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Everything posted by supo

  1. the most forging was the 435 . hardly missed a shot with it yesterday i nthe game . had the beautiful power fade going on all day and i was back to 40 yards ahead of the baron . kiled him yesterday! the kp-x isnt that weird , its just round compact with a humongoues head. and a slightly uncoventional shape to the base. i swapped the weights around all morning sat at the range , to get the best mix and i donged it massively, iwanted to game it yesterday but hte morning was blowing a cyclone in chiba so it was a good idea to take the 435 out. by the afternoon tho i the k-px would have been priceless. th GD p9003x is WAY STRONGER shaft than the crazy 50 ls 8.2 WAY STRONGER. 2 more drivers that wont be touched ever the 435--cb50 8.2 and kp-x--gd9003x the kamui head is easier to hit i think with a softer shaft. if u dont murder the ball wit hthe P9 the it just blocks right. i will say this the epon zero is SO FAR AHEAD in feel of EVERY other driver that ever been made to hit therei s nothing that is anywhere near this thing nothing, nothing in golf., basebal ,cricket, hockey, polo ,tennis. unerwtaer lacross u name it this is the best thing to hit a ball with in every sport. just amazing how they made this so good i
  2. just in case anoynes interetested in distance............ the jbeam 435 -crazy 50 ls 9.5* epon zero- diamana X kamui pro kp-x-- gd p9003x on the 18th match conds 3 drives with each the epon was last byt 10-15 yards the 435 was 2nd the k-px won with a toe shot by 3 yards which WOULD have been longer but i didnt get it out the centre like the othertwo. enough said for me folk, its long . im very imperssed now.
  3. FINALLY got the labo spec shafte with dgs200 but so wa the vokey so good face off test! the onoff is heavy with a humongous sole and RAZOR thin base. this thing slices under balls like nothing else. the ball just pops straight up and spins likebalzes. its awsome,but it heavy. the vokey feels nice. the grind is great its really versatile its magic out of the sand, and its great out of thin lies. spin was very good , i decided to game the vokey today. bec it was thin. good choice. both of these are ver ygood wedges, i prefer the look of the onoff, but it will be hard to gte the vokey ot of the bag..... so i went in agn and got the 62 this arvo. just in case...>!!
  4. lovethem best non top end fw there is tip away makes them better and lower and actualyl feel better i lovethem!
  5. played to 44.5 inch ni tipping . great nick . i think its a littel bit softer than X its certianly NOTHING near as stiff as my other x shafts. id put it -xs to hard s in reality the feels is butter soft, its got a wicked kick and the graphics are sensational. tip is perfect. its only 4 months old wasnt what i was after it suits guys that swing slow smooth and steady. distance with it was terrific. heres the TSG blurb on it http://www.tourspecg...ma-Driver-Shaft EMS paypal $350
  6. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm T for me????
  7. the on off van guys are 1km from my house so i can easily get it done 194 g square 460 i think
  8. the expansion of clubs rotating in the bag has reached fever pitch, as this time of the year is perfect for golf. just before the rainy season and before it gets stoooopidly hot. i game a differnt set every week right now . with the main focus being on thin soled blades and low bounce wedges i can pick clean, as the grass still isnt in top cond. the fairways play ...well i wont say thin... bit the grass is tough and short still. after the end of june it gets really fluffy and thick. thats when the whole bag re shapes. righ now i can still play drivers with roll... the ryoma-shingo spec the kamui pro kp-x 9.5*--GD bb or the yonex nextage--GD p9003x. the irons have been all t he srixon pro -100s the miura 5002. the yonex ezones MB and the miura cb 3002 the tourstage 905s al these have very thin soles and are great for clipping clean the ball like wise the yonex ezone wedges very thin all round wedges very finicky. very good for tight lies, these have been performing very well. my fairway woods are now a closed subject. yamaha v17 v14 wit hthe stinger shafts and the reserves are the 2007 yamah tours with roddio proto tour issue . (theres a distinct yamaha bias here i know but i just hit them so damn well i can t be assed changing) in the summer tho.. ill be swapping over to the yamaha tours irons and the epon af-tours... almost exclusively.. both of which have much thicker soles the wedges will be the TS marus they have really fat soles, i dont think these are ideal off thin lies that for sure but in the lushness of green season, these things ROCK! the drivers in summer i want longer carry ,massive huge soaring bombs, enola gay stuff. theres NO wind its 90% humid and 37* its fricken horrible to play in but the ball just goes a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge distance. the drivers will be the yamaha tour --crazy cb50 8.2... and the kamui pro kp-x 10.5 with what ever works best in it. and on non comp days ht e epon 101-- crazy boron will get the nod. that thing is really quite a good driver. iused it i nthe tourny a few weeends ago and hit it well. dont know whay i dont play her more really ??????????????????? the putters ive gone back to the axis of eagle! the matsumoto mz-07 and the yamada razor. al lthe rest been binned. photos of the updated weaponry to come this weekend. at the rangetomorrow so ill take e the good nikon camera out and get some great outdoor shots of a few of my wears.... and a few of the range i get to use which is just well.. its magnicicent oh as long as it dont poor with rain!
