the training device. And secondly is the ball striking and distance consistency. I must say, this device is worth the money alone for that department. I'd give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars. Still much improvement to do, but overall, its easy to setup and use, small to store and worth the $.