Everything posted by taibo
The copper af tour is the bomb! Anyone has a set for sell? This TM/crazy combo is stupid long! Congrats.
TSG End of Summer Sale!
PM sent on Bettinardi
Yururi KM-107 Irons Price Drop $old sets move these today!
Yes they are
- Trc sold
Trc sold
Final price drop!
Sold thanks Tsg and Tai
Ha ha...consider it done deal! Ship it to me. Thanks again
Sold thanks Tsg and Tai
Great driver..temping but I got way too many drivers! Really temping
- NS prototype shafts... the skinny
- NS prototype shafts... the skinny
SOLD...thanks tai and tsg
RB, where do you get all these things?
SOLD...thanks tai and tsg
Wonder how the copper heads look on them?
SOLD...thanks tai and tsg
I will take them
- Golds Factory Newport
wow...can't get better than this. GLWS
Bettinardi Putter
What's weight? Got pics for back & sole?
Bettinardi Putter
What's weight? Got pics for back & sole?
Yururi KM-107 Irons Price Drop $old sets move these today!
Yururi KM-107 Irons Price Drop $old sets move these today!
You have a nice epon 101! Trade? Haha. Rich n Jeff might be able to help with this. Rich plays vg3.
Yururi KM-107 Irons Price Drop $old sets move these today!
Last Price Drop $750
Thanks tsg
Wow..nice set! I wish I have a set of irons for them! Glws
WTB RC TRC 5 wood
Any body? Please!
- "SOLD" Yamaha 2012 V Forged Tour
- "SOLD" Yamaha 2012 V Forged Tour
- "SOLD" Yamaha 2012 V Forged Tour
Freebie shafts
Thanks Ed. Did you get those clubs?