  9. yea ive used bot hof these the tours ae longer more rectangle the seida are rounded more pear, but not really pear. iliked both of these but found the tours a bit more straight shooting i think the seidas are more all rounder. it depends on yr like of shape, ebc they aint anything a like really i hit the tours better
  10. ok heres what im going to do.. send one or tow off to golds and a cpl to to torey rat. heres the looks in going for............ from what they are now ish.., the ibushi should come up a treatliek the scotty for msasaya-san, the quality oif the ibushi is worth the price to get it refurbed, it wil lDEF be a one off and a keeper. the torey rat aquamarine finish i love the look of and the bland finish of the mz-07 shud get a real lift. the mz is s25c with coipper plating finish. its a beautiful feel but its nto really that greta looking. thoughts?????
  11. i pulled mine on wed in favour of the BB7 s will post if for sale in bst this weekend. agree with you on all fronts.. the 70x suits a slightyl softer swinger.
  12. yep its 194 gram as to 198g u can get heavier weigths , id suggest u ask for them to get the punchier feel
  13. hahahah i know what u mean.. im just struggling with the back. do i NEED these????
  14. this week im playing social custy golf on sat and sunday so ill need 4 drivers to quench my insatiable thirst! ........... the whole range of kamui pro with various shafts. the one i wont change is the 10.5*--GD p9003x i just put a bit more weight i n this to get the head heavier so i can feel it the whole swing. it will take some distance off it but i dont think that really matters. im thinking ill hit most fws with this baby as long as i swing ok,,,, and it aint as high as u would think, with the 10.5* head u can tee this lower and get a much more piericing flight. im expecting great things. the 9.5* basiliues shafted 70x is coming out and getting SOLD and the GD b70s is going in to play 45 inch. this head easily handles high launching shafts bec the damn thing is so damn low! this will be a good test to see the p9003x agst the bb7s. im thinking ill get much better distance with the bb but give up a bit of accuracy . dont matter im palying on a runway on sat. so i can clobber away....! the kamui pro 10.5 with crazy 80 ls noir 8.2 @ 44.75 inch............... gulp. i had a small taste o this last weekend at the range. just a beautiful feel to it , but it needs more oomph i n the head heavier weights. but im woried the extra stinness coupled with the heavier head, (not too bad ill just bump the weight to 198) might be a hurdle too far. this shaft cpms at..........................303. but thats neither here nor there really. tis a top stick. the extra weight might bring the flight down a touch. last week its was too high. bit lower and roberts ya fathers brother. the last driver ill bag is the ryoma-shingo spec again. i gotta get that wired. it defeated me last weekend so cant let it run wild with my other drivers, it will talk to them! they will isten ! there will be a stampeed! gotta break that horse in! well see... looking fwd to it .
  15. forgot abt these as well... ok one time out they go. these wil make brilliant backups at worst! $350....! and well split the shipping prob 40 each someting like that....
  16. gawd totally forgot about these.... stil l got the 24* to go someone gotta love this baby its one of a kind. here you got il ldrop price to stop me looking at it.., $275.. shipped ths shaft is worth more than this chaps!
