Everything posted by Eca
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Anyone got a used proto 65S or SX?
Favorite driver in 2011 models
This should be interesting. My ryoma is still on the way :) so no votes yet from me :)
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
I do have it now on current gamer and was wondering if I transfer to the ryoma when it gets here. Of course after spending on the ryoma I have to wait a little bit before spending again lol.
Spoon's W-i-t-b for 2012 updated last page
Very sweet looking irons C. Oh & that's one expensive alignment stick hehe.
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Hmmm.. What to do lol!
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Thats great C, really helpful. I have a fairly high launch & no issue with spin. I managed to get those even with the devo 7 05. So it might be safe to say I might prefer mid-high kick point. I will give the standard a try 1st.
crazy 460 NEW 9.5* SQUARE
Surprised that despite the hardcore data and testing with the crazy 460/sigma that it didnt have an immediate results outdoors. I'm still gathering info around as to what is going to go into the ryoma. The Q FEx 65SX i got from you is starting to really fire but i like also what im hearing from C re proto.
crazy 460 NEW 9.5* SQUARE
Hey Stew, After seeing your drives on some videos, 65grammers are definitely way too light! Can you post another Driver battle featuring this, the ryoma and 102 specifically? Which combo would you take as an all rounder on an important comp?
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
C, please keep it coming :) I had my best driving round with the standard QfEx. Still wondering if this is the shaft to go into ryoma or go proto route. Which one of the two is stiffer? I thought I saw the standard being a couple cpm Stiffer in same specs? The 65sx standard is pretty good, will this equate to 65sx in proto?
Crazy CB46 Black
Thanks so much :)
Crazy CB46 Black
Hey T, thanks for that. Can you please point me to the blog? Also im going to post on the Crazy fitting thread to see which one i can save for to go on the ryoma head i just secured (on the way) Cheers E
Crazy CB46 Black
Hey gbs, thats great. Be positive and don't think its honeymoon period. You have the best comparison experience from the other crazy shaft. Keep the positive feel and swing away :)
Crazy CB46 Black
Hi Gbs, when u say failed, what do u mean? Like distance loss/ right bias etc? What's your ss & 7i carry distance? So with the latest change apart from feel, u see some distance & dispersion improvement? I'd be divorced if I have to go through that many crazy shafts to find the right one.
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Nice C, please post again after next round.
supo's bag--- 2011/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23........,
Far out Stew, thats one hell of a bag! So much great stuff coming out this year?
We always gotta try the best :) the premium brills are definitely interesting. You can never go wrong with the ProVs. The 2011 compression seem softer maybe to cater for the conforming irons. Covers seem more resilient but definitely less spin. I think their 2008 model was the craziest in spin.
Fitting for a new set
Strange the way fitting works. The big facility here in Homebush, in Sydney has a modern way of determining shaft length and so weird coz im 165cm but thick chested and actually got measured at +.5" 2.5* flat. In the old days using wrist to floor (83.5cm for me) its always shorter length. I got worried so i went +.25", met coach halfway lol.
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Funny you guys are mentioning this block which seem to be the common thing when you step on it with the standard Quadra. I miss it a full fairway when i do it lol. Anyone care to explain why? Mine is dead straight block when i try to go hard. Do you have to get more handsy?
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Give it a good run C :)
Quadra experts pls chime in, What to get FEX 65S OR FEX proto 65s
Can u guys explain the diff your experiencing between te proto & standard quadra?
Rain range balls &yonex 380bangvoo
Wow, very nice and honest review stew. I've always had the impression however that the 787 Bangvoo is plenty stiff compared to the premium version.
Great stuff Stew. Ditto with T's query. I have used the 2011 prov1x & they are long but spin definitely less of shirt clubs. Diesnt help when u use confirming irons I guess. Won quite a few boxes of Wilson FG Tour so I'm running that out before venturing into something else. Very nice balls too.
Miura forging
Yea Chris, spill the beans :)
Miura forging
Since frequenting here at TSG, I'm learning so much. I was one if those who only know the usmarket being in Sydney & all I knew back then was that when it comes to legendary forging then it's gotta be Miura :)
range finders...
Hmm I must have got lucky with mine..