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Everything posted by supo

  1. hahahah classic...... buy high...... sell loooooooooooow.... we all know this feeling
  2. hahaha.. join the queue on those im afraid....!
  3. supo


    pm me i got a spare set i dont neeed
  4. nah. ive given up on these completlety. ill buy some feathers and a carobn tip and shoot the things into space
  5. both to go for $5oo. SHIPPED.... that the pair shipped 500 bucks if they dont sell im gonna make arrows out of them bec its poinltess. not a bad for $1500 worth of carbon right......... 620 and 870 new the pair 500
  6. yes......... to me.............. ill have that puppy please head only if i may. to japan please. pm sent
  7. thast def bec of the shafts the new (from 2012) milling makes these softer FOR SURE.
  8. im reshafting mine. NS oras.. the original. and os far. the best combo
  9. well they kinda reminded me of a control version of new kinda redesign of the 2008 ... they were scarily easy to hit straight and high but they wernt easy to work side to side i found. damn good to hit the milling on the face is better than everything in the market
  10. the 435 jbeam.... ususally is automatic with the stinger in it , ive nothing better. cpl of equals ,but this is in first grade. the 425 tour in summer is my best driver. with the shingo spec roddio, that is only for summer tho. or i find it too stiff , like the 435 diamana x... in winter i cant get generate the head speed i need to make them sing . funny how the shape of a head amkes the same shaft completely differnt. i dont like the s-yard shape but i can discount the results im getting simpl as that. i do like the matt finish tho.
  11. that look beter already. i think odyssey needs to put more swirls and swooshes and exclamation marks. not enough on them really.
  12. youve got a set... ur not playing them???
  13. dynamic gold s200 ?? they are the exactly the same as s300 , but lighter. they are in all japanese clubs as the stock shaft
  14. i thought ud hit the aerotechs lower for sure.
  15. exactly!!!!!!! thats the issue i have with my putters now. im building a putter rack soon so at least i can use them as eye candy..........!
  16. yea. i like that shape putter. used my yamada razor and epon zen on sat. 9 each plsu 20 mins each on practice green when u have a smooth stroke going this shape hits em dead eye. distacne control is awsome.
  17. wow. love it ,, is that damascus??
  18. theres a new onew ijust seen advertised on telly here the rocketballabladezz pocket.. a club with a sound line in it , that dustin johnson was hitting the 7 iron someithing like 890 yards. someone please turn off the taylor made rubbish claiming marketing machine . i hate this company with a passion. golfing spam. seriosuly..
  19. didnt play these this week, played the areotechs 110x with tourtsage cavity 701 instead. that was a different feel. the 110 weight was fine, maybe stil la smidge light. but it was pretty cold and windy here. so i wa kinda happy not having to excert myself inot every shot too much . they played really well. but no feel ,they are totally mute. but, ,they were suprememly good perfortmance very differnt style to these 2 g18s i was surprised by how much there is a the feel differnce, cudnt get the flex point sussed in the aerotechs i much prefer the 2g18s to the aerotechs . but i gotta say i hardly hit a bad shot with them. cant wait to play the 2gs agn this weekend .
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