Everything posted by FatMan
- All Sold.
- All Sold.
- All Sold.
- All Sold.
All Sold.
Been away from from the game for awhile due to injuries & life in general. Hitting the reset button with almost all my gear. Epon Caps SOLD New. Not sure why I bought these as I hardly wear caps... SOLD Epon Iron Head covers SOLD New, never used. SOLD Epon Zen Sold Original owner. Good condition. Original specs, shaft, headcover. Velcro removed from the headcover to avoid possible scratching. Sold
2014 Gekku RAW "Conforming" Wedge
Any chance they'll come out with a 58*?
JDM UTILITY with .335 hosel
I've played an Epon 901 shafted with a fw80 in the past. Not sure how big the hosel is tho.
Fuso Dream Air Shepherd UT23*
Looks great! Love that it has a flatter lie angle than others. How did it perform for you?
- Found - Thanks
Zen Goodsie
Glad you're happy with Goodsie's work. Do you happen to know what the hosel size of the Zen is?
Craig's recent Gold's Refinishes
Those came out well! Very well!!
clubmaker / fitter mentioned in Austin
- Shinagawa Raw 3-PW Irons - RARE
- Shinagawa Raw 3-PW Irons - RARE
Flex with Graphite AD-65 Iron Shafts
I've used the 75 regular in the past. I would say stick with the regular flex. It will be lighter tho
Good News & Bad News...
Not a fake. He's one of us...
Shaft for a ryoma 10.5 premia
Profile wise, If you battle the right side, the LY-02 might be a better fit for you between that & the LY-01. The LY-01 is more of an anti-left shaft which is probably why you're losing it to the right. For me, the FEX was also an anti-left shaft. I've had good success withe FEX Proto & CB-46. A lot of good shafts out there. You just have to find the right profile & stiffness that fits your swing. You can email T (Gocchin) to help you out with your choices.
Quadra 752i tipping
In theory, you might/should be able to (always good to double check with the manufacturer or experts). The tip size of the 725is are listed as parallels (.370). Taper tips (.355) are a whole different story...
2013 Yamaha V Forged Tour Build - **UPDATED**
Can't wait for your review! Hope you can add a comparison of profiles between the Bangvoos and the Crazy CB-02s when you get to hit them.
Gold's Factory Private Stock #2
That came out really good! Love the finish on it!! What's it called?
epon zen
Let me know how it goes. I need to go the other way... Flatter
epon zen
Thanks J! If I remember correctly, my GF took a .370. That's why I'm a little unsure of what shaft to order. IMO, Epon should have used the same grip they had on the i33. Now, I need to find one if I can... Unlike you, I'm on the other side of the spectrum with rest of the vertically challenged. :) I need to chop it down at least an inch. I'm thinking of going the Nippon Heavy Putter Shaft route again.
epon zen
Everything's up in the air for now but, it sounds like a plan if I do.
epon zen
Has anyone reshafted theirs? Hosel size? Don't feel like dismantling it yet to find out.
epon zen
Finally peeled off the plastic on mine... It's definitely a work of art! Lovely indeed!! Only wish that the headcover was the same. I took off the Velcro on mine so that it doesn't have the chance to scratch the putter.