Everything posted by pk923
What Iron Shafts would you pick?
In Tom Wishon's book "The new search for the perfect golf club" he said this: "Stiffening up the tip half of the shaft would reduce its amount of forward bending before impact and from that, keep the ball flight a little lower."
Which blade to go for?
Was wondering how different each set of blade perform relative to each other. Is af tour really that much easier to play relative to other? I thought all blade are pretty much the same, u got to be a hell of a ball striker : )
shaft thoughts.....
Shaft guide for dummies, great info. Thanks!
Muziik Bangvoo Iron Shafts
Also really like to hear how they compare to the cbi evo.
Basileus fiamma shaft
Gee, thanks for keeping it real C
baldo prototype fw vs kamui works custom fw (which to choose)
Base on looks alone and my past experience hitting the ray driver, kamui win hands down. Still waiting to see the price : )
New Ryoma Special Tuning Driver
I think my blood pressure is increasing while reading this! 100mph!
New Ryoma Special Tuning Driver
45 mps ? Does this equal 100mph? T told me that the limit was 105mph lol
New Ryoma Special Tuning Driver
Ryoma van!!!
epon zen
Those ryu-zen putter are really nice though : )
- royal decoration
Crazy cbi evolution, anyone try these?
Really? Got to email T now thanks : )
Crazy cbi evolution, anyone try these?
The gd is actually my first attempt at graphite iron shaft. Prior to this change, I was using ns pro 750. I'm glad I made the switch, especially with feel/timing. My club builder made the short iron at d5, long and mid iron settle at d3. I use r flex and also soft step, maybe like a senior flex : ) at first i thought this set up might balloon a little but turns out wonderful esp with my super forgiving af 702. Pls note that my driver ss is 100-103 mph. My club fitter says it has to do with transition at the top and swing type. What ever the technical side is, graphite shaft just work for me. However, prior to the change, most people I talk to highly disagree. Their main reasons mostly relate to feel and accuracy. As for the evos,I heard its much lower than steel. If its more penetrating than steel but more forgiving, I would eventually have to get some : ) Maybe cbi-01, 02 is too heavy for me.
epon zen
Haa ha : ) nothing is cheap here.
epon zen
Yeah, may as well go with gf
all titanium is shaped in china.. what does this mean
I think it's a matter of marketing. Quality of mass produced goods surely differ from custom made products. I'm sure that if the Chinese manufacturers were to go with the other route, they could produce equally amazing equipments. Unfortunately, this is not the strategy chosen by major US brand. Beside, u have to be quite obsessive to detail to create this driver with monocoque body that boast 0.33mm thin wall don't u think? : )
epon zen
Yep, tried it. Looks good, like a piece of art. Feel good also, real quiet type, no Funny sound at impact. Unfortunately, I find it a little difficult with the alignment.
epon zen
Well actually 30,000 baht so a little less, about 942USD
epon zen
They sell for one grand in Bangkok epon
Crazy cbi evolution, anyone try these?
Have always wanted a set of blade...actually player cavity will do, just can't hit them : ) migrate away from these things many years ago. Got a chance to try the yammy tour couple of weeks ago. Miss many, got a couple of good shots also. Wondering if premium graphite shaft could make this set easier to handle? But judging from ur setup and ur comment on the evos, these shaft must be real stiff. Xxx lol
- royal decoration
- royal decoration
Crazy cbi evolution, anyone try these?
Lately been having quite a success migrating from steel to graphite. Currently gaming gd tour ad iron shaft. Some obvious changes for me include 1. Distance: by a margin of one club 2. Forgiveness: really suit my slow transition and smooth tempo 3. Accuracy: not that much different from steel, imho. Any one else find success with graphite, especially the cbi evo? Please share ur experiences, many thanks.
New Ryoma Special Tuning Driver
What if all of them have been taking my beer and chips for so loong with their non conform driver? : )
New Ryoma Special Tuning Driver
"A brick at the end of a shaft" doesn't sound very pleasing. I order the same spec but my is 10.5 loft and sx. How do u like the shaft Craig?