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  1. Dude, go for T mb, saw one selling at Art of Golf Thaniya the other day. Real nice!
  2. Been gaming the personal/modus 3 for a couple of month now and found that it is significantly shorter than my other set of af tour/ cbi evo. Was wondering if any one have any experiences with the fujikura iron shaft, any feedback would be greatly appreciated thanks.
  3. I agree, eagerly waiting for a review of the new ryoma also. As for t.388, I truly believed that if u r a regular golfer, there should be very little problem gaming this head.
  4. I'm not a single handicap and find the t388 significantly less forgiving than the ryoma vspec. However it is also significantly more forgiving than any other smaller head I've tried (yonex, Jbeam 425, zero). I find that on average, base on track man data, my swing speed with the t.388 was higher when compare to the ryoma spec. This has result in greater distance and more penetrating flight when solidly struck.
  5. Those custom mizuno also looks very nice. If you want softness, doesn't get any softer than mizuno.
  6. Well, the main difference with the ryoma is probably workability. The t.388 has the workability of most sub 400 cc driver but with equal distance to ryoma.
  7. Hi all, my thoughts on the t.388 9.5/ diamana x 60 are as follows: Flight: very strong and low, similar to egg 7 in 7 degrees Forgiveness: definitely more than the zero, easier than Jbeam 425, but not as much to d1 v spec Average total Distance: same as my ryoma v spec Final thought: I love it
  8. Have to disagree with u here sir : ) I have had the opportunity to hit both the hogan apex and the personals and they are not the same beast. They look similar but play really different. At the end of the day, looks is only one part of the equation, I am willing to pay the asking price only if the gear perform. Like Chris said, u just have to try them : )
  9. Nice review, love the modus 3 : )
  10. Yes I do think u need faster ss and good ball striking skill to reap full benefit of the egg 7 in 7 deg similar to the epon zero. People with lower ss will not maximize their average distance with this driver. The ryoma v-spec 9.5, IMO, is much more forgiving and also significantly longer on average, maybe by about 15-20 yds. When deciding on a best fit driver, beside the launch angle, u want more avg distance and better control.
  11. Have to disagree on that. I find the egg 7 in 7 degree significantly more difficult to swing relative to egg 7 in 9 deg. The egg 7 in 7 deg for me is atleast on par with the zero in terms of forgiveness. Of all the drivers I've tried, I'll say the zero is one of the least forgiving. The most forgiving for me would be ryoma st. So if u can handle the zero, egg 7 in 7deg should be ok, otherwise the 9deg would be a better choice, IMO.
  12. With ur ss, I'm sure the egg 7 is a good fit. Beside the closed face, imo, the lie angle of this driver seems to promote a draw. The toe is significantly higher than other driver I've tried.
  13. Thought zero only have one loft? Anyway, Some local pro suggested that for the egg 7, I need to adjust the ball position more toward the heel of the club face. I find this a little bit easier to hit.
  14. yep tried both in 7 deg and 9 deg. The 7 is much more difficult, imo more difficult than the epon zero. My ss is around 100mph and I find the 9 deg much more suitable, very piercing but with some degree of forgiveness.
  15. Base on looks alone, I'll go with the new kamui ray fw : ) no feedback yet, still waiting for a review. As for the ryoma st, IMO, is very forgiving. However, I find that on average, I hit the v-spec further. Miss hit on the ryoma st don't go as far but solid one are longer. U should try the v-spec, it's already very forgiving and very long.