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  1. What most people feel in difference is not so much the difference in forged or cast but the difference in metals. Stainless is very rarely if ever forged, if it is you are talking 303 or 304, which are both on the soft side for stainless on the Rockwell Hardness Scale. Cast is normally 431, 17-4 which are much much harder than 303 or 304 on the Rockwell hardness scale.. Forging was initially much more consistent than casting which is why all of the pros played them. Now casting has gotten much better and is more consistent than it used to be, it is also easier to make exotic design with casting than forging. If you forged a set of 8620 steel irons and cast a set of 8620 irons with the same weight, design, shafts, grips, SW's etc, NO ONE could tell the difference. Not a person on the planet would EVER be able to consistently tell the difference. A machine could tell based on grain structure and many other things but the difference is discernable to 99.9% of humans.