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Everything posted by plus1

  1. unengraved does look pretty cool, though imagine getting it lasered like the shinoboo putter!!!! ooo im dreamin now! :love:
  2. ooo matt your such a tease! hope xraes gets his as quick! Gold painfill should be claccy! ya got style my man! cant wait to see pics and hear your opinion!
  3. Guys any pics of these new shafts???
  4. the neo blade looks like a lot of fun...but this looks serious! i mean lets get down to business.... Chris do you know anywhere that can do laser engraving?as over here in ire there definately isnt! if you do know somewhere .....i want one of these :cool:
  5. ps what a pad! lucky boy!!!! :cool:
  6. that thing is MAD! :surprize: i know you said it was big chris...but its gigantic. we gota discuss this......i definately have to try something this crazy
  7. awesome info guys......always a step ahead! :cool: the new irons rock, not sure i like the polished chrome but the shape looks sweet! any idea chris or zodia if these have turbo rubber? also chris whats the beef on the new graphite Design shafts p-6. p-7, p-8???? first ive heard of them! i was going to try one of the new I-65 2 shafts but do ya think it would be worth the wait for this range?
  8. plus1 replied to BigEasy's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Chris has a pre sale listing for it in the catalog, due out on December 16th....... http://www.tourspecgolf.com/catalog/produc...products_id=725 Looks imense! :cool:
  9. :cool: chris can always come up with the goods!
  10. will u ship the gauge to the uk? and do u have any pics.... [email protected]
  11. we couldnt do that olly! or could we....lol :whistle: only messing! it seems strange that tm would release a club to the european market and not the us! however, if anyone was desperate for one we could ship it over to you....but be warned, prices over here are a lot higher than in us!!!! i recommend asking tourspecgolfer....as he will be able to get them for much cheaper!!!!!!!!!! :cool:
  12. yeah i heard from my clubmaker about the ozik hybrid..... i hit the ozik jr last week, and though it was nice , however nothing special! well at least not special enough to justify the price! who knows what price they will stick on the ozick hybrid if it is released!!! :surprize:
  13. glad to hear you pulled the trigger xraes! chris is very helpful and clears up any doubts you may have had! cant wait to hear the details and see the pics! hope you went crazy and got a truely unique set... :laugh: :cool:
  14. looks really nice! loving the gring on here.....maybe slightly wide though! sure does stand out wit that huge X lol! :confused: :cool:
  15. josh any interest in trade....my axiv 6564 for your 671te pull? :cool:
  16. plus1 replied to taipanli's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Post was made about this wedges not too long ago........hope this helps any questions http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...&highlight=gas2 im thinking of ordering one of each, but they will have a very hard time throwing the gas1 forgeds outa my bag!
  17. pm sent!!!!!!!!
  18. plus1 replied to yingyong's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    Here is the link to the post tourspecgolf made on the works driver..... http://www.tourspecgolf.com/modules.php?na...highlight=works R7 on steroids!!!! :confused: :surprize: :cool:
  19. Plain and simple...JAPAN has style!!!!!! :cool:
  20. plus1 replied to acrazygolfer's post in a topic in Japanese Golf Clubs
    shaft actually sounds awesome....real good specs...maybe a bit heavy...but she should fly straight! take her out and she what the flight, distance etc is like and let us know!
  21. i guess not to all models then. and the shop does the work. there's several authorized by gauge and they have all the stampings and materials. i know you can do the forged L for sure. wanted one a while back but the work is quite expensive. it was pretty much raw to start with. gauge online shop does some limited mods. i'm sure chris can probably hook it up for you since you are pretty much tsg's #1 gauge ho :fever: :laugh: :cool: lol :love: Gauge have actually stopped customizing putters so im well annoyed! :wah: If they ever decide to do a one of....or even a version that i could add stuff to like tungsten etc....id be first in line! :cool: right now what i would REALLY like is a forged L with the 3rtnc face, tungsten ignots, one sightline....all in the same finish as the one!
  22. homez proof is always in the pudding....if they work for ya stick to them!!! :cool:
  23. totally agree with taip.....go mizzy wedges, they can do total custom grinds etc too and it should match your set perfect!!!!! gauge is the only way forward!!! :love:
  24. thats what i say to bud! its fun!!!! adidas bags are the daddys.....min is being shipped as we speak!
  25. Dark red sounds groovy as does the black balde ....cant wait to some some pics! :cool: As for the gauge irons.....someone better jump on these as once they go...they are gone!