Everything posted by jamnguy1
Miura MB-5003 vs Yururi Raw Flat Back Blade
Kbs better feel for sure If u want 2 keep ball flt down, DG the way to go
Epon Technity Copper and Miura Forced Raw
I had the chrome technity epon a while back. It was so shiny it could blind the players on another hole. They also were not as soft as the miura.
Fake Epon 502s floating around..
Shaft should not say `made in japan´ font on sole too bold and squarish that´s what i can see wow makes me wonder
Miura MB-5003 vs Yururi Raw Flat Back Blade
I owned 5003 and yururi raw blade (not 2010 version). 5003 smaller heel to toe. 5003 more workable. yururi head felt heavier. 5003 seemed more forgiving. Hard to say which launched higher. I think spin is the same, but ithink this is more a person´s swing mechanics rather than the properties of the head. I´m having a hard time remembering which was softer, as people have different opinions and definition. They are certainly different in feel. I think the yururi felt a little more solid so the 5003 was a little softer, but that may be due to the shaft. They are both excellent irons. That said, I no longer play blades.
honma beres tw904 irons 4-pw graphite $999
I've reduced price to $999 shipped conus I used these for about a season off and on
- PRGR Egg 9W 22*
Tourstage Putter
Tourstage Phyz Putter http://phyz-golf.com/products/putter/ UST Mayima frequency filtered shaft http://www.ustmamiya.com/shaft_models/product.aspx?id=69 34" $175 shipped conus
Lie angle??
after reading some of the comments, i notice too that with the higher lofted clubs, wedges, i tend to pull the ball left more. what i've had to do was to go with a weaker grip from my 9i to my wedges. didn't think about bending to flatter lie until now.
Is this a real Miura wedge?
would have to see pic standard issue is not raw maybe custom which may explain wt The genuine yov see on the hosel is typically not custom as ive only seen that for miura outside of japan so this is interesting
Is this a real Miura wedge?
you got the satin head. the black one is heavier.
Players irons, Slim sole but high bounce
good idea bending to weaker loft will increase bounce Also nothing wrong with playing callaway proto, endo forged
Off to the club builder
Let us know how it works out.
Is this a real Miura wedge?
Miura does that
tourstage v7000s and bridgestone ray floyd wedges...
Good pt about regrooving to conform. Now that i think bout it, it is going to be hard to even do physically without damaging or altering the integrity and quality of the club.
tourstage v7000s and bridgestone ray floyd wedges...
this would be the easiest Because golf is a game of honor, every participant is expected to play by the rules and there is a presumption that competitors are doing so. When the groove rule changed, it was assumed that all the competitors would abide. In a few amateur usga sanctioned tournaments in the year that the change took effect, some competitors were found to be using clubs with old grooves, but it was determined to be so only when other competitors pointed it out and not because there is any standard inspection process that occurs beforehand. If old clubs have conforming grooves, they could be played, but there is always a presumption of inelligibility if the clubs are old and made way before the groove change. Its really not worth the hassle even if you regroove imo. New clubs nowadays are just as good if not better than old ones. Its less of a hassle finding a new set that works as opposed to regrooving. That said, if regrooving is your choice, be prepared to have your clubs inspected. Its highly unlikely the usga will provide a specific exemption just for you and your specific set of custom clubs.
tourstage v7000s and bridgestone ray floyd wedges...
i think its possible to regroove them to be conforming typically the specs of the grooves are inspected if another player calls you on it and not the age of the clubs this is different than drivers where its not as easy to check the cor
Epon 901 driving irons??
Personal results may vary. I got a chance to hit the 25* and I hit it as far as my 4 iron albeit with higher ball flight and carry. I wonder if they will have a replacement for the 901 soon as it's been around since 2008. Then again, why fix something that's already great.
$9600 for 6 graphite iron shafts???
As far as graphite shafts go, they are among the better ones. Whether they're worth the cost ... that's rather relative and subjective.
HIghly recommended players cavity?
09 Yamaha Tour were pretty nice. Very workable club. Short from heel to toe. Endo feel. For me, not as forgiving. In the right hands, just as good as any other clubs.
HIghly recommended players cavity?
Not in any particular order, but yeah the AF-302 paired with KBS tour is at the top of the list.
HIghly recommended players cavity?
Im currently gaming these Af-302 Honma Tw904 RC tour vs miura cb501 Burner tp tourstage 705m Tourstage gr fourteen tc510 a few blades to mix things up
Af302 copper straight from the shop
Wow makes my own set of af-302 look pedestrian
Irons Design with weight
That's interesting. Agree on the practicality of it and also probably requiring more work in cleaning.
Irons Design with weight
It took a while for a JDM company (Honma) to even make an adjustable loft driver. Of course, when they did it, it was much easier to use. TM is at the forefront in adjustable clubs starting with adjustable weighting in their drivers, and now with their irons. They even have interchangeable face plates for wedges. I'm not sure if they do, but they can even sell non-conforming groove face plates. Adjustability is a nice option, but if you know what your specs are or if you get fitted properly, you really don't need the ajustability.
Epon af-152 driver
Quadra shaft is a good match.