  17. mines 44.5 and its fine . no probs at all i have re weighted it with heavier weights to get the punch ilike . it will make my head speed slower. but thast the feel i enjoy. like to feel the head full swing ive learned that heaveir heads = a nicer feeling shot. i dont like light heads at all , heavier ones keeps my tempo slow and rythmic. 198 is the limit on weight ill go to now. everyting is over 2021 that im building i think i get much better results. loss of disatnce, if at all(?) i cant see any . im using it on the weekend il let u know
  18. wel i just bought the 62* ill see how it goes sunday
  19. jeff.................... u playing af tours now????? another guy on here is gettign a set of the missies not i.
  20. now they make them all white. lightning bolts next. cant wait......,
  21. prob a wee bit softer than i like to play. and i didnt get on with the attas range.i had the t2 and it wasnt my kinda cuppa tea. cheers. but keep em coming.
  22. the 8wa i put in my adams 19* utility and its fantaistic! used it on sunday get the ball well over the 220 mark with it not a problemo, if u get tired of that shaft then i suggest u cut it for a fw wood , the results are great. the w range are a bit on the high side, most guys thought they were too high the new ones not so. my mate games the s50s get a ton of carry and great head speed the s6 in a yamaha i can imagine will be pretty low . in fact very low esp if u have 9* , in a 10* head hmmmm thats something id do . if
  23. tried the attas t2 red in 6s. that was a low low spin very low launching shaft. didnt think it was in the same class as its similar priced contemporaries. but i tel lyou what if its a piecing flight u want this one was very good at it. not sure what it was that i didnt like but i just thought it lacked a little finesse. the BB is hte same price and its a much nicer to play shaft only used the old rombax 6vo range, i LOVED that shaft.
  24. ok. ive hit almsot everyhting there is thats very top end JDM. ive learned theres no , good- better best- over all no 1 . theres more what is best sutied to a particualr head. than a clear winner . i m lucky as i have THE best clubbuilder this side of the pond 1 km from my house. my old guy was good.. the new guy is REDICULOUS for his ability to build a club to such precise details, he wont do some of them bec in his eyes they are imperfect for me. that my firends u cant pay enough for...! so u shud see his face when i bring in 20 drivers and say .. tired of these what do u think , what goes where ? he always says which one is yr "favourite" and which one do u hit best in both heads and shafts i always state the diamana stinger is my "gold standard" everything gets judged against this and head wise i use the yamaha tour . both these together make a hell of a club combo, but curiosity killing the cat , i have to swap everything out just to make sure. doing this ive actualyl found that these two together are NOT the best combo for me. but on another head/shaft then i cud die happily with just that combo ie.. stinger / ryoma------------or yamaha /crazy cb50 for example but what ive found individually is this the crazy shafts , each of them, play tighter and truer to the indicated flex than the rest. i guess thats why they are so damn expensive . the one i like to play the most is the cb50 . but the one i play the best is the ls noir. this is also the most incredible feeling shaft as well. its doenst feel like theres a weak point or flex point in it at all. (to be brutally honest with myself i shud prob just be using this shaft alone and forgo all others.and i shud be usung it in the ryoma!) the cb 50 sigma is the BRUTE of the bunch. this hting is humongous when i get th middle of any head with this shaft its the longest. but at 83 gram im still to find a perfect partner for it head wise. the ryoma struggeld , the yamaha faltered the crz 425 was too lofty.. im thinking the kamui pro kp-x 9.5* h head @ 198 gram and this will be a match made i n heaven , this is going to be my new weeks make for this wekeend. i know how good the GD p9003x is in it and this shaft is jsut a bit softer than the GD so, pretty sure this will be a beauty. the longest yard 01 was huge but hi ad to play it at 46 inch and i hated having 12 feet of overhang out the back of my hands. this is a really strong shaft made purel;y for distiance i found , its light . prob too mcuh for my liking hence why i havnt gone the roy dec route. the GD range ive never really gotten on with........................... till now i played the ev6 for while and found t hat balooned too much for my liking, it was really easy to play and a great hsft for a bit sorter swinger, my mate still playes it nad is deadly accurate, but it wasnt my style. the DI..... hmmmmmmmmmmm the di............. strong finicky and tempremental.. (gee wonder why somone BIG played it?) i found this to be a very good shaft if u hit the ball at smash factor 1.49+ if not.. the ball went everywhere, i