Everything posted by taibo
SOLD . Thanks Tsg
That's cool. If you change your mind, let me know
SOLD . Thanks Tsg
Spoon..I just wanted the 3 wood shaft..
SOLD . Thanks Tsg
Eyes full of tears! I was so close
SOLD . Thanks Tsg
Stew, you are the man with great heart. Much appreciated! Spoon IM sent.
SOLD . Thanks Tsg
Mr supo67 let me have a crack at the 3w shaft. Please please
SOLD . Thanks Tsg
On step too late...I too wanted that 3w shaft!
Epon AF-101 with Tour AD-Di6s - SOLD
Have you been to one of those risti gathering? try to make it on the one from HK around christmas....
- WTB crazy 460 head
C, can you be more details?
Have you hit a High COR Driver? :?
I am temping the rays hi cor..never hit one. Any input would be great!
Stew, more spec for BB6 would be great. can't seem to find info on it.
WTB Diamana prototype stinger 60 stuff
This is a long shoot. If you have one available, please let me. Thanks
$SOLD - Chikara Design Cavity Back Yu-GA CB-1 forged 3-PW with KBS stiff
Wow.. Pretty nice! GLWS
Sold! please close.
Do you know what is the CPM for this shaft?
kamui 456 driver HEAD +
me too! I am waiting for that 60ish grams stinger.
kamui 456 driver HEAD +
flex, weight and length
kamui 456 driver HEAD +
Nice driver. What shaft do you have with it?
Crazy 435I or 435II
I have one 9.5 v spec with bangvoo shaft.
WTB: Graphite Design Tour AD DI Hybrid shaft
I would like to two if you have them in 65grams stiff. Thanks
- close
- Wtb QFE proto
2011 Royal Collection TRC 20* Hybrid--SOLD
If this club has the tour ad shaft, I would be over all it.
Calling all Egg Spoon Users (new version)
My buddy was standing close by and he heard it. it's kindna cool..don't you think. How is that club treating you?