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Everything posted by supo

  1. there are times when one just cant resist the carrott. picked this up today, love the look of it smalls differnt to this yrs, but the same basic design shape. just a litttle differnt face shape at address. testing on range in 8 hrs piccys and report on it then. head to head with this yrs
  2. vmuch like the epon 101 in sound and feel actually
  3. the 450 is higher spin than the 435 and slightyl higher launching, (but thats realtive to other drivers bec. its not high at all.) i used the 450 agn a few weeks ago for 9 holes and got a low flight . not dissimilar to the kamui. def lower , a lot lower than the epon 101. i cant get a shot shape in my head with either driver. as ive said i suffer form this incurable mental disease , that i cant see a straight line , i need to see some kind of arc. hence dead straight holes of 400 yards freak me out! and thats why the 460cc heads in general and i arnt gettign on. (saying this the ryoma and i are getting along very nicely agn as of wed) the 450 gives the ball a decent thump make no mistake , i get very very good distance with this its got the crazy black 50 7.7 in it, so its no slouch, no sirrrreeeeee.
  4. i game the epon 101 stinger when i gotta play for big bucks and i need LOTS of distance. if i play my mates at narita which is 7200 yards, then i play the epon 9.5 without question i can hit this square more than anything else i have. and when i go after it thew distance i get is terrific. i just love the head shape. i find the shaping ability is the best aswell. i dont play this in oz as the j beam gets the nod most of the time there. the crz 450 isnt that hard to hit at all, its just low . not unforgiving, just super straight. its good ,ver y good i like it but something baout if . like the 456 kamui doesnt get me sqaure, with the epon, maruman , and jbeam 425 tour i dont have that prob any where near as much . the 450 is a straight hitters dream.
  5. that was my fav track in vegas, didnt play the uber -schlokken ones like shadow... but i payed it from the STONES. driver ute almost every hole! its huge. loved it!
  6. the closest crazy to the epon 101 if u like that shape is the 450 from george takei. its head shape is differnt from the jbeam models. more elongated, the face is more closely realted to the epon if u like that shape. the jbeams look very rounded square, totally differnt view and mental piccy at address. the 450 is super low spin low launch, tons and tone of roll as there aint much airrtime, micheal jordan this thing AINT! the 450 feels more tingy than the jbeams, ( which u might like, more ) . the jbeams are very very muted. its a humongous diffference in feel. all the crazy driver heads are pretty solid thumping things. u wil get tons of run, little ability to move it laterally , thye are point shoot in my book
  7. uthink the 420 is slightly more compact than the 456.? ill galdly order another one now is so, the 456 just isnt t my thing. i stil lthink its a brilliant peice of equipment esp if u like bigger heads. i cetianly have not hit anything thats longer in this shape. i just like more rounded shaped drivers. my perfect shape heads is the epon 101 and the maruman conductor lx deep those 2 shapes althought slightly differnt just suit me eye immediatly. i can see all types of shots that wont go straight , (which ironically is what i need to see to actually hit hte bloody thing staright!) even the ryoma doesnt really suit my eye. although the ball ends up in pretty darn good positions most of the time !
  8. aya yes spoon vs spoon driver vs driver
  9. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh now im onto something furhter to my USA vs JP. driver test adams 90154 -- GD DI 7x VS epon 101--diaman stinger 70s tht will happen this wekeend how about this...................... the tour edge exotics cb1 spoon VS yamaha v14 spoon i need to shaft that TEE with a kaili 70x , this week and the yamaha has a shingo spec roddio m6 @ 291 cpm. i love the TEE but its IMPOSSIBLE to hit off the deck. the yamaha is the best allrounder ive tried. but on a head to head??? that will go o nthis weekend as well. results monday long live the victor.
  10. put the crazy shaft in the crazy head.... heres a little lesson i leared the hard and expensve way...., crazy heads LOVE crazy shafts. so much so the others just dont cut the mustard. from my experiments..., the best shaft in the jbeam 435 is the longest yard 01 the best shaft in the crazy 460 is the sigma 50 the best shaft in the crazy 425 tour is the crazy 80 the best shaft in the cray 435 II is hte superlongest yard. there MUST be somehting to this as the other shafts ive tried are all super top enders.
  11. yea ie been umming qnd ahhhing over them for a while.a cpl of sets left my stable last cpl of weeks so i can afford a little luxury the shape of these in the neck is the thing that i like. smalls of set they look good.
  12. il have the clubs mate if they are still aorund they will work a treat at longy
  13. after trying all the shafts in this head, ive finally settled on one for sure. the noir 80, it was the first shaft i had in this, and i hit it superbly when i first made it. but thought i wasnt getting enough distance so i swapped it out. how wrong i was, i get a baby draw most shots which is most unusual for me. flight is low mid. lots of roll. and plenty of oomph to cut thru any wind. wont be touching this agn! its a great match.
