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Everything posted by chainsaw

  1. I'm going to disagree as well. I rolled a few with the 35" at Golfsmith and was pretty impressed. Granted it was on an indoor green but not into a net :whistle: The putter was not dead like some inserts and seemed to have a great feel on the stroke. I was impressed and will hopefully have one in the bag soon.
  2. Al- I would melt that SOB down fire hurts more than water. In college Kristin had to make 100 3 footers in a row before she could go home. To top it off when they got to 99 they had to step away and announce that it was their last putt. That's a great drill to strenghten the abs :smile2: Seriously though, I do it sometimes but use a much lower number like 25. Phil's clock drill has worked out pretty well for him, JAT. If all else fails get a new putter :whistle: Get a DOC :yuk: :yuk: :yuk:
  3. Holy 3 putts Batman! That sucks!!!!!!! I'm sorry to hear about anyones putting woes, were you using the white hot #1???? I had one that now resides in my best friend's bag. He ain't bad with it but I couldn't make anything with it. :mad: For all concerned about my dish duties, I'm down 4 strokes going into the back. We only played nine because of a dust storm of biblical proportions the match will continue next week. :whistle:
  4. I missed the game today but what they did last night against Street was title worthy. Congrats but the Horns will be back next year!
  5. On a side note, since I was in Dallas I went to Golfsmith and Edwin Watts to check out some of the new stuff. Shops here don't seem to carry the large inventories like these two monsters. Anyways to my point, the Ping DOC is the biggest F-ing thing I've ever seen in my life! How in the world could you show up for a round and be taken seriously? I'd read it was big and nothing could prepare you for it but DAMN! Somebody had some good stuff when they were designing that baby. I also rolled a few with the Red X and have to say I was pretty impressed. It seemed to have great feel and balance. The face insert wasn't too soft and I think one may be in my future :money: It was on the practice putting green in the store but it wasn't into a net so I guess I can comment on it :wink:
  6. Well guys I'm back home and hope I don't have to go anywhere for a while. I'm glad that the political discussion didn't stray off on any angry tangents. So, kudos on that one. On a similar note, in Vanity Fair this month or last there is a great article on conspiracy theory. Not sure of the month but it has Jackie O on the cover and says Return To Camelot. That is a subject you can warp your brain thinking about :D I've got a big match against Kristin tomorrow if I can drag her out of the house. We'll be playing for some serious prizes, dishes, vacumning, laundry, all the good stuff :smile2:
  7. Chris- You don't have any further info on the TM tour grey market info do you?>
  8. Got it Mike just shot back to you. Sorry to hear about the site issues. I'm glad I just switched to cable at home.
  9. That my friend is not your average run of the mill camel toe. That is the much rarer Canadian Moose Knuckle. I knew I was missing out by not watching that on television.
  10. Pull the trigger. Worst case scenario you don't like them and in true ho fashion you sell them two weeks after you get them. I wish I could give you a sound breakdown between the two but I have not hit the 23's enough yet. Just off a mat into a net :o Sorry, just couldn't resist that one. I will offer one piece of sound advice, don't sell the 300's until the other set is in your hands ready to go. :whistle: It can make life tough on all parties involved. :laugh:
  11. My Gawd that guy is White T. No wonder half of the world hates us. That video is all one needs to disprove Darwin's theory of Evolution cuz he ain't evolved.
  12. chainsaw replied to chainsaw's post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
    Drop to $70 or best offer.
  13. Thanks guys it's appreciated!!!! It's life but you never can quite prepare yourself for it. He is home for the weekend before going back MOnday to see the Oncologist and probably checking into the hospital for some time. The prognosis is pretty grim but he's a really tough guy so who knows... I do love the new site, well worth the wait. Are you guys having a hard time seeing the emoticons? They look all smushed up to me....
  14. chainsaw posted a post in a topic in Buy, Sell, & Trade
  15. I doubt she has to worry about a life jacket since she has built in flotation devices
  16. I ran into a similar situation, send him Pm's, e-mails, as much contact info as you can and give him a deadline, say 24 hours, and say no response no sell. Nobody can fault you for that plan of action. Relist if he doesn't get back in the allotted time frame. With the outbox feature you can know wheter or not the message was opened.
  17. Al- Some people are like that, I shoot at least ten strokes higher when I play with my brother in law. Perfect example last summer front nine struggled to shoot a 46 he left at the turn but I kept playing 34 on the back. Nothing changed but the surroundings :tired:
  18. Al, best wishes :D That's too bad but stick with the therapy and hopefully you'll be back in no time. I bet you will still be able to putt, you couldget deadly during that time if they'll clear you for practice putting.
  19. OMG, that is scary stuff! Note to self, never pick that chick up.
  20. Thought I'd share one of my favorite sites with you guys. Dedicated to the greatness of the mulay aka the yep, yep, nope. Would you like me to cut up front? Yep Would you like me to cut the sides? Yep Would you like me to cut the back? NOPE www.mulletsgalore.com
  21. DoubleAA- Need more latina heat ;shocked :P Are both of the first two pics Claudia Molina. Ladies like that are why I watch Telemundo!! And no I don't speak Spanish :lol:
  22. Is that Jessica Alba with the big old moose knuckle???? The Yankee train seems to have been derailed by 24 kids in Texas 8)
  23. Quadruple ;shocked I need some latin salsa in my life after seeing that... She looks like a latin Angelina Jolie only better.
  24. Now that could make for some uncomfortable putting. Plus, unless you used a long putter it'd have to be a female hand because I don't want a male hand that close to the wedding tackle. :lol: No, I'm talking about the little rubber thingy the seasoned citizens attach to the end of the putter grip. It's almost looks like a rubber door stop. I'll see if I can find one and post a link.