Everything posted by supo
dropoped shipping gratzi. come get it , need some space!!!!!
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Heads sold can sellt he shafts if anyones interested.
Epon AK-24 Driver Announced
Now theres something that is usefull, this looks very pear shaped ftom this pict. Of sorts.
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2 ,3woods 2 utes for100 or swap fpr something. Wamt theseout!
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200 for it . the driver is part of an 800 buck head 2 yrs ago..........,
- xx
Sky Dream Jump Blades by Three luck!
kind of a buchi/honma cross look to my eye. don't mind these at all.
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- Sold. Thank you TSG
Crazy black F14 and F19
sorted. drop me a pm Im just pulling my f 19 this week.
225 for it all. surely.....,
Gotta Have it Contest Entry Thread - Enter Here
hahahahahhhahahaha........ pop this up as the best ever post on TSG. ill give u that wedge for that beauty!!!!
sold thanks
180 for the agrind wdegs???? these are 450 anywhere you can find them. fkkn snips fo the year..... insane these aint sold what thh fff..........................
Jbeam 535 Premium Black Driver!
oooh I do like the look of this new one..........finally........,
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Looking for high end x-stiff 60s gram driver shaft and 70s 3 wood shaft
got a few........ diamana B 60x. shingo roddio 60 x. diamama X 60s. labo tataki 60x. 3w shafts. prob a few il llok tonight but a few diamanas a cpl of roddios,
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- JDM start up set
kamui pro 07 users ...
Ash exactly.................... ok stinger based it is then.