Faded Epon KGX Wedge's in Charcoal Black
I have the smooth gold, which in actual fact are quite copper colored. Very cool, I hope the finish lasts. With the black ones, would it have helped to be applying regular oil or something? Like a black ox putter for example? Paul
WTB - Leather Epon iron covers
OI!!!! My thread, send a PM to me.......lol. I've been told there is something in the works, but not for a little while. Does anyone have some???? Paul
beatles fans
paulyboy replied to parputt's post in a topic in Out of Bounds: Lifestyle, Luxury, Autos, Hobbies, High Tech GearRocky walked in, Stinking of gin, And proceeded to lay on the table. How could you not love them? Paul I wonder what Beatles collectors thought of Scotty Camerons yellow submarines?
WTB - Leather Epon iron covers
In a thread on here somewhere I saw some black leather iron covers with Epon on them. Epon don't have them anymore, does anyone have any they are not using? Paul
Waggle New Iron Preview!!
T, TSG is something I've discovered only recently. I often used to visit the site but never looked hard enough to see the forum. It's threads like this that are FASCINATING. Thanks mate, Paul
- WTB - Epon 3 wood
George Spirits GS-MB Irons w/Pics!
Ummmm..... .....wow!
The Offical George Spirits Thread @ TSG!
I have a feeling that this site is going to end up VERY expensive for me....
The Offical George Spirits Thread @ TSG!
Oh my goodness. I've had TourSpecGolf saved in my favorites for ages, but I never noticed before that there is a forum. We see virtually none of this stuff here in Australia. And these George Spirits? They just look so cool! Paul