  14. My gawd thats the best post ive ever read where on earth did u get all those miuras? Can i send u all my irons and do the same analysis for me so i know why i like what i like bugger it ur sherper is geting12 7 irons next week for analysis! Stunning review
  15. right my adams 9015d a4 head arrived last night shafting it with graphite design md 7x to play 44.5 d1 little shorter . little lighter . little more control for that heave ho head. should be a good test.
  16. finally surcomed to the lure of this head. been eyeing this off for such a long time, but having had so many other didnt really need to. quick discussions with T and the specs were set. deliverd this very quickly . first thoughts..... beautiful looking head. design is very eyecatching. nice colours, looks very well made, not too much glam, and most certianly NOT cheap and nasty. its kind of bigger than i was expecting. more elongated and sleek. its very much like the crazy 460, a trianlge back with a largeish face, frames the ball well ,give an impression of confidence to strike the ball off the centre. its face is not as large as the crazy but the over all "being " looks bigger, i dont think its as round as the crazy in the body. what to shaft it with, ? there were plenty of options, crazy 80 ls noir, crazy 50 sigma, stinger , proto, 787bangvoo, superlongest yard.. i went for the diamana proto 70 s to star t ,ebc t his hasbeen my fav shaft for the last cpl of yrs. ive hit these in everything andi the only thing it didnt "sing " n was the epon 102. no idea why, they just ddint dance well. (both thrying to lead perhaps?) anyway this went in it and sftraight to the game it went 324 gram x d.25 x 45inch spot on. cpl of balls at the range to start gave me a good indication of what was to follow. had the epon 101 stinger in the bag just in case, but decided to game the brand newy . as it was coming off pretty well at the range. so long course, open fairways plenty of room to boom. shouldnt miss too many here, i normally shoot pretty good scores at t his track and driving is really a breeze here, prob best palce to break in a new driver. think i hit 12 drivers and was driving HORRIBLY. so it was a good test to see how this goes. first its LOW. T said it was low, but i kinda thought it was going to be like that crazy 460, nosirrrrrrrrree.. not at all. low bulletts. i was slice- matron-ing all day , 9 hideous attempts at hitting a driver. and 3 dead centre screws and all interballistic missiles ! wow thsi thing is LONG. its really really long. i know htis track inside out and i know where i hit my drives. ive hit all my drivers o nthis course and the one i hit on 16 was significantly longer than anything ive ever hit there previolsly. i know that for sure beci carried the bunker which has never been done before. (birdie me up as well..!) the other 2 i got were similar all beit not as lethal. but definatl right up there over all. lovely flight low but not j-beam low ,not too dissimilar to the epon 102 truth be told, carried well nad the roll out was perfect. the miss**ts werent thta bad either , and i hit a lof of them lots of high toe shots, sliced a lot more than the ryoma but less than the epons ,ddint get killed just eneded up in the right rough all day, i was getting most frustrated, but that was a factor of my sore back rather than the club. the club is BIG...! the ones i got well were really impressive. i should definatly have gotten the 420. the 456 is too big a head for me. i like a slightly less over all cavity , but this is one heck of a driver head i, f u like the look of the crazy 460 then this is right up there with it , just a lower flight split these two??? no cant they are both sensational heads. i tink ill order the 420 instead ,bec i like this head immensly the feel is very much like the epon 101 but more punchy. more electric. its def longer i just need to bring the overall size down a smidge 3 thumbs up!
  17. T ur right. most defiantly. balls in trees only end up in one kind of birdie. ive hit the ryoma with all differnt weighted shafts . form 58 to 83 the distance king with the ryoma head was definatly the crazy sigma 50 . ,but boy oh boy was it heavy . built this brute to 337 gram to get it to d2 YIKES.! didnt last long had 3 weeks with it and had a tight back day one day and it killed me. lost a small fortune and far too much distance. the slightest off day in swing or my back or shooulder, any sort of "offness" the result was really poor. the over all best combo i think is either with the stinger, or pthe crazy noir, thats what ive gone back to, picking that up tonight. the noir80 i was scouring my unheaded shafts box last night , and i found my disgarded 787 bangvoo. i have a hunch these two could be a very good match. this will get done next week instead of the superlongest yard which is too light.
  18. ah totally differnt to the things i hit , my elbow still reocovering from the trauma . these look like somehting ive seen before here. trying to think what it is very similar, ithink its a tourstage or srixon from a few yrs ago like 02-03 ish ??
  19. yes they look closed at address, i flattend mine 1* and putthe ns 1150 tour x shafts in them, bal lskyrockets in the air and lands on a dime ,, they dont spin as much as the ns wv those this bring the ball screaming backwards. i like both. took ur advice got so em shimads in a my yamahs to test em out. yamaha made a veyr nice set a cpl of yrs back , but nothing liek the look of hte current stock these are all timers. tiny sole flat fat back, heaven both these are my current gamers. cant swee me changing for a long time.(whatever that is ..!)
  20. i found a classic yamaha tour from eons ago, not sure how old it is but its a wll. thye dont make em like htis anymore. i gotta get it give it a whirl . puts a new twsit on muscle back il post a photo of it.
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