guess thats why they wenth te eact opposite direction next yr with e DJ, thats gone too far control i think, dontthiink u get full vlauce for hsots distance wise, but oh boy the ball doesnt really deviate side ways one bit. if thats what u need, this thing is really quite good. the BB ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the BB the more i play htins shaft the better it gets. ive gamed it in 6s-6x-7s-7x and its a bloody good all rounder. im my opinion ithink this shaft is the best allrounder i have flight is nt high. low strong weak, fadey or snappy. its not huge nor short. and for the price, well..................... its a winner winner chicken dinner. they amke this in so many weights and flex it sutie every player out here, the graphics are beautiful just a lovely dakr sky blue and white rings. suits every head ive tried it in. ths is MY recomened shaft too all and sundry. theres better tighter ones like crazy, and ive hit them in the same head same day same tee ,and the crazy is better, but tis double the price so it would want to be! but if u havnt hit the crayzline then this is a beaut. the quadra line . the fex is a ledgend u can feel the extra glass in it immediatly and ur a happycamper. if u slice the ball id stay way from this but if u can ht draws all day then u prob dont want another shaft. incredibly wll priced for the quality u get.. its ESASILY the pound fo pound shaft at the price, but only if u dont slice! theres a reason shigeki maruyama gamed this out of the blue 4 years ago. at the ime it was the gold standard. the prototype they introduced a cpl of yrs later was lower and tighter i thought i gamed it im my epon102 and that was a match made in heaven, the best combo i n that head ive ever hit . didnt like it in a few others but i nthe epon whoa dragon! the nthe diamanas. so many so very very many...., the new X shaft si t he one thats caught my attention the most. the spin numbers with it at he tokyo show were eye opening .so much so i had to have the first one available. headed it with a kamui pro nad didnt miss a fairway. its now it hte epon zero and its controlling that beast like schumaker did the prancing horses once upon a time. the zero IS the ferrari of driver heads, make no mistake, its the ENZO of heads. i dont take this out unless im planning on doing a few laps at norburgring in the sunshine in no wind! if u get my drift. it had the crazy ls noir in it and oh my god.... this was peerless. i coundt handle it tho , the diamana deos a much betetr job of keeping the tyres on the tarmat! the boron gang the diamana stinger the original (and best? ) and the crazy two-three boron . diffent feel. high flight electric eel feel. not overly stiff but not soft . gives a ver yfalse sense of security bec it feels like its play s soft but it most cetianly doesnt! these were made for the pros in 2004 then redesigned STIFFER in 2009 for the lucky 1000 recipients at the price of small country in africa. but they out and out perform. for the doubters out there about its ability , well i was 100% confirmed of its legitimacy in march this yr when i lent a STIFF not an x to my buddy wh swings ESAILY over 125mph and he flew my 301 yard wind assisted happy gilmour drive with a baby miid flighted draw by 15 -20 yards??? ive never seen anything like this drive before nor do i exect to see it again. we marked out 335 yards with a nikon350 rangey .. yes the stinger IS THE REAL DEAL . (and in S ! ) the crazy boron is thinner with a bigger circumfrence that the stinger. and it think its a bit softer and easier to play. its half the cost as well. (weird that???) i have one in a epon 101 and it aint coming out anytime this century. perfect match. idint think this was possible but its even beter than the the quadra fex matching that head. juts beuattiful to play,. dont feel llike u have ti kill it, can just swing thru the ball , no real sideways movement with it , tis not a shaper, boron and shape just dont go together. swing ting down there!. the only other shaft range that gets no airtime no love and no sales is the roddio range. obv they dont do any valuable advertising, . i ahve as many ofthese as anything else. the new range are heavy stiff and thunpimng, the S range is quitefierce, the M range a lot easier ahd higher ,but incredibly tight. i acnt wait t osee what the new ones they are releasing end of this yr come out like. u can guarantee il be getting one. the mack daddy of them is the 2010 shingo spec m6 proto@ 280 cpm. i just putthis in my ryoma d1 last weekend and im breaking her in , sh was a bit bucking bronco i nthe match on sunday ,but the good swsing i hit were as good as anything i have hit. and as long. just need to choke down an inch to get the ball to turn over, bec this shaft u can make sing like kate bush can hit high notes. awsome driver this one .... think i mihgt have new ichi ban driver. ithink ...., this concludes my thoughts. adieu.
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